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Hello there, Lately I remembered about SWG,and remembered that there was a system,in which you start as neutral,and can choose to be or an Imperial, or a Rebel.. and I think it'd be nice to start SWTOR as neutral on some planet, like Tython,then be able to switch to empire if you like to,and most important to have recruiters on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, so people could just leave one faction,and join the other one...You don't have to change all the game,and can leave those who play on Pub or Imp sides to their factions,but with ability to change sides.That'd be realy great,sorry for long post and my bad grammar (if it is so). Edited by Aramich
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SWG and SWTOR are two different games, one is a sandbox game where you make your own fun by doing whatever the hell you want with alot of freedom to use the world around you to entertain yourself. It was a pretty lose system where players had more control over which side they wanted to be on and could change it on a whim. But Swtor is different. TOR is a themepark MMO, which is an on rails story in which you make choices to slightly alter the path you take, you run through set content and complete it, it is usually better than player made content but it doesn't have the same freedom. So SWG's way of doing things simply wouldn't work with TORs current structure, especially with al lthe classes having different voices, the sudden change wouldnt work at all and completely re making the voice acting for the other faction would not work or be worth the trouble.
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SWG and SWTOR are two different games, one is a sandbox game where you make your own fun by doing whatever the hell you want with alot of freedom to use the world around you to entertain yourself. It was a pretty lose system where players had more control over which side they wanted to be on and could change it on a whim. But Swtor is different. TOR is a themepark MMO, which is an on rails story in which you make choices to slightly alter the path you take, you run through set content and complete it, it is usually better than player made content but it doesn't have the same freedom. So SWG's way of doing things simply wouldn't work with TORs current structure, especially with al lthe classes having different voices, the sudden change wouldnt work at all and completely re making the voice acting for the other faction would not work or be worth the trouble.


So there is this thing, if I remember correctly SWG got changet for A to Z in the NGE update,they made it happen,so why can't such a powerful company like Bioware, sponsored (if I'm not mistaken) by EA make it happen?

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So there is this thing, if I remember correctly SWG got changet for A to Z in the NGE update,they made it happen,so why can't such a powerful company like Bioware, sponsored (if I'm not mistaken) by EA make it happen?


Because SWG was an open world non-story based sandbox game.


SWTOR is a theme park story based game. Each class is mirrored for each faction and has their own story and own companions.


The two could not be any more polar opposite type game play.


light/dark game play does not make you a imp/rep automatically I can be a light sided sith or a dark sided jedi.


There are 3 things set in stone.


FACTION, CLASS, GENDER those will NEVER change once chosen. They are tied too closely with the story to allow changes based on the whims of players.

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Hello there, Lately I remembered about SWG,


I just stopped reading there, anyone who can't tell that swtor is a very different game made by a different company in a different time period and different set up should honestly stop compairing apples and oranges

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So there is this thing, if I remember correctly SWG got changet for A to Z in the NGE update,they made it happen,so why can't such a powerful company like Bioware, sponsored (if I'm not mistaken) by EA make it happen?


Because this game is NOT SWG.



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