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Survey to determine a couple of things.(Stats from TEH, would welcome more)


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So I went around TEH annoying everybody asking for 3 specific stats. Total time played, total kills and total damage dealt. With several goals in mind.


1. Primary goal, to determine what "average" is, somewhat objectively in DPS and kills per minute in matches.

2. To determine the relationship between kills per minute and DPS, the question being whether or not high kills typically corresponds to high game impact from a damage perspective.

3. At first I was also interested in finding out the win/loss ratio for higher numbers, but I quickly decided against it because of the differences between domination and TDM in regards to game impact and damage. The difference being in domination bombers are more relevant with significantly lower stats on average.

4. The main differences in ships by stats.


Here's the intermediate results. I have a sample size of 40, I'd prefer more, it's ordered in ascending order from the bottom and has a corresponding graph. I'd prefer to eventually reach a sample size of 100 eventually, but it takes awhile for sure.


Formulas to determine the numbers


(total damage dealt)/(total time played in seconds)


(total kills/total time played in minutes)



I feel that with this I've accurately represented both spectrums of active pilots pretty well. Though it could always become more accurate.


For accuracy's sake I made these requirements.


1. At least 5 hours played total in the ship used to report stats with. (And obviously, at least 5 hours played overall.)

2. Unless there's a large enough difference between characters, only one character can be represented (even with averaging them together.) I only used this rule twice.

The difference I deemed acceptable is a 10 point difference or greater in DPS and a 0.1 point difference in KPM or greater.

3. If somebody almost exclusively flies one ship, that's the stat to report on. Any playing around with other ships even if its a minor amount of time only serves to skew their representation.



Anyway, I'm going to continue gathering more data soon on this. Though for reference:


Intermediate results taken as I collect them,

(The order has been sorted for this chart, I have another chart which is in order collected.)

Sample Size: StatName(Stat), StatName(Stat)

20 : KPM(0.587)   DPS(47.628)

40 : KPM(0.562)  DPS(46.025)



Final point.

I feel that even if BW decided to go along with this for us stats nerds and culled all the stats from all the players it would be inaccurate due to the number of players who have very low averages and don't actually play this game.

It would be irrelevant to weight somebody based on their time played also because some of the people with the most time played are still bottom of the pack. It's better to set a threshold and count everything past that threshold on equal footing.


P.S. I've also got the name of everybody I've surveyed so as not to ask the same person to answer multiple times, though I'd rather not post names along with the stat for privacy's sake.


P.P.S. If you're interested in participating either message me in-game on Nimaru or Taisetsuna on TEH or message me on the forums ( not sure if I'll see that though.)

Edited by tommmsunb
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I'm not really sure what you're looking for with these stats but I'm game :)

I don't really care about privacy so I'm just going to put them all here, probably more convenient for you anyways.


Bastion Imperial Drakolich http://i.imgur.com/ubPRdy5.jpg DPS 71.16 KPM 1.08

Bastion Republic Drakolích http://imgur.com/T7xSOnb DPS 78.14 KPM 1.12

Bastion Imperial DrakolichSoloQ http://imgur.com/1FW9fnf DPS 87.94 KPM 1.41

EbonHawk Imperial Drakolich http://imgur.com/rX5xI8Q DPS 65.87 KPM 1.03


So those are my top 4 played characters at the moment, its about 3500 games across all 4, I wasn't sure if you just wanted me to add them all up or not, so I'll leave that up to you.


A very interesting thing happened in my opinion, my SoloQ only character seems to have way higher of these stats even though has a worse win% and my Ebonhawk character which I've almost exclusively played with my really good team has the worse.


It's pretty cool that my stats are so heavily impacted by who I play with. Infact my stats are just plain worse the better players I q with. ^^


I hope this is what you were looking for and that I didn't screw up the math, I put up the stats screenshots so you can check it yourself. :)

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A very interesting thing happened in my opinion, my SoloQ only character seems to have way higher of these stats even though has a worse win% and my Ebonhawk character which I've almost exclusively played with my really good team has the worse.


It's pretty cool that my stats are so heavily impacted by who I play with. Infact my stats are just plain worse the better players I q with. ^^


If you play with players more or less equal to you, everyone gets a piece of the cake. If you play with worse, your piece is bigger if you're good enough.

