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Looking for a new laptop


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Please do not tell me to build a new one. I do not have the patience nor the knowledge on what is needed.


Alright, now with that being said, I have a slightly older laptop (about two and a half years), and the battery is <bleeping> out on me so I had to go buy a replacement. This has got me thinking, however.


Current laptop is great for writing essays and school work. Yay for that.


Gaming-wise, meh. I can play the game except for Makeb (and yes I've been deleting that pesky bitraider folder to get the load screen to stop freezing and that doesn't usually work for me) at a custom graphics setting I enjoy. Or low, depending on what I'm doing.


But I want to upgrade to a new laptop, and the sheer number of them is vast, and I do not speak MBs and GBs and RAMs. Well, GBs are bigger than MBs, but I made my point.


So I'm asking for help in narrowing down the list.


What I need:


CD/DVD player to keep playing KOTOR I and II from time to time. And other CD-ROM games I have.

The ability to at least play the game in Full screen Medium Graphics setting, so whatever that means.

At least three USB ports (or two if the laptop has a ten-key) for a mouse, keyboard and an extra (external laptop fan, phone charger etc)


Things I would like:


Touch screen for when I draw

Not huge and bulky


Price range: Not in a hurry, so I can save up.


Links would be appreciated more than spouting out what numbers I need, since I dare to call myself a gamer without understanding all the numbers and tech involved.

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A 5400 RPM OS drive on a $1300 laptop? I hope that is just a mistake in Amazon's listing and they forgot to mention an SSD. At a minimum make sure the drive is 7200 RPM.


This is less important than you think. Or rather, its not the rotational speed that matters. There are 5400rpm drives that have better read performance than a lot of 7200rpm drives. The things that really matter here are drive cache sizes and platter density. I run SWTOR off of a 5400rpm drive and it routinely beats my wifes 7200rpm drive at loading planets.


Of course, if you're not up for research into the drives being used by laptops, a 7200rpm drive has a better chance of being faster. However, discarding a 5400rpm drive based simply on the rotational speed is unwise.

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You want something like this:


Discrete Graphics card


That (ASUS G750 series: i7-4700 w/ GTX 860M and 12GB RAM @ $1350) is actually my current recommendation for someone looking for a moderate gaming laptop. The video card isn't screaming fast --its not going to match what a desktop can do-- but the performance will be good, and the price is still in the good-value-for-your-money range. The next step up in quality comes at a premium: $1750 for the upgrade to a GTX 670 and 16GB of RAM.


Also, I trust ASUS's build quality, and they do proper cooling on their gaming laptops, and use actual gaming-quality components on their motherboards and power supplies.


I would absolutely not advise an Alienware laptop. They are overpriced for what you get, and what you get is often little more than standard Dell parts with a gaming video card and a flashy shell. For a proper gaming laptop, you really want something that is designed with higher temperature tolerances and a bit more robust power-handling circuitry.

Edited by Malastare
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And one more thing I missed: Touch screen.


At the moment, "gaming ability" and "touch screens" are mutually exclusive. In order to have a laptop capable of running a gaming-class video card, it will need to have a full cooling system with heat sinks and fans that take up space and make the laptop heavier. Touch screens were designed to make laptops even more mobile, and are favored on lighter, more compact laptops.


There's nothing about touch screen technology that conflicts with the idea of a gaming laptop... its more that the marketing and design ideology aren't really complementary. It's sort of like looking for a street racing car that comes with an automatic parking feature. They're just designed for two different audiences.


You might be able to find a mid-level gaming laptop that has a touch screen... but all my initial searches have turned up nothing that I could recommend.

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This is less important than you think. Or rather, its not the rotational speed that matters. There are 5400rpm drives that have better read performance than a lot of 7200rpm drives. The things that really matter here are drive cache sizes and platter density. I run SWTOR off of a 5400rpm drive and it routinely beats my wifes 7200rpm drive at loading planets.


Of course, if you're not up for research into the drives being used by laptops, a 7200rpm drive has a better chance of being faster. However, discarding a 5400rpm drive based simply on the rotational speed is unwise.


I'm curious if those are the original drives or ones that you replaced. My experience with OEM supplied drives has been anything that isn't 7200 RPM tended to be a noticeably slower drive. I didn't see anything besides the rotational speed and volume listed for the linked laptop so, while it might be a good performing drive, it's not at a price point that I would be willing to take a chance on it.

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This is less important than you think. Or rather, its not the rotational speed that matters. There are 5400rpm drives that have better read performance than a lot of 7200rpm drives. The things that really matter here are drive cache sizes and platter density. I run SWTOR off of a 5400rpm drive and it routinely beats my wifes 7200rpm drive at loading planets.


Of course, if you're not up for research into the drives being used by laptops, a 7200rpm drive has a better chance of being faster. However, discarding a 5400rpm drive based simply on the rotational speed is unwise.


Using both sucks, try a SSD and find religion. :)


You will never go back, and wonder what took you so long to find the promised land. :)

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Have you considering having both a laptop and a desktop?


