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Conquest and Screwing PVEr's


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So with the hot patch tonight we will no longer be able to re-run flashpoints more than ONE time per legacy per week? We can only do ONE random queue flashpoint for points per day because we have to be eligible for the daily bonus. We can only to the Weekly missions ONE time per week for points and we can only run the random Ops for points once every THREE days.


Yet PVP still counts for every match? How the hell are PVE gulids supposed to compete?


Ships are already hard to get plans for to open up unless you have a rather large guild so how are PVEr's suppose to keep up when we can earn only 19000 points on a character per week through PVE content and maybe 500-1000 more or so a day by doing heroics.


How do I get that number? Well if we cannot re-run PVE content for points we have this:


6 Random HM FPs: 6000

7 Weekly OP missions: 7000

Random OP Queues (1 every 3 days you MIGHT get 3 in): 6000

Then you MIGHT be able to get 500-1000 points a day doing heroics.


And yet each PVP match counts for 500-1000 points depending on the planet bonus, add in the weekly, and the fact that you can PVP all day and all night you can get as many points in ONE DAY as a PVEr might get in ONE WEEK.


I understand Bioware has been trying ram PVP down our throats since launch but some of us are simply NOT interested in their broken PVP system and this basically says to the PVEr's that 'Hey you don't matter to us.'

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Through crafting war supplies you can earn more points. But PVPers can craft as well. What I'm saying here is that the ability to earn points after this patch tonight will be SEVERELY slanted into PVP.


It takes roughly the same amount of time to run an HM FP as a typical PVP match takes. So why not just make it a flat 500 points per Level HM 55 FP you run?


The lower FP content should be limited yes. Because then you have ******s running through exploiting it.

Edited by Ihlrath
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Through crafting war supplies you can earn more points. But PVPers can craft as well. What I'm saying here is that the ability to earn points after this patch tonight will be SEVERELY slanted into PVP.


It takes roughly the same amount of time to run an HM FP as a typical PVP match takes. So why not just make it a flat 500 points per Level HM 55 FP you run?


And "PvEers" can't PvP?


Only BW has numbers of course, but in my experience there are only few players who are PvPers or PvEers in the absolute sense. At least in every guild I've been part of since the launch of this game, the main focus was on doing OPs, FPs and leveling alts, but most of the active members would also do their PvP dailies and weeklies and/or PvP in groups to have fun while chatting to each other over TS.


That said, I'm not against making every HM FP count, but only under the premise that these Ilum runs and the like are kept in check somehow.

Edited by Knorlac
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I completely agree, I understand that they are trying to get people to play starfighters and PvP, but they both are complete crap (they didn't have to be) and forcing us to play it is just insulting.
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....well, this is just my opinion mind you, but I would think it should be easier for PVP folks to compile conquest points since it is a PVP activity at its heart...at least that is always as it was presented.


As far as I remember the PVE aspects were offered so that solo and non-pvp players could contribute. Again, I might be mistaken, but that is how I saw it.


That does not mean I support the idea of them removing full points for lower flashpoints....I don't care either way frankly. Only pointing out that that is how I read it.

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Balmorra each day running all hero... 40min ---> 10500 points. or 3500 point without the X3 bonus if you are not in balmorra. take more time to do it by PvP.


So what's the problem?


Problem is that all PvE conquest content (for the most part) is all 1 time per day/week, compared to 10-15min PvP warzones/Starfighter matches

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I do GSF so the points are still there for me personally. But a lot of people don't PVP. In my guild we have about 25 active players and maybe 5 of them pvp on a regular basis.


You are absolutely correct in that exploiting the low level runs as some people have needs to be limited. And yes, there's a lot of heroics on Balmora. But Balmora won't be an option every week. Illum, for example, has 2 heroics. So those points for heroics won't be there every week.


What I am suggesting is that there be a repeatable metric for PVE just like there is for PVP. Even it out. There doesn't need to be any bonus for blah blah number of HM FPs run because if you want more points, do an op. But at least make Level 55 HM FPs worth something and repeatable.

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Through crafting war supplies you can earn more points. But PVPers can craft as well. What I'm saying here is that the ability to earn points after this patch tonight will be SEVERELY slanted into PVP.


It takes roughly the same amount of time to run an HM FP as a typical PVP match takes. So why not just make it a flat 500 points per Level HM 55 FP you run?


The lower FP content should be limited yes. Because then you have ******s running through exploiting it.



yeah I agree, 500 points per HM 55 flashpoint run seems fair. a HM flashpoint takes roughly as long as a PVP match to run. fairs fair

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I completely agree, I understand that they are trying to get people to play starfighters and PvP, but they both are complete crap (they didn't have to be) and forcing us to play it is just insulting.


It's not insulting.


You either play it or do not.


If you don't play, you loose on something. Simple as that.


I have been PvP'ing recently so I can acquire some decorations using Warzone comms and I expect to do the same with GSF. Why people who wanna obtain Conquest points for themselves and their Guilds should be special exactly?

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There are better ways to accomplish this instead of making them not repeatable. How about simply tieing them to level. You have to actually be able to do the content at a difficulty comperable to your level to get the credit for the conquest points.


Example: A level 55 can run though story mode Esseles in a very short amount of time.


A better change would simply be, to tie them to what you would get xp for. So this way level 55's would run Hard Mode Esseles which is a bit more challanging.


But without doing PVP over and over again, or crafting a mega crapton of war supplies there is no way for the PVE'er to get the points needed to make their personal goal.


So there are better solutions to this issue than removing the ability to repeat flashpoints. As Brian said earier why not add the 500 point option for doing a hardmode. This would give more of a balanced stance.

