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No title for conqueroring CZ-198, big game breaking bug for this week.


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Considering the achievement for 'conquering CZ' lists conquering Alderaan as it's requirement, I don't see why you should be allowed the achievement for not conquering Alderaan.


Presumably this is a bug, but one that needs to be fixed before what you want.

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Considering the achievement for 'conquering CZ' lists conquering Alderaan as it's requirement, I don't see why you should be allowed the achievement for not conquering Alderaan.


Presumably this is a bug, but one that needs to be fixed before what you want.


On Shadowlands, WOOK already conquered Alderaan too. So we definitely need to get this sorted out, but we'll remain patient.

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Dear forum moderators and developers...


...is there a reason Cz is not part of Conqueror of Galaxy achievement after the fix? Keeping in mind that you are granting the Cz achievement and title to people retroactively (iirc), it might be best to decide this matter just as well if fixing them together would be more practical, for an example?


Take your time.


Personally I think it should be part of conqueror of Galaxy and not stand outside of the big picture as an erratic bastard planet. If it's not part of overall conquests, few guilds taking this as a contest they are participating in will be disappointed because Cz week turns to squandered week in regards of conquests. If it is so, I find it pretty hard to understand logic behind it.

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Thank you for fixing it up! Now lets try to make it retroactive!


They have gone ahead and given the title to some people based on tickets in game. I am waiting for something official before I send my ticket because there is no way of telling if it's along their guide lines or just customer service doing what they can. Alongside that, I am super annoyed at developers ignoring part of the thread systematically. They have completely failed to answer an important question asked in this thread since the beginning:


Is Cz part of galactic conquerer or not. If you do not understand the question, will conquering Cz be required to acquire Conquerer of Galaxy.


If not, here's the premature feedback: Giving stand alone bastard title for the planet and it not being part of overall conquest "trophy" spells ",,|," to me.

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A lot of people HAVE their Galaxy Conqueror titles. You CANNOT take away their titles, and say "haha we added another planet cause some people qqed on the internet".


Get over yourself, be thankful you got a title for it, and stop trying to ruin other people's gameplay.

Edited by mbfhl
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A lot of people HAVE their Galaxy Conqueror titles. You CANNOT take away their titles, and say "haha we added another planet cause some people qqed on the internet".


Get over yourself, be thankful you got a title for it, and stop trying to ruin other people's gameplay.


Being a spineless guild-hopping dweeb = gameplay? News to me.

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A lot of people HAVE their Galaxy Conqueror titles. You CANNOT take away their titles, and say "haha we added another planet cause some people qqed on the internet".


Get over yourself, be thankful you got a title for it, and stop trying to ruin other people's gameplay.


We all took the time to take this planet; you should have to as well to get the Galaxy Conqueror title. Anyone who already has the title doesn't deserve it... How is that even possible without being a leech?

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It's starting to feel certain that developers just made a little mistake and by not acting in time, then they are suddenly feeling they are in a situation they don't know what to do in. As per standard of MMOs the choice is _do nothing_, god forbid, don't respond to the biggest question relating to the bug and deliver a half-assed fix. As if most people in this thread were asking if they can get single planet title only. GG.


"Ha ha ha, you stupid guilds who conquered Cz and raced to get all the planets in conquests, even the fake planet Cz! Such idiots you were to assume all planets introduced would be part of the big picture, eediots!"


You (developers) hot fix ability to grind points from FPs but ignore this? Do you even know that there is conqueror of Galaxy title and Cz is not part of it? Do you need someone to explain it in detail?


I don't want people who already have the title to lose it, but it might have not been like this to begin with, had the developers acted in timely fashion. All it would have taken was respond to the question faster and confirm it is, or it is not part of the conqueror of galaxy. But no. Have you no documents about what you developed in Conquests? Does it not read anywhere what is supposed to be requirements for Conqueror of Galaxy? Riiight, it is what it is. I get that individuals rush to get those titles, but this is pretty much large scale first guild vs guild thing in the game and now this.



Edited by Ruskaeth
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  • 2 weeks later...
There is CZ 198 this week for conquest-event , i hope no problem about this :(


Do not worry. There's now the proper achievement, and completing it will give you the title.

The guys from Légion Imperiale issued a ticket for their past conquest on CZ when there wasn't any title, and they have been retroactively given the title, so at worst just issue a ticket if you don't get your own on tuesday.

(That would suck considering the amount of credits you put in this week conquest)

Edited by Altheran
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