Laptops that are good at gaming tend to be quite expensive. A desktop at half the price will run rings around it.


Might not be an option for space or other reasons, just something to consider.

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I have an SSD at work because of the drive intensive processes that I do. Some tasks that I need to do frequently throughout the day that take less than a quarter of the time using SSD rather than a hard drive. I probably still wouldn't bother getting one for general home use. Reduced boot and load times, infrequent activities for me, don't justify the cost.
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Have you considering having both a laptop and a desktop?


Laptops that are good at gaming tend to be quite expensive. A desktop at half the price will run rings around it.


Might not be an option for space or other reasons, just something to consider.


Would love to, but I don't currently have the space for both.


Edit: And I generally play in the evening after work, while watching TV and spending family time, and the only place for a desktop (maybe) would be far from everyone and then I'd be even more of a hermit.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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I bought an MSI Laptop last christmas for my Wife and she loves it.


It plays SWTOR with all settings maxed easily.


Here is a link to the one I bought




I had originally got her one of the Asus ones and had multiple problems with it so we replaced it with the MSI and it is great.

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I bought an MSI Laptop last christmas for my Wife and she loves it.


It plays SWTOR with all settings maxed easily.


Here is a link to the one I bought




I had originally got her one of the Asus ones and had multiple problems with it so we replaced it with the MSI and it is great.


What kinds of problems did you guys have with the Asus? Just asking because all I seem to find are pretty good reviews.

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I bought an MSI Laptop last christmas for my Wife and she loves it.


It plays SWTOR with all settings maxed easily.


Here is a link to the one I bought




I had originally got her one of the Asus ones and had multiple problems with it so we replaced it with the MSI and it is great.


I should bloody well hope it plays with everything maxed, for $2,700!

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I have been looking into a replacement laptop for SWTOR and PSO2 for the past 2 months. The best for the price I can find is a Dell Inspiron 15 or 17 , 15 " screen or 17 ". If you are in the UK then there's lots on ebay here's a link to the 15 one and it's only £599.99




If you are in the USA then here's a link too it's $929.00.




Now if you want to search for one yourself just search for dell inspiron 15 ( or 17 ) 7537


That will do the trick perfectly well for SWTOR and drawing.





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Using both sucks, try a SSD and find religion. :)


You will never go back, and wonder what took you so long to find the promised land. :)


Testiify my brutha! R'amen!


I installed an SSD in my gaming laptop about a month ago. Best $129 I ever spent.

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What kinds of problems did you guys have with the Asus? Just asking because all I seem to find are pretty good reviews.


I have the ASUS RoG G73 model. About 3 years old now. I bought a 2nd on clearance 6 months after I bought the first one for $700. They have been used daily since, without issue. Fantastic gaming laptops.


Check your local bigbox for clearance/refurbs. you will be surprised at the deals you will find. You might not find it the first time, or the second time, but keep trying. One day you'll walk in, the clouds will part, and the angels will sing.

Edited by tharbison
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I must point out that the laptop I pointed to will work as laptop i.e. on your lap. Now some others like my current one are basically desktop replacements so they will need a fan underneath and as you mentioned your battery being dead I guessed you wanted a portable take anywhere laptop hence my choice that I have been studying for 2 months.


The SSD situation is indeed a great one that people have mentioned , I won't ever go back to non SSD in my PC's. SWTOR and Windows load up in next to no time at all.


Cheers ,



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I must point out that the laptop I pointed to will work as laptop i.e. on your lap. Now some others like my current one are basically desktop replacements so they will need a fan underneath and as you mentioned your battery being dead I guessed you wanted a portable take anywhere laptop hence my choice that I have been studying for 2 months.


The SSD situation is indeed a great one that people have mentioned , I won't ever go back to non SSD in my PC's. SWTOR and Windows load up in next to no time at all.


Cheers ,




My original battery is dead, and I would like to move the new laptop at least from one room to another, since I have my current one that can handle being standard do-not-gaming stuff just fine. Except for the Gimp program from time to time, but I don't run that all the time.


I've been reading that SSDs are really nice and likely worth it. If nothing else than for the sound factor.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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What kinds of problems did you guys have with the Asus? Just asking because all I seem to find are pretty good reviews.


The Asus one I got her originally was the




It looked awesome but was very big and very heavy. My wife wasn't comfortable with it. However it would have been fine but it starting having issues reading DVDs and after 5 days stopped charging. Pretty crazy to have two distinct issues right out of the box.


Going back to the MSI my wife also loves the Multicolored Keyboard options with regards to lighting. Its just overall a nice laptop

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The Asus one I got her originally was the




It looked awesome but was very big and very heavy. My wife wasn't comfortable with it. However it would have been fine but it starting having issues reading DVDs and after 5 days stopped charging. Pretty crazy to have two distinct issues right out of the box.


Going back to the MSI my wife also loves the Multicolored Keyboard options with regards to lighting. Its just overall a nice laptop


Okay, wow. Surprised the issues weren't solved by warranty.


But lot of points to consider, that is!

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