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I just don't feel like compiling conquest points by PVE activities should equal PVP activities. Just on the face of it I would feel that PVP activities deserve higher recognition with respect to conquest activities.


I mean, that is how it has been in most games with some type of factional contest....pve content has been supplemental. Folks that wish to only PVE can contribute to the cause, but the folks that really make it happen are the ones that risk life and limb.


That doesn't mean I am against the idea of high points for Flashpoints as they are now. Id be fine with that, or fine with the nerf. I'm just pointing out how I view the conquest system.

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It's not insulting.


You either play it or do not.


If you don't play, you loose on something. Simple as that.


I have been PvP'ing recently so I can acquire some decorations using Warzone comms and I expect to do the same with GSF. Why people who wanna obtain Conquest points for themselves and their Guilds should be special exactly?


Insulting may not be the word, but shortsighted is.


I don't PVP. Ever. In any game. Because in my experience way too many PVP players seem intent on making it an unpleasant activity if you aren't as "leet" as them. No, not all, but the times I've said "maybe I will try it, maybe it's gotten better", by the third opponent I get a ******* who seems less intent on the supposed point of the event and more on hurling abuse, using powers to make sure I can't even try to do anything, and so forth. So I don't PVP. Ever. In any game. I won't even go into PVP zones after being assured "not a problem, there's nobody there, you won't actually be engaging in PVP".


That's a choice. That's a choice this game supports. I set up on a PVE server to make my choice clear. I hold to my choice even when I could bend it a little and get some benefit.


You're saying that's not a legitimate choice, that I must be a PVPer to get the crafting and stronghold benefits that come from conquests. I disagree.

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It's not meant to be faction vs. faction. Empire nor Republic gain anything from controlling a planet. This is guild competition. Only the Guild winning the planet gets the advantage there. More importantly for guilds with Ships the quickest way to build up the Plans for unlocking rooms and decks is through Conquest and finishing on the leaderboard with personal goal met.


Now I can GSF all day long and from the looks of it that's what I'll be doing.


One thing I think we can all agree on is for the guilds out there that were exploiting the Illum/False Emperor and Esseles/Black Talon runs suck.

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Insulting may not be the word, but shortsighted is.


I don't PVP. Ever. In any game. Because in my experience way too many PVP players seem intent on making it an unpleasant activity if you aren't as "leet" as them. No, not all, but the times I've said "maybe I will try it, maybe it's gotten better", by the third opponent I get a ******* who seems less intent on the supposed point of the event and more on hurling abuse, using powers to make sure I can't even try to do anything, and so forth. So I don't PVP. Ever. In any game. I won't even go into PVP zones after being assured "not a problem, there's nobody there, you won't actually be engaging in PVP".


That's a choice. That's a choice this game supports. I set up on a PVE server to make my choice clear. I hold to my choice even when I could bend it a little and get some benefit.


You're saying that's not a legitimate choice, that I must be a PVPer to get the crafting and stronghold benefits that come from conquests. I disagree.


I did not say that.


What I said is that if people like me, who are expected to PvP every so often to achieve or obtain something they desire, I fail to see why other people - namely in a Guild - should not, especially when their "sacrifice"(?) is for the whole, in this case their Guild.


Again, no one is special.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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You're saying that's not a legitimate choice, that I must be a PVPer to get the crafting and stronghold benefits that come from conquests. I disagree.


Understandable, and I might be wrong about this, but I think that is how they originally intended it. PVE players contribute, but PVP players dominate the system. This was a PVP feature IMO that PVE players could contribute to.


Again, I could be mistaken but that was my understanding.

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Problem is that all PvE conquest content (for the most part) is all 1 time per day/week, compared to 10-15min PvP warzones/Starfighter matches


Simple log in another character, next day start from the beginning. 3/4 alts and you are done. Doing H is really more better than run PvP.


I really can't see where the problem is.

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But without doing PVP over and over again, or crafting a mega crapton of war supplies there is no way for the PVE'er to get the points needed to make their personal goal.



I didn't do a crapton of PvP to achieve my personal goal. All I did was my PvP daily, which amounts to the weekly over the duration. I'm not sure how many points that are, but at the end of the first week I was at 49k so I would not even have needed all or any of this. I also didn't craft at all on that char.


What I did to reach my personal goal PvE wise is:


-HM FP dailies

-Tactical FP dailies

-both corresponding weeklies

-run Alderaan heroics

-do the destroy turrets and guards stuff

-do the rampage stuff

-not sure if they counted first week, but I did daily areas with their weeklies as well

-did one groupfinder OP I almost forgot

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It's not about being special. But people should be able to play what aspects of the game the enjoy (I.E. PVP or PVE content) and still be able to get the rewards from doing what they enjoy. Those that do both? Hey they get it faster and score more points!


But I don't think if someone doesn't enjoy PVP or PVE that their ability to meet the weekly quota should be impeeded for that. They should be able to reach the goal without having to spend a ridiculous amount of time each night doing it.


Those that do both SHOULD have an advantage and that would be reflected by their gaining points for doing both.

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It's not about being special. But people should be able to play what aspects of the game the enjoy (I.E. PVP or PVE content) and still be able to get the rewards from doing what they enjoy. Those that do both? Hey they get it faster and score more points!


But I don't think if someone doesn't enjoy PVP or PVE that their ability to meet the weekly quota should be impeeded for that. They should be able to reach the goal without having to spend a ridiculous amount of time each night doing it.


Those that do both SHOULD have an advantage and that would be reflected by their gaining points for doing both.


I would like that but it's not how the game works - or any other MMO, I might gather.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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