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New Player Experience Challenge


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I can't speak to other servers, but queues have been nowhere near 45-60 on Jedi Covenant at any point, ever, going back to GSF beta. I mean, maybe in the wee hours of the AM or something, but never during prime time, or even during the day.


I've generally always had to play on the off hours on JC in the evening and I don't think it ever really went north of 20 minutes (queueing solo). Normally when queues dried up it was like 3-4AM but there'd only be like 10-20 people on the fleet (so honestly I'd guess at that point no queues were popping for any game mode).

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Maybe the best way to picture how skill improves performance would be for one of us -day-one veterans- to show a screenshot of the early days performance, showing how bad our score were compared to what we can do now in a stock ship...


... but actually, it would be a bit embarassing.


So I checked through my old screenshots and found some from January this year (near when I started playing), turns out I didn't take any screenshots of the matches where I got stomped :D It is interesting to note however that in January I took a total of 13 screenshots (all decent matches)


this is less than half the # of screenshots I was taking after that. Feb had like 20, march 30-40, flash forward to now and I take one every day. Kind of shows the progression curve through the matches I wanted to "save"


2 months in seems to be when I started to capture lots of matches.

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This (early game performance) is an interesting question. You can back-calculate a lot of things with achievements, like looking at when you got the kills and damage achievements, and the various medals, and comparing that with when you got your first mastered ships. I am going to do this when I get home today and post my findings. No screenshots would be needed for this, which is good, since I definitely don't have screencaps for the majority of my games, win or lose. Edited by Fractalsponge
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This (early game performance) is an interesting question. You can back-calculate a lot of things with achievements, like looking at when you got the kills and damage achievements, and the various medals, and comparing that with when you got your first mastered ships. I am going to do this when I get home today and post my findings. No screenshots would be needed for this, which is good, since I definitely don't have screencaps for the majority of my games, win or lose.


That's not exactly that simple. I've never mastered a ship... always one or two components not fully mastered. But I have 90-95% in every achieve section but mastering ships and unlocking comps. So this comparaison would be completely skewed in my case ;)

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So I checked through my old screenshots and found some from January this year (near when I started playing), turns out I didn't take any screenshots of the matches where I got stomped :D It is interesting to note however that in January I took a total of 13 screenshots (all decent matches)


this is less than half the # of screenshots I was taking after that. Feb had like 20, march 30-40, flash forward to now and I take one every day. Kind of shows the progression curve through the matches I wanted to "save"


2 months in seems to be when I started to capture lots of matches.


I found my oldest screenshot, it was from december 7th. 12K damage only.

My first domination match on my Imperial alt (w/ mirror ship) was from april 6th. 42K damage.


But I'm starting to doubt the relevency of the comparison, since the first was a 1000/177 win, and the latter a 479/1000 loss, and looking at my severals screenshots I am remembered that the situation matters a lot (for exemple I have wins with mastered ships, where I'm top pilot, but the numbers are actually unimpressive - and some where the ship wasn't mastered but the numbers are absolutely OMG)


Just like you, I am also taking much more screenshots now than then.

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A while back, I noticed my name on a screenshot someone else posted of a match they had called 'kind of comical' which had to have been one of my first matches. It was probably in January of this year.


These two screens are a good illustration of how far one can come with persistence and practice...






- Despon

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A while back, I noticed my name on a screenshot someone else posted of a match they had called 'kind of comical' which had to have been one of my first matches. It was probably in January of this year.


These two screens are a good illustration of how far one can come with persistence and practice...






- Despon


Thanks for posting this. Very interesting to see those old names and damage numbers. By the way, I think this screenshot is a better comparison. I am guessing the two ships were similar.


I know that it took me one month of irregular play followed by one month of almost nightly play to get to the point where I was able to really even follow things well. It has really been fun since getting to that point.

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By the way, I think this screenshot is a better comparison.

Good point, in both my 'THEN' shot and the one you link there, I was in a relatively unupgraded / stock Rycer. Also worth noting is that the game went through some pretty significant balance changes from then to now, and it is currently friendlier to new pilots. I won't claim that the 'new player experience' is a great one, but anyone who puts in even the bare minimum effort to ask for some help and persist through that tough initial period will get better and develop the skills to thrive and contribute.


Btw, I'm always available to help new pilots on the various servers I prowl. If you want advice or have GSF questions, send a tell to any of the following characters I run as:

Begeren Colony - Despon (imp) / Beris (pub)

Ebon Hawk - Despon (imp)

Shadowlands - Desponn (imp)

... and occasionally I make cameos elsewhere too : )

Edited by caederon
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I newly returning player here on Profecy of Five server on Empire side. I must admit the few games I have played in starfighter with a starter ship hasn't ended well for me. If anybody is out there who can get me started so that I have a clue, it would be greatly appreciated.
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Thanks to all the people that decided to derail this thread. You've utterly destroyed the value. At this point it seems that thread crapper got his wish and kill this idea in the crib.

Not sure who all you're calling out, but it is pretty easy to re-rail. Mentoring new pilots is a good idea. Your goal is admirable.


I think a broader effort to get veterans to continually offer support to new pilots is a viable way to go, too. I can't really commit to a specific schedule, but when I'm on any of the places I play, I try to get people into the GSF channel and say I'm available to ask for advice after matches. I've had success reaching out to new people that care about learning.


To me, the most important thing is getting the new folks into the GSF channel on your server, if it has any activity or presence from the veterans. That helps move beyond individual mentoring and gets everyone involved. I know there are a whole bunch of people on Begeren Colony that are willing to help new pilots with advice when its asked for in the GSF channel.

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I newly returning player here on Profecy of Five server on Empire side. I must admit the few games I have played in starfighter with a starter ship hasn't ended well for me. If anybody is out there who can get me started so that I have a clue, it would be greatly appreciated.


Find any of my toons (in my sig below) and I'll help ya.

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