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First 101 Matches done on the JC Server, here is my take/questions.


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I have to say when GSF first came out i was not impressed with it by any means. Controls sucked, better players, better ships, Yadda, Yadda, Yadda. Point is i sucked at it and never gave it a proper try.


I just got done with my 101st match since really trying this out. More comfy with the controls, Getting a little better, and i am surprisingly enjoying the losses most of the time as i do the wins. I see a lot of skilled pilots out there, and i see a lot of new players like myself. regardless though this is my take on things at least from what i have seen on my normal play server.


Player mentality, is it just this server?, Both the GSF and PVP on this server, (besides the common statement, even i have used before, "the Devs slant things for the imps), But it really falls down to, the Republic Players just do not seem to have a "Teamwork" attitude. (Not all but most, and those matches are AWESOME, even if it is a loss). Regardless of it being a kill them all match or a capture the objective match, the majority of the Republic players get crushed more times then not, because everyone is off doing their own thing and not thinking about what the team is doing, or another players particular role is and complimenting it.


Example: As a Scout, (i may be wrong on this, If so please correct me),


My thoughts/actions and perspective as a scout player, I am to get to an objective area/point, light up the enemy players on the map for the team to start their targeting, Harass as best as possible the gunships and bombers (if i am lucky enough to get near them). So i call out at the match start "Scout going for C",


What Actually happens most of the time, I am the only ship running to C, capturing it, and hoping to hold it as long as possible to capture it before being targeted, and when i am to be moving on, I notice no one is there backing or taking control. a few at B, maybe one or two at A, and a bunch in between flying around the rocks. Why are the Striker pilots, Bombers, and Gunships, (at least one of them), Not following a scout to some degree?. the majority of players know scouts are not meant for heavy battling. We are annoyances at best most of the time a few shots here and there, maybe a kill or two there. but mostly a distraction for the heavier hitters while the other pilots pick them off while the enemy is focused on me.


Imperials almost always seem to have a plan going of some sort and they stick to it. blobbing up, dragging the over zealous pub player into a gunships sights, or a bombers probes/mines. etc. But i have noticed it is the same crap for the Ground PVP most of the time as well. Is it just the JC server and the Pubs?, are other servers like this?. i will continue to pug away, get blown up, crash into rocks and structures as i get better at this, But i wanted to share this, right or wrong,.......i would like to hear others thoughts on this.

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if you're enjoying the losses as much as the wins you know your having fun :p


I've never played on JC but harbinger and TEH have great pub pilots and teamwork is the norm rather than the exception. is every match like that? of course not, but you'll see good team play from both factions every day.


btw, if in a scout (Nova) always try to chase gunships. they rack up the highest kill count per match and scouts are built to counter them. (just my 2 credits).


keep calling out instructions to the team, it's a great way to help new pilots learn.

keep having fun and keep flying :)

Edited by magecutter
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I have to say when GSF first came out i was not impressed with it by any means. Controls sucked, better players, better ships, Yadda, Yadda, Yadda. Point is i sucked at it and never gave it a proper try.


I just got done with my 101st match since really trying this out. More comfy with the controls, Getting a little better, and i am surprisingly enjoying the losses most of the time as i do the wins. I see a lot of skilled pilots out there, and i see a lot of new players like myself. regardless though this is my take on things at least from what i have seen on my normal play server.


Player mentality, is it just this server?, Both the GSF and PVP on this server, (besides the common statement, even i have used before, "the Devs slant things for the imps), But it really falls down to, the Republic Players just do not seem to have a "Teamwork" attitude. (Not all but most, and those matches are AWESOME, even if it is a loss). Regardless of it being a kill them all match or a capture the objective match, the majority of the Republic players get crushed more times then not, because everyone is off doing their own thing and not thinking about what the team is doing, or another players particular role is and complimenting it.


Example: As a Scout, (i may be wrong on this, If so please correct me),


My thoughts/actions and perspective as a scout player, I am to get to an objective area/point, light up the enemy players on the map for the team to start their targeting, Harass as best as possible the gunships and bombers (if i am lucky enough to get near them). So i call out at the match start "Scout going for C",


What Actually happens most of the time, I am the only ship running to C, capturing it, and hoping to hold it as long as possible to capture it before being targeted, and when i am to be moving on, I notice no one is there backing or taking control. a few at B, maybe one or two at A, and a bunch in between flying around the rocks. Why are the Striker pilots, Bombers, and Gunships, (at least one of them), Not following a scout to some degree?. the majority of players know scouts are not meant for heavy battling. We are annoyances at best most of the time a few shots here and there, maybe a kill or two there. but mostly a distraction for the heavier hitters while the other pilots pick them off while the enemy is focused on me.


