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Double XP Timers


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Timers for double XP


Give an item, upon use the item will provide account wide X2 XP in real time (eg even when you're logged off)


24 Hours - 850 CC

48 Hours - 1150 CC

72 Hours - 1600 CC

1 Week - 2200 CC


Opinions? Comments? Rages?

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If you're doing every mission on a planet, and you have rested XP and are using the free XP boosts given by the class story, it's very easy to over-level -- but that's still not "double XP". I think BW/EA have to treat double XP quite carefully -- double XP is potentially quite "corrosive" to the long-term retention of the customer, because it can hasten player burn-out. Having that available on-demand is even more likely to cause that; IMO, if a player initially feels dissatisfied with their current class, then power-levels a new one with purchased double XP, and the new class isn't the magical solution isn't the answer to all their problems with the older one, they're likely to feel that the whole game is worthless.


Plus, it would require actual code changes, beyond the simple Cartel Market stuff that is likely created by non-programmers -- as in most games, actual code teams are usually very small, and have long lead times to what they are working on.

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I would have to agree that this is a bad idea. People would be over leveling every single planet, and they will start to be overleveled before they even get to the planet, If they try to not over level things then they will be skipping content and will start to either need to ask for help because they don't have enough gear for it, or they will get frustrated with always dying and leave. Neither of which is healthy for the longevity of the game.
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People would be over leveling every single planet, and they will start to be overleveled before they even get to the planet, If they try to not over level things then they will be skipping content


That would be the point. Say you have a Sniper. You also want an Operative, but don't want to spend 48 hours game time leveling them, through something you have already done. Or you really want to race to end game, because you prefer raids and such over leveling.


As for the under-geared thing, yes that could be a problem, however most people I know that would use this already have 1 or 2 level 55's, easily able to afford gearing an alt from 1 - 55.

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That would be the point. Say you have a Sniper. You also want an Operative, but don't want to spend 48 hours game time leveling them, through something you have already done. Or you really want to race to end game, because you prefer raids and such over leveling.


As for the under-geared thing, yes that could be a problem, however most people I know that would use this already have 1 or 2 level 55's, easily able to afford gearing an alt from 1 - 55.


In that case, why not just sell lvl 50 alts?

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That would be the point. Say you have a Sniper. You also want an Operative, but don't want to spend 48 hours game time leveling them, through something you have already done. Or you really want to race to end game, because you prefer raids and such over leveling.


As for the under-geared thing, yes that could be a problem, however most people I know that would use this already have 1 or 2 level 55's, easily able to afford gearing an alt from 1 - 55.


You see that there is the problem. You assume that people are only willing to do the story once. Changing gender, and playing it through again and switching from dark to light or vice versa changes things enough that it is worth another play through. Also I am almost half way through my second run through of all the classes. I have played on double XP weekends but quite honestly, I normally prefer to avoid it, because I run into exactly the problems that already mentioned. If they do another double XP weekend I'll be playing on my level 55s the whole time.


Also the other flaw in your logic is that you are assuming the only people who already have level 55s will be using. Trust me when I tell you that is not the case. If anything it will mostly be used by newer people trying to grind as fast as they can to get to level cap, and they will mostly be playing in KDY, and end up at level 55 with level 15 gear, maybe a ship, and unwilling to go back through and do their class quests just to get companions and gear, and probably not even smart enough to know to get the Rakata level mods from the Makeb Commendation Vendor. Expecting them to just run to Makeb which is also now Bolstered LOL.

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In that case, why not just sell lvl 50 alts?


That would be a violation on Terms and Service, or some such. Besides, this way Bioware/ EA makes more money.


As for the post above, yes, people would spam KDY runs with new alts, however if they want to gimp themselves by dungeoning to 50 they should be welcome to do so.


Lets here some more opinions so this doesn't become a back and forth argument between 3 people.

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