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Looking for a really high quality republic pvp guild


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I am a swtor player since launch. I took a 9 month break to play dota 2 for a while. I have been back for about 2-3 months on my scoundrel and I have not seen any pvp guilds on the republic side that really fit the bill talent wise. It seems they are on the imperial side. For a player that does not want to go to the imperial side do you guys recommend I transfer to a server with a better republic pvp base? Kinda stuck here maybe there is a guild out there I have not seen yet. I have not done any group ranked on the server yet so there definitely could be a guild I have not heard of yet. I look forward to any responses and hope for some helpful insight- Republic player Primos
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Ksenia summed it up pretty much. To add, if you have any interest in ranked 4s, last season was us (Postmortem), LD-Fifty and Knights of Havoc (not counting the occasional PuG team or the Holocron win trade bullsh*t). Even then, KoH's frequency diminished so it was just PM vs LD more towards the end. That being said, season 3 isn't looking too promising but perhaps some guilds will have interest when the time comes.


Good luck on your search.

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Cool people and they have a handful of good players... But way more bad ones than a serious pvp guild should tolerate


Yet you throw WAI into a list of PVP guilds? Let's be honest, Res Nova is currently the best pvp guild pub side. It has a lot of Post Mortem players alts and we continue to pick up solid players. Knights of Havoc is the only other guild that can run a somewhat competitive 4s team on pub side from what I have seen, although I encourage anyone to put a team together and prove me wrong.

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Yet you throw WAI into a list of PVP guilds? Let's be honest, Res Nova is currently the best pvp guild pub side. It has a lot of Post Mortem players alts and we continue to pick up solid players. Knights of Havoc is the only other guild that can run a somewhat competitive 4s team on pub side from what I have seen, although I encourage anyone to put a team together and prove me wrong.


There are PM players in WAI also, so that's a pretty moot point... We aren't all awesome players in WAI but I don think there's any question we have better quality overall than Stim addicts.


And for some reason you acting like I didn't specifically name Res Nova as a high quality pvp guild.:rak_02:

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No Oprah Combat Medic says we're "shi tters" ( where did the use of that term come from its so *********** annoying to me) so take Res Nova off that list. Whatever Combat Medic says is 10000% true because he's GOD of Swtor. I mean he one hit KOs you with every annihilate. When hes healing, he keeps everyone on the map at 100% health at all times. When anyone tries to get near combat medic, they are hit with 95% slow cause of his Amazingness Aura. Ladies and Gentlemen, The man, the myth, the legend Combat Medic. Revered by many, feared by most. Edited by Panic_Prone
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There are PM players in WAI also, so that's a pretty moot point... We aren't all awesome players in WAI but I don think there's any question we have better quality overall than Stim addicts.


And for some reason you acting like I didn't specifically name Res Nova as a high quality pvp guild.:rak_02:


I bet you feel in league with Love, Prez and Khandiac, huh? :cool: Their reasons for being in WAI are their own, but it's not indicative of any guild affiliation. Perhaps that isn't your point, but I wanted to make it clear.


Calling out Stim Addicts for being inferior to WAI (true or not) is not only egotistical, but a surefire way to get tunneled even more than you do. Good luck with that.


Speaking of tunneling ya .. giving midbie carnage mara lessons 100k per :rak_01:

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I bet you feel in league with Love, Prez and Khandiac, huh? :cool: Their reasons for being in WAI are their own, but it's not indicative of any guild affiliation. Perhaps that isn't your point, but I wanted to make it clear.


Calling out Stim Addicts for being inferior to WAI (true or not) is not only egotistical, but a surefire way to get tunneled even more than you do. Good luck with that.


Speaking of tunneling ya .. giving midbie carnage mara lessons 100k per :rak_01:


Hilarious... That's not even me. That's some swagger-jacker obviously.


1. I don't play mara or any melee for that matter. My computer can't handle it to be honest. So save your lessons, I won't be needing them.