Imperials almost always seem to have a plan going of some sort and they stick to it. blobbing up, dragging the over zealous pub player into a gunships sights, or a bombers probes/mines. etc. But i have noticed it is the same crap for the Ground PVP most of the time as well. Is it just the JC server and the Pubs?, are other servers like this?. i will continue to pug away, get blown up, crash into rocks and structures as i get better at this, But i wanted to share this, right or wrong,.......i would like to hear others thoughts on this.


I've played, uh, a LOT of matches on JC; if you're over 100 yourself, you've likely run into me at some point. Overall, I wouldn't say there's much of a difference re: strategy (or lack thereof) across factions, largely because most of us fly on both. I know the alts of the hardcore GSFers on both sides; those that communicate in pre-match chat do so regardless of faction, and those that don't...don't.


That said...I would agree that overall there's a lack of coordination. When I fly on TEH, it does seem there's consistently more discussion in chat. Personally - I start pretty much every domination match in my spearpoint/bloodmark, with the same comment (something like "tensor at spawn, scout to X) - and I usually get crickets in response. If I see a lot of 2-shippers on my side in a TDM, I'll often throw out some tips, but there's only so much advice one can offer in those 80-odd seconds. Sometimes another experienced pilot will chime in as well, but frequently not.


That doesn't bother me...I figure my callout is enough to give the more experienced guys some key info (i.e. if a guy can't decide whether or not to fly a bomber and sees that tensor will be popped, I probably helped him make up his mind). But more talk would be better, certainly no argument there.


tl;dr - I don't see a faction imbalance re: teamwork on JC, but I think there's a LOT of room for improvement on that front across the board.

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Glad you're enjoying it.


I know that transfering servers is a daunting prospect, but I will say that The Ebon Hawk has a very strong GSF community, with two big guilds that play a ton of it.


On Republic side, you've got Saberwing. They aren't a purely GSF guild, but a huge number of their members play regularly, and many of the Republic aces are in their guild. A lot of them use voice to coordinate I believe.


On Imperial side, there's my guild, Eclipse Squadron. We are primarily focused on GSF. Anything else we do is secondary. A great deal of the Imperial aces are in our numbers, and we always group up and work together, sometimes in text chat, and sometimes in voice. We also do a lot of "shop talk" in our private forums, talking about experimental builds and strategies. It's a bit more of a friendly environment, willing to consider alternative style choices, than this forum can be.


I'd say that prior to Conquests, competition on The Ebon Hawk could be a bit more casual-friendly and gentlemanly than you might find on a PvP server like The Bastion. Since Conquests though, everyone (Eclipse included) is playing a bit more ruthlessly to win and end matches quickly, as that's really the only way to keep up with the bigger non-GSF guilds.

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@ James_Chaos


What time are you playing on JC? I ask because I used to play a lot on Bastion from 8am-12pm PDT and often found that there were few if any Imperials online, and many good pubs. Leading to frustrating losing streaks


I then switched the time I was playing to around 4pm-9pm PDT and found all the teams that had been missing earlier in the day. Point is this: Mix things up and see if your play experience changes.


The queue situation changed over time on Bastion and now there are favorable queues at all hours of the day. Perhaps things will change for you on JC as well. Goodluck!


On a side note: Glad your enjoying GSF, you have gotten to that point where a loss just makes you want another match rather than a break. That's when I knew I was hooked lol.

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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Glad you're enjoying it.


I know that transfering servers is a daunting prospect, but I will say that The Ebon Hawk has a very strong GSF community, with two big guilds that play a ton of it.


On Republic side, you've got Saberwing. They aren't a purely GSF guild, but a huge number of their members play regularly, and many of the Republic aces are in their guild. A lot of them use voice to coordinate I believe.


On Imperial side, there's my guild, Eclipse Squadron. We are primarily focused on GSF. Anything else we do is secondary. A great deal of the Imperial aces are in our numbers, and we always group up and work together, sometimes in text chat, and sometimes in voice. We also do a lot of "shop talk" in our private forums, talking about experimental builds and strategies. It's a bit more of a friendly environment, willing to consider alternative style choices, than this forum can be.


