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Adding a Starship Hook to Coruscant / Dromund Kaas *Realistic Thread*


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I am actually against this idea. It would not make sense to add a starship hook to Coruscant / Dromund Kaas, especially from an immersive point of view, but also from a gameplay point of view.


For the immersion, the actual spaceports where the player ships are "docked" is actually not far from the building where the Coruscant / Dromund Kaas strongholds are. For the Coruscant one, the spaceport is literally "across the street" and can be seen being the next and closest building outside the window.


From a gameplay perspective, as already mentioned many times, its meant for new players or newly created characters, some may not have a ship yet. And wrt to their storyline, they are getting their ship for the first time to venture out to their missions.


The Nar Shadaa stronghold makes sense to have a player starship since, as far as I know, the location can be anywhere in the planet and could be far from the normal spaceport. The Tatooine stronghold makes even more sense to have a player starship since its suppose to be at a remote area,


Think of the SWTOR strongholds in SWG terms. The Coruscant / DK Strongholds are the "small houses", the Nar Shadaa is the "medium house", and the Tatooine is the "large house". Imagine the player starship decoration as a "Mustafar table", seen in Episode 3, Revenge of the Sith. In SWG, no matter how you want it, the Mustafar table CANNOT FIT in the small house, and it could barely fit the medium house. So it only makes sense to put it in the large house.

Suggestion: If a stronghold with a starship hook is really really desired for Coruscant / Dromund Kaas, I suggest that perhaps Bioware create an entirely *new and second* stronghold located in a different building far from the starport and Senate tower. It is a big planet, and perhaps put it somewhere where having a player starship land makes more sense from an immersion and gameplay perspective.


I agree with this.


In KOTOR2, it was shown that Nar Shadaa had personal landing pads for starships, because it is a lawless area where entry and departure is not closely controlled. The same could be said of SWTOR-current Tatooine. Also, Tatooine and Nar Shadaa are both much larger than DK/Coruscant, as well as being very far removed from other people.


However, DK and Coruscant are apartments. They are all part of one (instanced) building. It makes no sense that you would be able to park a starship outside. Possibly on the roof or maybe a detached floating platform (similar to the one in Nar Shadaa)? But really, it makes no sense to have one there.

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I'd like it but the fact the star ships you can place on them are comically small for small reason helps me not really care.

^ Sadly this.


Then :

disagree. Realistically, there are performance issues. aside from player's already complaining of stronghold performance issues, nobody needs anymore drag on the netcode.


displaying life sized personal starships in stronghold hooks sounds like a major inbound performance leak.

Wrong: displaying a smaller or a bigger version of a starship doesn't hurt the performance at all, because you don't have more polys nor bigger textures in the larger one, it's just scaling.


Or should I say, scaling down the existing meshes and textures to fit the smaller hooks takes more computing.


See, easy ;)



P.S. Good post OP, sadly might never be implemented at all.

Edited by Deewe
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Since my first post in this topic I've unlocked more of my stronghold, and seen firsthand the edit mode starship hook in Nar Shaddaa.


Also learned how to unlock starships for hooks via this thread unlocking your ship for your stronghold

First you cant have a ship on Dromund Kaas or Coruscant. For Tat and Nar you need 5 universal MK-3's and 5 Dark Projects per ship unlock. The vendor is located in the strongholds area of the Fleet in the far lower rifht corner facing away from the Stronghold vendors.


in the same thread a poster griped about the ship scaling in Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine

On top of all of that, the stupid ship is 66% smaller than it's supposed to be. Complete. Total. Ripoff. Most of the ships are between 33-66% scaled down.


Another "performance" thing. Give me a break I'm so sick and tired of this stupid excuse. :mad:


I'm pretty sure there was a design meeting on whether or not COruscant/Dromund could handle starships in hooks. Performance is a common excuse for leaving out player requested features.

Edited by Falensawino
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I am pretty sure that when they designed the Coruscant apartment they had Padme's penthouse in mind:





and it only has room for a speeder or a small ship like Obi-Wan's starfigher in Ep. III (which btw is not even landed on the plateform).


DK stronghold being a mirror of Coruscant, it didn't get a ship hook either.


Don't expect any change, it is clear that it is not an oversight but that they were designed that way. Anyway the size of the starship is even not respected (in that regard NS doesn't have that issue since you aren not supposed to get near the ship) so either it would look ridiculous like Tatooine ship's hook or they would need to make them bigger but that would be way too huge.

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  • 3 weeks later...
If I would have know that I wouldn't be able to place a starship on Coruscant, I wouldn't have busted my *** to get one in the first place. I have no idea why they wouldn't have included this to begin with. So yeah, I agree, please add the starship hook to Coruscant....please.
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I was suggesting earlier to have 2 different walkways on the left/right side of the centerpiece in both DK / Corusc, cause having 9 different Starship hook items in game atm, compared to only 3 hooks is kind of out balanced dont you think
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  • 3 months later...
I am actually against this idea. It would not make sense to add a starship hook to Coruscant / Dromund Kaas, especially from an immersive point of view, but also from a gameplay point of view.


For the immersion, the actual spaceports where the player ships are "docked" is actually not far from the building where the Coruscant / Dromund Kaas strongholds are. For the Coruscant one, the spaceport is literally "across the street" and can be seen being the next and closest building outside the window.


From a gameplay perspective, as already mentioned many times, its meant for new players or newly created characters, some may not have a ship yet. And wrt to their storyline, they are getting their ship for the first time to venture out to their missions.