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I'm not really sure what you're looking for with these stats but I'm game :)

I don't really care about privacy so I'm just going to put them all here, probably more convenient for you anyways.


Bastion Imperial Drakolich http://i.imgur.com/ubPRdy5.jpg DPS 71.16 KPM 1.08

Bastion Republic Drakolích http://imgur.com/T7xSOnb DPS 78.14 KPM 1.12

Bastion Imperial DrakolichSoloQ http://imgur.com/1FW9fnf DPS 87.94 KPM 1.41

EbonHawk Imperial Drakolich http://imgur.com/rX5xI8Q DPS 65.87 KPM 1.03


So those are my top 4 played characters at the moment, its about 3500 games across all 4, I wasn't sure if you just wanted me to add them all up or not, so I'll leave that up to you.


A very interesting thing happened in my opinion, my SoloQ only character seems to have way higher of these stats even though has a worse win% and my Ebonhawk character which I've almost exclusively played with my really good team has the worse.


It's pretty cool that my stats are so heavily impacted by who I play with. Infact my stats are just plain worse the better players I q with. ^^


I hope this is what you were looking for and that I didn't screw up the math, I put up the stats screenshots so you can check it yourself. :)


For now considering everything is on Ebon Hawk I'll take the Ebon Hawk stat, however if you can go back and show me the difference from ship to ship for your Ebon Hawk character that'd be appreciated. I know you flew a lot of bomber but also fly a lot of scout and effectively at that. If I get more from other servers I'll average all of yours together.


And these stats are simply because we didn't have them readily available. I for one like to know every stat I can and then min max accordingly.



What I find especially interesting is the difference in winrate between others of around the same level. Typically the people in the range you posted had a win/rate of 60-80% but not ending up with much higher. This further leads me to believe that it depends on who you queue with much more than your solo performance. My own soloQ player (who's not exclusively solo queue but 95% of the time is.) Is about the same as you solo q, however my team queue character that I have on jung ma is the same as your ebon hawk one is win/rate wise.



Also to prove a point because some guy in GSF chat once told me that high DPS doesn't mean higher kills.

Edited by tommmsunb
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For Ebonhawk only, I only have 4 ships that have 5+ hours played.


Sting 92.86 DPS 1.43 KPM http://puu.sh/bbzAR/8fca43470d.jpg

Mangler 92.55 DPS 1.57 KPM http://puu.sh/bbzAa/e281658a42.jpg

Razorwire 42.33 DPS 0.7 KPM http://puu.sh/bbzJV/f3e90925c8.jpg

Imperium 50.04 DPS 0.71 KPM http://puu.sh/bbzQw/c0bd317a61.jpg


There ya go, let me know if you want anything else. :)

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For Shadowlands (for ships >5h played):

Overall 88.35 DPS 1.21 KPM

Mangler 101.30 DPS 1.36 KPM

Sting 84.36 DPS 1.21 KPM

Blackbolt 81.38 DPS 1.14 KPM

Bloodmark 70.37 DPS 0.94 KPM

Rycer 84.03 DPS 1.07 KPM

Imperium 63.93 DPS 0.91 KPM

Quell 75.41 DPS 1.07 KPM

Legion 64.12 DPS 0.69 KPM

Razorwire 58.50 DPS 0.86 KPM

Decimus 89.04 DPS 1.13 KPM


If you really need screenshots I'll upload some links, too lazy right now to do it for all of them.

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For Shadowlands (for ships >5h played):

Overall 88.35 DPS 1.21 KPM

Mangler 101.30 DPS 1.36 KPM

Sting 84.36 DPS 1.21 KPM

Blackbolt 81.38 DPS 1.14 KPM

Bloodmark 70.37 DPS 0.94 KPM

Rycer 84.03 DPS 1.07 KPM

Imperium 63.93 DPS 0.91 KPM

Quell 75.41 DPS 1.07 KPM

Legion 64.12 DPS 0.69 KPM

Razorwire 58.50 DPS 0.86 KPM

Decimus 89.04 DPS 1.13 KPM


If you really need screenshots I'll upload some links, too lazy right now to do it for all of them.


nah its fine i believe you. im going to take your average from this.

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