I'd say that prior to Conquests, competition on The Ebon Hawk could be a bit more casual-friendly and gentlemanly than you might find on a PvP server like The Bastion. Since Conquests though, everyone (Eclipse included) is playing a bit more ruthlessly to win and end matches quickly, as that's really the only way to keep up with the bigger non-GSF guilds.


Sorry OP, I realize this is a bit OT: but yes, I'm enjoying my time on TEH thus far. I'm not transferring servers per se - just wanted to experience GSF somewhere other than JC. And I'm definitely glad I did; it's a nice change of pace, and some of you guys are really incredible to see in action. Another thing I've noticed about TEH is that the GSF channel is much more...uh...I'll say "lively" relative to JC (particularly imp side). Some of the dialogue last week quite literally had me LOLing. But beyond the trash-talking/ranting/general comedy, there's a lot of legitimately useful information being shared, and that's something we're definitely missing on JC. People use the channel, but rarely. It's very quiet.


I'm aware of those two guilds (particularly Eclipse) and I should probably join them, at minimum so my periodic GSF forays help out some like-minded folks. But I've got lots of roots on JC and don't plan to transfer servers completely. My hope is that ultimately GSF sees an increase in popularity on our server, and I'll do whatever I can to help make that a reality.

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@ James_Chaos


What time are you playing on JC? I ask because I used to play a lot on Bastion from 8am-12pm PDT and often found that there were few if any Imperials online, and many good pubs. Leading to frustrating losing streaks


I then switched the time I was playing to around 4pm-9pm PDT and found all the teams that had been missing earlier in the day. Point is this: Mix things up and see if your play experience changes.

The queue situation changed over time on Bastion and now there are favorable queues at all hours of the day. Perhaps things will change for you on JC as well. Goodluck!


On a side note: Glad your enjoying GSF, you have gotten to that point where a loss just makes you want another match rather than a break. That's when I knew I was hooked lol.



Re: the bolded - @OP - there is indeed some of this phenomenon on our server. There's little consistency to it, it really depends on who happens to be flying, but certain times of day you simply can't buy a win on one faction. Couple hours later and the situation is reversed. Maybe this is what you're seeing.


But on that note, there are other times when it's neck and neck - factions basically trade wins from game to game. To me, this is when GSF is at its best.

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Thanks for the replies all.


JC is my main server, just to rooted to consider a server swap, but making an account on another server to try things out some may be the way to go. I know the first day i really pushed on it and gave it a shot, i think i spent close to 16 hours playing that day and a lot the following day. the 101 game count, 100 of them were literally over 2 days. Sadly being a Co-Founder in our guild on the Pub side i generally get tied up in those obligations to really play my imp toons, (or even some of my Alts), as much as i would like. While our Imp side guild is only a "Spot" for our alts. I may be interested in teaming up with some over there, (and even on Pub side), to better learn the ropes, (no conquest/guild function activities on that side of the fence) , I just don't want to take up space in another guild there if there is a more active Empire Player. Maybe tonight if i get time i will put a shout out, on the Imp side, unless someone here is willing to take a rookie in. Let me know. (just know My Pub Guild is priority).


I am not saying ALL Pub players do the same stuff, i see a lot of the good ones through out the matches, and really love when the matches are a point for point game. It would just be nice if more players would take the time to try it out and learn it, instead of taking the Ground PVP tactics of "Smash & Bash" and work together more. Start kicking the Hutt Ball! time to go find a match and have some fun.

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I play on JC since two weeks.. Ah'smar, Novadive pilot.. And I don,t remeber seeing you Max...


Hmm, nor I you. Though I've seen your forum posts, I haven't seen you in game either. Guess somehow we've just managed to miss one another.


But the long-time GSFers on JC all know me. At least, I think they do. Typically I fly imp side as Zuckerkorn, usually a GS or Bloodmark but I fly a little of everything. Also Bøbløblaw. And TøbiasFünke pub side. Same typical ships.


I will say that Conquest has kinda messed with my flying time. I'll GSF as Zuckerkorn like nuts until I reach 35k points, then I'll spend more of the latter part of the week PVEing or whatever (non-Conquest-related stuff).

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What Actually happens most of the time, I am the only ship running to C, capturing it, and hoping to hold it as long as possible to capture it before being targeted, and when i am to be moving on, I notice no one is there backing or taking control. a few at B, maybe one or two at A, and a bunch in between flying around the rocks. Why are the Striker pilots, Bombers, and Gunships, (at least one of them), Not following a scout to some degree?. the majority of players know scouts are not meant for heavy battling. We are annoyances at best most of the time a few shots here and there, maybe a kill or two there. but mostly a distraction for the heavier hitters while the other pilots pick them off while the enemy is focused on me.