2. I have a look that I go with on all my toons that no one uses and I garauntee that mara didn't look like me at all.


3. Me being tunneled isn't some new thing. I played a sniper, a sage and fool around on scoup lately. I'm a big red target.



As far as "being in league" with some PM guys... I didn't bring PM into this. As a matter a fact my point was that PM is irrelevant to the current discussion. And I rarely even group with anyone in WAI, since I get on late and usually miss when they start forming up premades. If you see me in the same WZ as them it's usually pure coincidence, I'm sure they will confirm this. More often than not I log in and queue solo.


Maybe that guy felt some kinda way because my first answer wasn't Res Nova? In any case the way I wrote it wasn't how I rank them, just the names that came to mind when asked about high quality pvp pub side.


Feel free to jump to more conclusions, tho...

Edited by ace_boogie
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Hilarious... That's not even me. That's some swagger-jacker obviously.


1. I don't play mara or any melee for that matter. My computer can't handle it to be honest. So save your lessons, I won't be needing them.


2. I have a look that I go with on all my toons that no one uses and I garauntee that mara didn't look like me at all.


3. Me being tunneled isn't some new thing. I played a sniper, a sage and fool around on scoup lately. I'm a big red target.



As far as "being in league" with some PM guys... I didn't bring PM into this. As a matter a fact my point was that PM is irrelevant to the current discussion. And I rarely even group with anyone in WAI, since I get on late and usually miss when they start forming up premades. If you see me in the same WZ as them it's usually pure coincidence, I'm sure they will confirm this. More often than not I log in and queue solo.


Maybe that guy felt some kinda way because my first answer wasn't Res Nova? In any case the way I wrote it wasn't how I rank them, just the names that came to mind when asked about high quality pvp pub side.


Feel free to jump to more conclusions, tho...



On to more pressing matters! Hows that ranked team you were getting together coming along?

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You guys get together and gossip? Lol.


I said something along these lines to ONE person. In whispers. And what I actually said is... it's not my team, they already have their pool of players, they just asked me if I wanted to be one of them. That's why I dusted off the scoup and tho I've got a lot of improving/gearing to do, I've been able to hit 1800-2200 hps consistently, thanks to an offhand remark/tip I got from a PM player. (The same one I mentioned the ranked team to ironically. Who was whispering me, pretending to be new to the server. Why? IDEK...) I wonder if while you hens were clucking, he also told you my opinion of PM.

Edited by ace_boogie
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I would hope so... But I guess we'll know for sure by the amount of tunneling I'll get.


Dude, just wait until you come across Team Tracer™! :eek: TBH though, we go after Guardians first because watching all their DCDs get burned in 2 globals is so entertaining.

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You guys get together and gossip? Lol.


I said something along these lines to ONE person. In whispers. And what I actually said is... it's not my team, they already have their pool of players, they just asked me if I wanted to be one of them. That's why I dusted off the scoup and tho I've got a lot of improving/gearing to do, I've been able to hit 1800-2200 hps consistently, thanks to an offhand remark/tip I got from a PM player. (The same one I mentioned the ranked team to ironically. Who was whispering me, pretending to be new to the server. Why? IDEK...) I wonder if while you hens were clucking, he also told you my opinion of PM.


I don't have anything against you, I was primarily interested in going against another 4's team. I trolled out of boredom, but on a serious note I will be glad to help you/give more tips if you are interested.

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I don't have anything against you, I was primarily interested in going against another 4's team. I trolled out of boredom, but on a serious note I will be glad to help you/give more tips if you are interested.


Of course and your help is always heeded and appreciated... And just to be clear, I said only good things about you guys, even when I didn't know it was you, right?

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Lol damn. didn't think my one comment about stim addicts being a pretty decent pub side pvp guild would strike a nerve. shots fired...shots fired EVERYWHERE :eek:!


All joking aside, I've had pretty good games with them on a regular basis so maybe i'm just getting lucky and missing these supposed bads in their guild, hence my comment about them being pretty good. I know I sure like seeing them on my team whenever I'm queueing by myself :D

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