The Nar Shadaa stronghold makes sense to have a player starship since, as far as I know, the location can be anywhere in the planet and could be far from the normal spaceport. The Tatooine stronghold makes even more sense to have a player starship since its suppose to be at a remote area,


Think of the SWTOR strongholds in SWG terms. The Coruscant / DK Strongholds are the "small houses", the Nar Shadaa is the "medium house", and the Tatooine is the "large house". Imagine the player starship decoration as a "Mustafar table", seen in Episode 3, Revenge of the Sith. In SWG, no matter how you want it, the Mustafar table CANNOT FIT in the small house, and it could barely fit the medium house. So it only makes sense to put it in the large house.

Suggestion: If a stronghold with a starship hook is really really desired for Coruscant / Dromund Kaas, I suggest that perhaps Bioware create an entirely *new and second* stronghold located in a different building far from the starport and Senate tower. It is a big planet, and perhaps put it somewhere where having a player starship land makes more sense from an immersion and gameplay perspective.


So by asserting that immersion is overly important, you're saying that ... story wise ... it makes sense for Jedi and Republic Troopers of this period, in a time of war, to have their own strongholds? Yes, the other classes make sense, but Jedi would all have been quartered in various Jedi enclaves, and Troopers would be stationed at Barracks. The only reason they allowed it for all classes isn't because it made sense story wise ... it's because it made sense to avoid the player backlash of excluding two playable classes from the feature.


So with that in mind let's just ignore any legitimised reason for Coruscant and Dromand Kaas NOT having a Starship hook type ... and just put one in, because it DOES kind of make sense for stronghold owners on both planets, despite the level of customs oversight on incoming/outgoing traffic, to have personal hangars.


Not only that, but since it had never actually been equivocally stated beforehand that those two planets would be excluded from the hook type, you have players that have invested at least upwards of a million credits unlocking all of the expansions of their stronghold ... and then investing time (or, in my particular case and there are most likely others, millions more credits) in getting the materials needed for a starship decoration ... only to find out "Oh. Fudge me sideways on a Sunday afternoon out the back of the chapel with a socket wrench held by an orangutan, I can't fudging place my fudging shiny ship here BECAUSE THERE'S NO FUDGING HOOK FOR IT!"


Now ... don't get me wrong, your points are likely valid coming from someone who sounds like you had experience playing SWG and are OK in defending the devs muck-ups. I respect that. In fact, if I wasn't one of the fools that had expended millions of credits expanding and decorating my stronghold, and another million and a half getting the stuff I needed for the Phantom ... then realising I couldn't buy it on my pub and transferring the stuff to my imp, I might actually view this from your point of view. Or ... you know ... if they could justify, immersion wise, why Jedi and Troopers have strongholds. But I'm one of those suckered fools and I politely demand a Starship hook for my existing stronghold, rather than having to relocate ... because, story wise, Coruscant is better suited to her than Nar Shadaar or Tatooine, and because I don't want to have to buy another stronghold on Coruscant ... expand it ... decorate it ... just to get the hook.


If that makes me a typical forum whiner, I accept the title with fudging pride :)

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I support this completely, I LOVE my DK stronghold, more than any of my others, and it seems such a shame that my dear Wrath can't park her ship there. Totally need another floor which includes a starship hook. It has an elevator, there is no reason this can't be done, that I can see. I'd totally pay for it, it'd be so worth it to me, to bring my DK stronghold up to snuff with the others a bit. :)
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I support this completely, I LOVE my DK stronghold, more than any of my others, and it seems such a shame that my dear Wrath can't park her ship there. Totally need another floor which includes a starship hook. It has an elevator, there is no reason this can't be done, that I can see. I'd totally pay for it, it'd be so worth it to me, to bring my DK stronghold up to snuff with the others a bit. :)


Absolutely. I'd pay for another expansion to the stronghold if they wanted to do it that way.

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  • 6 months later...

Agreed. I like my Kaas City Stronghold better than Nar Shadda... totally different atmosphere. It doesnt really make much sense that if you want a ship you might be forced to elsewhere, doesnt matter if you like it or not.

Contact Kuat Drive Yards and expand DK/Coruscant landing platform I WANNA STAY AS WELL! :) xD

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Post if you agree or disagree.


Necro'ed thread .... but...


I'm ambivalent about it personally.


Now.. as to practicality.....


1) these two strongholds have clearly been implemented with the intention that they are available and affordable to new players of the game. New players simply won't have the credits for some time yet to be able to plop down a Starship anyway.


2) I get that some veteran players like these strongholds and make them part of their collection, but that does not change the fact that they were principally designed to make them available to new players (people who don't yet have deep pockets, but want to get the logistic benefits of a Stronghold. They could have devs spend time reworking the stronghold to provide a Starship hook.. but honestly.. you have three other Strongholds to park your ships on and can in fact park multiples on Yavin. So I don't see them spending the effort.

Edited by Andryah
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  • 2 months later...

Dang... So I've been going through the layouts of all the public listing for the strongholds and found the Coruscant to be my favorite layout, the other felt too big. I really just wanted to focus on 1 stronghold since you can really go crazy on decorating everything and it's becoming a big task find all the pieces you want, not to mention a good chunk of it belongs in the said packs. One monumental task was gathering the 5 dark packs along with 5 universal mk-3 packs to get the starship, was finally excited to get it only to find out that Coruscant didn't have a starship hook. :jawa_frown:


So I'm definitely gonna /agree to this, even if it has been a long time since this thread was started.


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  • 2 years later...

The intern from the Anthem team who coded 5.8 and 5.9 and prepared the coming CM sale is currently working on Anthem again. There is thus no one left at the studio at the moment who would be able to code something within the game, sorry.


Nice necro though. I like the *Realistic Thread* part. :D Those were the days.

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We already have a space for the Starship Dock, the dock in the balcony is where the ship landing, well it fit for personal ship not a Fleet :D I was disappointed when I found out I could not place a ship there. Edited by Xbladez
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