Generally I find scouts race around so much my striker can't keep up with them and, if they're flying a T2 (Flashfire), odds are they'd have burned down a target before I reach them or they've gone on a kamikaze run into a group of enemies where they have almost no chance of survival. Either way following them all over the map isn't especially effective. Most matches I've been in where things went well you had a perimeter established by scouts, a second defensive line formed by strikers, and then gunships/bombers.


I'd also say, as a striker pilot, I hate scouts that focus on bombers instead of gunships, other strikers, or scouts that are flying escort (not saying you do this, just my general observation). As you note scouts aren't meant for heavy engagement yet I find many scouts still try to take out targets they aren't suited for. By all means focus on bombers when they're in the open and heading towards a satellite in your control but honestly I've noticed lately on JC I'm hunting gunships in my striker because the scouts are completely dropping the ball.


Overall I think most pilots in slower craft don't follow scouts because they literally can't keep up with them. I don't think scouts whose extent of their understanding of the ship role isn't more than "kill everything" hasn't endeared them to many.


So far as coordination goes: rather than calling out "scout 2 A/B/C" I recommend taking charge and assigning each flight an objective if no one else has already done so. Generally in a full match you'll want to assign two flight to take B or, in a match that isn't completely full, assign the squad that isn't a full 4 pilots to take A or C with the full flight going after B (The first 4 slots on the match screen are 1st flight, the second 4 slots are 2nd flight, with the final 4 slots 3rd flight; your flight mates are a lighter green than the rest on the minimap). Mostly I've found by assigning flights an objective you have a more concentrated effort rather than everyone just doing their own thing (or at least the vets on your team will know what to do, newbies and bad players will always just do what they want).


Currently my main GSF pilot is Aodhán. I'm a bit rusty from a summer long hiatus but feel free to say hi if you see me.


I play on JC since two weeks.. Ah'smar, Novadive pilot.. And I don,t remeber seeing you Max...


I think I may have seen you a few times. You only have a Nova in your hanger right?

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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Yup... Once I've maxed my Nova (all six good builds) I'm gonna expand it to add a Flashfire, a Skybolt and a Spearpoint.. in that particular order ;)


EDIT : I know two Nova builds especially made to kill bomber.... Thermite, TT, LC and Thermite, EMP, LLC


EDIT 2 : I prefer sending 5 to B and two speed scouts to A and C. I can delay a cap by a long time and keep them away from mid... Or cap and wait for the bomber left behind to reinforce before I go help mid.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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Yup... Once I've maxed my Nova (all six good builds) I'm gonna expand it to add a Flashfire, a Skybolt and a Spearpoint.. in that particular order ;)


haha. When I first saw you I was very puzzled and thought you were a crazy newbie with a death wish, then I realized only a vet working on an alt would likely do that.


EDIT : I know two Nova builds especially made to kill bomber.... Thermite, TT, LC and Thermite, EMP, LLC


Oh don't get me wrong, there certainly are bomber-buster builds out there. I just don't generally see many scouts using them (or using them effectively). So honestly I'd just prefer scouts to stick to killing gunships and other fighters unless they're a vet who really knows when to help take out a bomber and when to give strikers cover during their attack runs instead.


Now maybe things have changed since my hiatus and the quality of scouts have improved. But given that I've watched scouts focus on dogfighting, completely ignoring the GS setting up a perimeter around them and had to go GS hunting in my striker a fair number of times since coming back I have my doubts.


EDIT 2 : I prefer sending 5 to B and two speed scouts to A and C. I can delay a cap by a long time and keep them away from mid... Or cap and wait for the bomber left behind to reinforce before I go help mid.


A fair tactic, but that might require a little more coordination than is possible in a pure pug game and I was trying to give suggested strategies that wouldn't require asking individual players by name to do something. (and I assumed there will be a few players with an "who went and made you king?" attitude you'll probably get a few going to the third sat to delay the cap anyway).

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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haha. When I first saw you I was very puzzled and thought you were a crazy newbie with a death wish, then I realized only a vet working on an alt would likely do that.


Oh.. I do have death wishes... For the guy i'm on his six :p And I am crazy... ;)


A fair tactic, but that might require a little more coordination than is possible in a pure pug game and I was trying to give suggested strategies that wouldn't require asking individual players by name to do something. (and I assumed there will be a few players with an "who went and made you king?" attitude you'll probably get a few going to the third sat to delay the cap anyway).


