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Conquest and Screwing PVEr's


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I guess the Group Finder objectives will stay the same, but only the objectives regarding any particular flashpoint will become one time only, since it was rather stupid that one could run Esseles or Black Talon in story mode to get easily the conquest points.
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Most of the people posting here don't have take a look at all conquest. I see some reply to this post: "ah but you are counting the bonus of balmorra"

Sure he doese because THIS TIME:


Warzone: The Killing Fields 500 Complete any ranked or unranked Warzone match. Hoth x2


JUST HOTH give X2. The base are 500 points.


  • So if you land balmorra ----> PvE beat PvP in term of point
  • If you land Hoth ---> Bonus to GSF most, PvP and some PvE. There GSF BEAT PvP, PvE gives x2 ON OPERATION. you can run in ONE hour EV and take 2 rewards, 4k points. So there PvP is close to PvE, just a bit better. Even here if you run daily H on balmorra you do a decent ammount of point in a short time
  • if you land Corelia ---> most the same as Hoth, but without operation, but doesn't give bonus to PvP, GSF here dominate.
  • if you land Ilum ---> Is only ONE time based planet, so you can run weekly, daily H or GFS that is near the same


So *** is the problem? Can't really find, because THE PLANET WHERE YOU LAND drive what you are going to do.


You can only run EV if you get lucky and gf for that period selects EV. To get the points the op has to be via the gf. You can only really do ev and kp in an hour all the others will take longer...

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You can only run EV if you get lucky and gf for that period selects EV. To get the points the op has to be via the gf. You can only really do ev and kp in an hour all the others will take longer...


Nope, you guys don't read:


Critical Missions: Operations 1000 Complete any [WEEKLY] mission on the Operations Terminal. Hoth x2


And there is weekly classic + weekly EV.


And here some other numbers I have post in another thread:


I can, and have been doing like 20 PvP matches in a day. It's not exactly hard, not does it take "an hour" to do 4 as you claim.



And on hoth you will do 20k points, balmorra and ilum just 10k in about 4 hours, taking 12 minutes per match.


On ilum I can do 3 daily FP, 55HM, Tactical. 50HM = 6k points in 2 hours and 30 min + I can run balmorra (with no bonus) in 40 minutes: 3.5k point. Total = 9.5k points in 3 hours and 10 minutes. I have 50 minutes for taking a break while you keep running WZ.


On Balmorra is even worst. 3 daily FP, 55HM, Tactical. 50HM = 6k points in 2 hours and 30 min + I can run balmorra (with bonus): 10.5k. Total 16.5k points in in 3 hours and 10 minutes. I have 50 minutes for taking a break while you keep running WZ and I piss on your WZ points.


On Hoth is near the same as Ilum, but here you of course have more chance to beat me. Because this time Hoth is of course the PvP planet.


So man YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG. Keep queue warzone so I can keep win

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Understandable, and I might be wrong about this, but I think that is how they originally intended it. PVE players contribute, but PVP players dominate the system. This was a PVP feature IMO that PVE players could contribute to.


Again, I could be mistaken but that was my understanding.


What exactly did bioware say that leads you to believe that this conquesting is for pvpers and not pve? It's ridiculous to say such a thing based on how certain planets give bonus points based on what you do...some give more for pv, some more for crafting, and yet others give more for flashpoints. So you can see from the very design of the rewards that they ARE trying to make it equal for all types of players. However, this change is rather drastic if you cannot at least do the daily fp through group finder on each of my toons. Does bioware only want people to be able to get thier "personal reward" once per legacy? It is difficult to understand what bioware is doing here, and this patch seems rather rushed and not well thought out. I pay for the game just like anyone else who wants to support this game, I like to participate in ALL content myself (except gsf, just not my thing)...but pvp content and pve content should be able to reap roughly the same amount of conquest points each day, ESPECIALLY when a planet you are conquering has bonuses to flashpoints.

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So with the hot patch tonight we will no longer be able to re-run flashpoints more than ONE time per legacy per week? We can only do ONE random queue flashpoint for points per day because we have to be eligible for the daily bonus. We can only to the Weekly missions ONE time per week for points and we can only run the random Ops for points once every THREE days.


Yet PVP still counts for every match? How the hell are PVE gulids supposed to compete?


Ships are already hard to get plans for to open up unless you have a rather large guild so how are PVEr's suppose to keep up when we can earn only 19000 points on a character per week through PVE content and maybe 500-1000 more or so a day by doing heroics.


