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Do you prefer the Coruscant "hustle/bustle" feel or "moody/rainy" DK Stronghold?


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I prefer DK most of the time. But I'm a "Yeah, I like the rain and feeling all somber and morose and stuff" kind of guy.


Second would be Tatooine ... for the sunset and the utter isolationism. Speaking of, I need an emote to /shakefistatpassingballoonandyellatittostayoffmylawn.


Third is Nar Shaddaa. Every now and then, I make the trek to Las Vegas for gambling and legal prostitutes. NS seems sort of the same. Not someplace I'd stay on a daily basis, but nice to visit.


I can't stand Coruscant. All the noise and traffic? Too much like real life.

Edited by Thoronmir
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I love the rain effect on Dromund Kaas. That's no secret.


That being said, the color pallet is awful. I shouldn't say awful, I should say Sith.


Getting the majority of the decorations to fit, visually, generally required lots of screening of the walls. The warm lighting on Coruscant on the other hand, fits very well with the majority of the decorations. I had my main Stronghold on Kaas (I'm a Republic player) and paid probably ~50k in travel fees. Those weren't the issue. When my GSH was around 72% completion, the colors finally got to me. So I lifted all the deco's and moved to Croissant.

Edited by Kremsau
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both for different purposes :p


my Sith live on DK. my jedi and my trooper live on Coruscant. everyone else lives on Nar SHaddaa. I'm still not convinced if I want to buy Tatooine or not. I actualy don't like how sprawling it is. been living in smaller cosier places all my life, so all that giant open space is just uncomfortable.

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People have troulble answering the question that was asked, don't they, lol?


I prefer DK, myself. I find the city beautiful in a way that, to me, Coruscant is not.


well.... the question was which one you preferred, but it didn't specify that you had to pick one. what about some of us who don't really have definitive preference? liking both equally is not a crime :p

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I bought the DK stronghold and haven't used it yet because although I prefer the atmosphere, the archatecture is a case of Darth Marr saying "This bit should be grey, that bit should be slightly darker grey and for the entrance... I'm leaning toward a greyish colour there". For now, NS is my home, I like the layout but the second a Manaan stronghold is avaliable I am buying without a second thought. Love how they've done Manaan.
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