It also take at least one TensorPoint and one SportsBolt to make it work really well... those two can basicly cap A and C before anyone... Then the whole team can cap B. Send a bomber to reinforce the worst of the two scouts... and let the best one try to keep it as long as he can.


On Denon.. Send one SportsBolt to B followed by a Bomber.. Tensor both spawns and cap both points. It take a really coordinated tam to pull that kind of thing off tho.


This tactic is made to utterly crush the opposition in the first few minutes of the match.. and then winning whatever happens.

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Oh.. I do have death wishes... For the guy i'm on his six :p And I am crazy... ;)


I think I ended up on the receiving end of that crazy in a few wargame matches late last night (unfortunately one being where you guys pushed us all the way back to our spawn in TDM). Overall was good flying with and against you though!

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But the long-time GSFers on JC all know me. At least, I think they do. Typically I fly imp side as Zuckerkorn, usually a GS or Bloodmark but I fly a little of everything. Also Bøbløblaw. And TøbiasFünke pub side. Same typical ships.

Ha! I don't think I knew you were Bobloblaw! I've definitely been frustrated a time or two by you then, above and beyond the few times I've seen you on the opposing side when you were on Zuck! ;)


To the OP...


Communication is definitely lacking by default with GSF on JC, but I think there are a couple of reasons for this:

1) Most of the old vets in some way or another know or know of each other, and often their flight tendencies, so a lot of times, the only thing I'll need to know is where people are going to start. Once the engagement actually starts, plans usually fall apart in a hurry. With a TDM (Team Deathmatch), I don't usually even really need to know that (Pro tip on TDM... Don't go full afterburners at the start unless you're going after the Damage Overcharge and largely want to suicide into the opposing team. Even in a scout, I find it to be massively beneficial to move out nice and slow, and observe the enemy's movements before looking for a way to flank them. I see so many people go all out when the match first starts, and I think it's a mistake. You don't need to go capture objectives. The more info you have on the enemy, the better you can plan an attack, either solo or with friends. If nothing else, you'll be saving your afterburners for when you're actually engaged, and are more likely to need them).


I know most of the more lethal opposing players (I fly on both factions), what they like to fly on, when people like Zuck or I'sys get upset and move to the gunship, etc. Most of those guys, I've played at least dozens of matches both with and against. For instance, I know Zuck likes the Tensor at spawn, and he's a really solid overall pilot, and especially GS. He'll be watching the minimap, and the icons in the domination matches, and if one of our sats is under attack, he'll be there. It's the sort of communication that happens when you've flown with people a lot. Not much needs to be said.


The other thing is that once the fighting starts and you get the billions of messages about who blew up whose mines or drones, actual ops chat becomes difficult to keep an eye on because of how quickly things scroll.


I'll say right away that this is one point where having people in VOIP helps SOOOO much.


2) Depending on the time of day, there are a LOT of newbs/f2pers on, and often on both sides. I'm not trying to brag, but when I see opposing teams that have 1-2 pilots that have 4-5 ships that I don't know, and then the other 6-7 are all 2 shippers, I know that I can cut through them like butter pretty much no matter what they do. If the newbs on our side say something or ask, I'll engage with them. It's usually just a quick tip like, "Don't worry too much about objectives or kills, just focus on not dying, and learning to fly.", because that's really the most important part of the game. Learning the spatial awareness, the on-board controls, and how to not panic under fire. Seriously. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten people to fly into a wall by hitting them once with blasters and starting up a missile lock.


Now, with that said, I'd be more than happy to take you under my wing and try to teach you a few things about scouts and how to fly them. I'm not the best in a Nova/Blackbolt, but I'm serviceable, and I am actually pretty good in a T2 scout. I could invite you into VOIP, and actually talk to you about how to get better, what not to do, etc.


My main is Graendahl, on the Imp side. The most active toons on Pub side for me right now are Hawkë, Mierín, and Selenía (not the special characters... alt+0235 for the "ë", and alt+0237 for the "í". Only the second "í" in Mierín has the accent). The second 2 are lowbies that I'm GSFing with for the XP. Hawkë is the one I settled on to try to max out all the pub ships with.


Feel free to drop me a line if you want to try to meet up and fly.


I play on JC since two weeks.. Ah'smar, Novadive pilot.. And I don,t remeber seeing you Max...

I remember seeing you on Tuesday, I believe. Pretty sure you got me at least once that day, because I took note of your name.