How do I get that number? Well if we cannot re-run PVE content for points we have this:


6 Random HM FPs: 6000

7 Weekly OP missions: 7000

Random OP Queues (1 every 3 days you MIGHT get 3 in): 6000

Then you MIGHT be able to get 500-1000 points a day doing heroics.


And yet each PVP match counts for 500-1000 points depending on the planet bonus, add in the weekly, and the fact that you can PVP all day and all night you can get as many points in ONE DAY as a PVEr might get in ONE WEEK.


I understand Bioware has been trying ram PVP down our throats since launch but some of us are simply NOT interested in their broken PVP system and this basically says to the PVEr's that 'Hey you don't matter to us.'


You seem to miss the bit where there are 20 or so PVE objectives Vs 2 crafting and 4 PVP objectives. No PVE my ****. You're just upset that your guild can no longer exploit the system.

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You seem to miss the bit where there are 20 or so PVE objectives Vs 2 crafting and 4 PVP objectives. No PVE my ****. You're just upset that your guild can no longer exploit the system.


why should a pvp reap an infinite amount of points, but pve not? Yes I think it is wrong for 55s to get conquest points from running SM esseles, but why shouldn't we be able to do daily GF FPs on each of our toons to get points? People are not upset because they can't exploit, people are upset because thier fix is too unbalanced...from one extreme to the other....

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Conquest should be PvP only. be thankful you PVEr's can get anypoints for your scripted easy to do events.


No forum avatar,

No signature,

No grammaring.


Anyone who speaks down on ~70% of the game because it is "scripted" and lacks the above requirements cannot and will not be taken seriously.

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You seem to miss the bit where there are 20 or so PVE objectives Vs 2 crafting and 4 PVP objectives. No PVE my ****. You're just upset that your guild can no longer exploit the system.



If you invade a PvP planet and are a PvPer but doing regular PvP is too boring for you... then *** are you doing it for then? Why are you even playing?



PvE's have to go out of their way for points on a Daily limit, cause I know for fact going and doing the Heroics on Balmorra wasn't part of my normal playtime routine at lvl 55. The only "regular content" thats get awarded some points is Group Finder Daily, and that's 1000. Once a day.


PvP can get 500 per match just for turning up. That's ignoring every other PvP objective.


PvE's don't get squat for just walking into a FP, Operation, Heroic, anything. And they can't get it times infinity either, not anymore.

Edited by Transairion
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You seem to miss the bit where there are 20 or so PVE objectives Vs 2 crafting and 4 PVP objectives. No PVE my ****. You're just upset that your guild can no longer exploit the system.


You right, complain for nothing, just people that are not anymore able to win without laming.

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The 'exploit' could have been solved if BW would have attached a rider to the flashpoint/conquest point system. If the Conquest points were attached via Group Finder and GF only, PVE players could still;

group with Guild members ( tank,healer,2dps)

Instant que's for those ^

Disallow the solo "zerging" of BT/Ess on SM for conquest points / ensuring level based flashpoints per party

Would still allow PvE players who had taken the time to acquire high level gear ( 186 ) the ability to 'speed' up the flashpoint but not solo/invite 3players at the "conquest point accumulation " dialogue



I have no idea about coding so I am unsure as to how hard the above solution would be to implement within the game confines...

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Everyone relax...daily fp rewards are still repeatable


Yes, so you an do 3 flashpoints a day for points. As opposed to as many GSF or warzone events for points as you want. If it was just "do a flashpoint off the GF" then it would be equivalent.


And yes, in count, there are more PVE listings. Most of which you can do once per week per legacy, not even per character.

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If I am understanding this correctly, and by going off the current Conquest. A PvE player doing all the one time objectives can earn 34,000 conquest points on 1 character, at which point they can earn 8,500 conquest points per day per character.


Which would mean they would need a total of 4 days to get the Personal Conquest goal, and by extension the Guild conquest goal and reward.


Meanwhile PvP players are able to earn 2,000 conquest points as a one time one character, but can then earn 5,500 conquest points multiple times a day. Which would mean they would have to complete those repeatable objectives 6 times per character in order to reach the Conquest Goal.



Which looking at it this way, it doesn't seem so bad. I'll admit, I'm a little surprised.

