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Hey devs, give us a Type 3 Cartel Strike.


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The type 3 strike isn't just a fan favorite because the Clarion is the most X-Wing like, it's generally an excellent ship that is good for support and very defensive.


It would be nice to be able to have another on the bar at the same time, though that's not the bigger concern. The bigger concern is that this is an MMO and players need something to gnaw on, even if it is just cosmetic, and GSF could use some more of that. I mean, the cartel ships are guaranteed not to be unbalancing, and are kind of like printing money, while also giving players cool stuff to do. So lets see them more often than like, never ever, please!



And so the thread doesn't get hijacked: yes, there's some open bugs (sab probe), some strange things (EMP field / ion missile nerf) and obviously everyone wants new ships, weapons, etc. There are other threads about those things, and there are ESPECIALLY other threads for cross server GSF.

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Support times 1000.


Love my imperium, and would love to have two versions of it on my hangar bar. And as for what model you could use for the CM variant; I'm personally a fan of the banana boat, I think it would make an awesome T3 strike.


I also completely agree on the fact that we need more to "gnaw on." Without new things to work towards, be they rewards or ships, the only thing that keeps me flying on a regular basis is spending time with my guild mates and friends.

Edited by Caernos
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Yes, it would be nice to have another T3 Strike available just because there are so many viable build options available, and I'm sure a new cosmetic option would be popular, especially on Imp Side.


But... I play GSF almost exclusively Pub side, and I don't know if I'd ever be able to choose another T3 over the Clarion, just because the Clarion is so unbelievably ****** :p

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I'd love the idea of another T3, but I think I'd be really picky about the look since it would have to look really sweet to choose over my beloved Clarion.


Personally I'd prefer something that looks like a purpose built starfighter unlike some of the CM variants that look like repurposed freighters or shuttles. Since they've already made the Clarion a hybrid X-Wing and ARC-170 I'd suggest something that is modeled on the E-Wing, Utopaun P-38 (because I like the real world P-38 that design was based on), TIE Defender (so Imperials finally have a legitimately cool striker design), or Skipray Blastboat. Any of those established Star Wars ships would make for a pretty cool design to base a new T3 striker CM model on.

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