Max has been there since the beginning, and really is one of the better pilots on the server. Probably one of the best that still plays. I don't think he flies as often as he used to (really, I don't think most of the old guard does...), but I'm always glad to see him on my team.

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Ha! I don't think I knew you were Bobloblaw! I've definitely been frustrated a time or two by you then, above and beyond the few times I've seen you on the opposing side when you were on Zuck! ;)


<snipped for brevity>



Yeah, I've got a couple other alts that I periodically GSF with too, but I like to keep them incognito...let's just say if you see a 2-shipper running a stupid double-torp T2 GS, it's probably me screwing around.


But seriously - thanks for the kind words. I know the name Graendahl well, and Hawkë too...didn't realize you were one and the same. Usually I remember the names of the pilots who have consistently proven to be pains in the backside while on the opposing faction. So kudos on that, lol. And I'm always happy to see you on my squad.


Also - while a bit OT (sorry, OP) thank you for noticing that I'm not solely a gunsheep guy. Yesterday I was told that pubs complain about me because I'm "always in a mastered GS" - which is demonstrably false. I start every dom match in a T3 scout with tensor...because, you know, I want to win, and I think that's the best way to begin those games. I fly everything but bombers, depending on the situation. And to be clear, when you see me switch to a GS, it generally isn't out of frustration (though, honestly, sometimes that might be the case) - it's because I think my GS gives my team the best chance to win.


This isn't because I'm some amazingly skilled GS pilot (as we've read in many other threads, sniping takes no skill anyway, lol) but largely because I just have a lot of experience. I've been GSFing since closed beta; I like to think I know what I'm doing. And I can create the most havoc in a GS. You're right, I keep an eye on the minimap and I typically know where I can help my team the most, and/or cause the greatest disruption for the enemy. So in that sense, explicit communication isn't necessary. Though I'll say that's probably more true of a GS than other ship types, given the typical long-range nature of GS combat.


And as for the "OGs" of GSF on JC - there are still a few of us around. Battledress plays regularly, as does Marttell (and their alts, of course). I see Eichman every now and then. K'orvith (or an alt) is on a lot too. Now - there's a guy who's good at everything, and when we group, I have a pretty good handle on where he'll be, and I believe he'd say the same for me - without either of us typing a word. He won't actually say that here, because he's not a sub and can't post in the forum, but I think he'd agree. Which reminds me, he had an interesting idea about spawn budgets for bombers/GS that I offered to post here for the community's review; I'll have to remember to ask him for details next time I see him in game.


There are plenty other vets (Taracron/Daracron, Calkege, Sabra'Lee & alts, etc.); don't feel slighted if I left you off that short list - this post is already stupid long. Maybe we should start a "space pvp shout outs" thread in the JC server forum, like the TEH guys have.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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You're welcome! And quite bluntly, you've earned them.


I don't think too many outside of my guild know that Hawkë is one of my alter egos. And probably not really many of them know, as they never fly pub side. I usually just end up queueing solo with Hawkë unless I happen to see Hebel on.


And I was kidding about the moving to the GS because you're upset, although I guess that's not explicitly stated. The point is that everyone has a ship that they bring out if the poop hits the fan, and I'm pretty sure I've heard you say that the GS is your best, and I've noticed that it's the fallback plan of I'sys, and Battledress, and Jaheesh... The GS seems to be the fallback for a lot. For me, it's the Sting/FF.


I still run into some of the old guard out there, but there are a lot I haven't seen in quite a while, and others that I see fairly rarely anymore. It might very well be a function of me only really queueing up for the dailies/weeklies anymore, though. I probably end up flying with K'orvith more than just about anyone else at this point. It just kind of happens. He always seems to be in my group when I queue, and he's picked me up with several ninja invites in the past few weeks. :)


Anyway, as for a space shoutouts for JC, feel free to add your 2¢ here!

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The most active toons on Pub side for me right now are Hawkë, Mierín, and Selenía (not the special characters... alt+0235 for the "ë", and alt+0237 for the "í". Only the second "í" in Mierín has the accent).


It's YOU! I was wondering where this hawke guy came from all of a sudden.


Come back to the dark side, the pubs already have too many pilots that are better than me at stingfires...

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It's YOU! I was wondering where this hawke guy came from all of a sudden.


Come back to the dark side, the pubs already have too many pilots that are better than me at stingfires...



Don't worry, I'm only really over there to finish off the max out achievements (or when leveling lowbies for kixes). My heart is still black as pitch. ;)

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