Edited by SupremeLegate
Corrected some omissions
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The 'exploit' could have been solved if BW would have attached a rider to the flashpoint/conquest point system. If the Conquest points were attached via Group Finder and GF only, PVE players could still;

group with Guild members ( tank,healer,2dps)

Instant que's for those ^

Disallow the solo "zerging" of BT/Ess on SM for conquest points / ensuring level based flashpoints per party

Would still allow PvE players who had taken the time to acquire high level gear ( 186 ) the ability to 'speed' up the flashpoint but not solo/invite 3players at the "conquest point accumulation " dialogue



I have no idea about coding so I am unsure as to how hard the above solution would be to implement within the game confines...


Simple change.


Remove the named FPs from conquest, change the FP reward for using GF to repeatable (instead of once per day), re-balance the points a bit so avg points / hour running level appropriate FPs is approximately the same as running WZs.



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Simple change.


Remove the named FPs from conquest, change the FP reward for using GF to repeatable (instead of once per day), re-balance the points a bit so avg points / hour running level appropriate FPs is approximately the same as running WZs.




Too sensible :)


More realistically, with good gear, a group of 4 could (and did) run Battle of Ilum hard-mode, including the bonus boss, in about 15 minutes, ad nauseum. (That's 4k before any stronghold bonuses, even my paltry 25% bonus would push that to 5k).


The fundamental problem would appear to be that the objectives coding for Conquests really seem to be very limited, to being: "infinite", "once per week per legacy", "tied to a weekly", or "tied to the Group Finder daily reward". Nothing else. Even the "Win 10 wz, get a reward" one from last week was infinite.

Edited by LilyJedi
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I thought there were other ways for individuals to get points to contribute....I might be mistaken.


People are steamed that they actually have to compete instead of use an exploit to farm points endlessly.


Complaining that the PvP is repeatable is a bit laughable since the rewards are smaller and matches take more time than the farming exploit closed off today.


And yeah, I hit 35k on multiple alts today just from running planetary dailies, so I'm not sure why people are complaining...oh wait, easy mode was stopped so they'll actually have to put forth an effort.

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Did some further calculations:


The Once A Week Objectives net a total of 21,000 conquest points, and the Once A Day Objectives net 16,000. Giving a combined total of 37,000 Conquest Points, and the Once A Day's would only need to be repeated twice per character in order to reach the 35,000 Conquest Point Goal.

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I have the solution. Remove conquest altogether because people are just a bunch of whiny (sn)itches who complain no matter what. I'm not sure you people deserve to opportunity to conquer anything.


Lol! And as soon as you do... the QQ would be endless. It will suddenly become the best thing ever.

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Why not just lock down Conquest to each server? That way there are separate Conquest PvE and PvP.


Because it is designed to include all play-types (you don't count, RPers :p ). I play on a PvE server, but I do a lot of PvP. Why shouldn't I be able to partake in this incredible "new content?"

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Did some further calculations:


The Once A Week Objectives net a total of 21,000 conquest points, and the Once A Day Objectives net 16,000. Giving a combined total of 37,000 Conquest Points, and the Once A Day's would only need to be repeated twice per character in order to reach the 35,000 Conquest Point Goal.


Is that PVE only, PVP only, or both?


What your calculations don't account for is how long it takes to earn those points. 1k points for a SM operation is too little when when it's something like TfB, which involves a tediously large amount of trash clearing.

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Hey all,


I brought this to the attention of the team, and discovered that this is a bug - Flashpoint Conquest Objectives are intended to be one-time only, not infinitely repeatable. The only Flashpoint Objectives that can be repeated are the Group Finder ones - and those can only be done when you have the Daily Mission for the Group Finder available.


We will be releasing 2.9c tomorrow morning to address this issue. There will be a maintenance post made later today with the full information.






So ty Tait for pointing out, since you were probably falling behind in points to a pve guild, that repeatable pve content must be a bug just had to tell the devs that the pvp community was unhappy with this. Ty for once again jamming a pvp system that we don't want to take part in. If conquest is only going to be about pvp week after week then I'll just throw in my towel and stop organizing activities for the 200 people in my guild every night of the week. Let their subs lapse and let everyone else who does pve in this game do the same. Then you can stop making new ops and hm fps and not worry about the pve community at all, oh wait, that's right.... you have stopped making them. -PVE GM

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Because it is designed to include all play-types (you don't count, RPers :p ). I play on a PvE server, but I do a lot of PvP. Why shouldn't I be able to partake in this incredible "new content?"


You can, but this way your guild in a PvP (PvE) server will compete against other guilds in the same PvP (PvE) server. Problem solved.

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