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Your Guild's Conquest point Final?


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Greetings friends and allies in the Force!



WOW ! What an amazing expansion! We have not seen this many players online since launch!


That said, what was your guild's conquest point final?


We have 6 guild's in our community, here is where they ranked on Begeren Colony


THE JEDI ORDER = 8,264,305 and we WON MAKEB!


3 of our other guild's came in the Top 10


Republic SpecForce

Mando'ade Aliite

Republic Privateers


Collectively our 6 guild community put up well over 11 million conquest points!


What did your guild/server do? Was there serious competition like that as well?

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Ebon Hawk.


Aisthesis ,. 10.253.520 .Voss

Veritas , 9.842.750 , Voss

Army of Light , 7.279.800 . Makeb

13th legion , 6.021.610 . Makeb

That is our top 4 very good from each Guild ...

Edited by lazze
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Top guild on Makeb got 9.6mil points.

If they averaged 50K per toon, they will be picking up 190 encryptions tomorrow. They will be well on their way to unlocking one of the larger rooms.

On a personal note, I scored over 110k points myself across 3 toons.

I scored around 420K points across 9 toons, in a Voss conquest: all got to 35K, three went higher (one to 89K).

Stronghold boost was 69%.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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I think our GM ended just shy of 2mil on his toons. I was at 760k across mine and I think third in our guild.


We had a lot of members farming materials for us though since we had higher stronghold bonuses. It was a really fun week and a massive group effort. I hope other servers had fun close races similar to ours on Ebon Hawk.

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Wow Jung Ma must be a low population server. I bet that 10th place guild on Jung Ma wouldn't have even been in the top 50 on The Harbinger! :eek:


Voss was our least contested planet, the other two easily had double the number. But hey we like our small guilds, fck superguilds.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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We have 6 guild's in our community, here is where they ranked on Begeren Colony


THE JEDI ORDER = 8,264,305 and we WON MAKEB!


3 of our other guild's came in the Top 10


Republic SpecForce

Mando'ade Aliite

Republic Privateers


Collectively our 6 guild community put up well over 11 million conquest points!


What did your guild/server do? Was there serious competition like that as well?


And you'll probably do it again next week, and the week after that, and the week after that... :)


Frankly, in very short order, no one else besides you is going to care because only the top 5-10 guilds on each server will be able to compete, everyone else quickly will ignore this.


Think of boxing... they don't have all boxers compete... They have a lightweight, middleweight, and heavyweight category for a reason, you can't have a 110lb boxer fight a 220lb boxer, there would be no contest and it would be boring.

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And you'll probably do it again next week, and the week after that, and the week after that... :)


Frankly, in very short order, no one else besides you is going to care because only the top 5-10 guilds on each server will be able to compete, everyone else quickly will ignore this.


Think of boxing... they don't have all boxers compete... They have a lightweight, middleweight, and heavyweight category for a reason, you can't have a 110lb boxer fight a 220lb boxer, there would be no contest and it would be boring.



A guild 1/4th our size gave us a huge run for our money. Actually getting over us by 300k at one point.


I think it is all about player dedication to the conquest is all.

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Frankly, in very short order, no one else besides you is going to care because only the top 5-10 guilds on each server will be able to compete, everyone else quickly will ignore this.

Not likely, if nothing else because some weeks there will be 15 planets to choose from, and that means 150 guilds will finish in the top 10 on each server. Also, check the different Conquest criteria at http://dulfy.net/2014/08/07/swtor-planetary-conquests-guide/ -- they vary a lot.

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And you'll probably do it again next week, and the week after that, and the week after that... :)


Frankly, in very short order, no one else besides you is going to care because only the top 5-10 guilds on each server will be able to compete, everyone else quickly will ignore this.


Think of boxing... they don't have all boxers compete... They have a lightweight, middleweight, and heavyweight category for a reason, you can't have a 110lb boxer fight a 220lb boxer, there would be no contest and it would be boring.


except with 3 planets - there's a chance for 30 guilds to make it to the leader boards. it all depends on what your goal is. are you trying to win the first place? or just get in top ten for inscriptions to pimp out your guild ship?


it doesn't take nearly as much to get on the leaderboards as it does to win them, especially if you pick your planet carefully to work with your guilds best strengths.


edited to add... wait... there will be weeks with 15 planets all available simultaneously? wut? yeah, that definitely gives a chance for pretty much everyone.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Not sure where the info about 15 planets comes from. According to Dulfy's list there are 11 conquests with the following composition:

3 planets: 5

4 planets: 2

5 planets: 2

12 planets: 1

unknown: 1


So, every 11 weeks even small guilds get a more or less guaranteed spot in the top 10 (if they pick the right planet). Half the time only 3 planets are available.

Edited by Shoraan
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I'm not sure what's considered a large guild, but ours has 82 unique accounts. Although, we only had 45 that contibuted points and only 27 of those broke 30k total across all characters and we won the planet we invaded. I'm sure we're a bit larger than many, but 30 or so regularly active folks isn't that extreme.
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I'm not sure what's considered a large guild, but ours has 82 unique accounts. Although, we only had 45 that contibuted points and only 27 of those broke 30k total across all characters and we won the planet we invaded.


I am curious as to where you get those stats. Is this an officer-only function for guilds, or self-reporting by members?

Edit: Never mind, I found it: the Guild tab has it as an option. Sorts weirdly tho.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Do you really think a 'small' guild with say, 5-10 active players has a chance in you know what against a 'large' guild with say 30-40 active players?


Technically a guild that small gamed the system to even be able to compete. I believe that purchasing a guild bank requires 12 members..which I suppose can be made up of alts, but 12 unique accounts seems to be the spirit of the limitation.


Despite that if we took the top 5 contributors in our guild we'd be at 4.44mil points and the top 10 would have had us at 5.56 mil. So a small guild could definitely compete if not have a good chance of winning on several servers.

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A guild 1/4th our size gave us a huge run for our money. Actually getting over us by 300k at one point.


I think it is all about player dedication to the conquest is all.


That "small guild" you're referring to is actually 490 members strong and had above 40 players online during late evenings actively playing ranked WZs to not only steal the top count from your guild once, but four times throughout the week. And that large amount of points could not be obtained by a small guild, as how many players you have participating matters most, over how dedicated a few are to the system. Proven in point of the two competing guilds for Makeb having 7 million to 8 million, while the small guild of consistent players only generated 2 mill (Infamous).


So no, it's not about dedication to conquest at all. This system is basically an "attendance award" game; guilds with the highest membership that do grinding tasks will win the game. Crafting is king, even on planets without boosts to it, and overall participation not success in the game modes is what gains points. There is no quality being tested, only extensive amount of quantity. That is why your guild, that lost every single ranked WZ against teams that weren't of your own, still managed to gain extensive amounts of points by moving all of your mains for crafting from those other three guilds into Jedi along with the 2k points per player, per match.


You actually thought you won something through skill and dedication to the game?

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Despite that if we took the top 5 contributors in our guild we'd be at 4.44mil points and the top 10 would have had us at 5.56 mil. So a small guild could definitely compete if not have a good chance of winning on several servers.


Then small guilds have a chance! All they need are huge stacks of mats for conquest crafting and no job :)

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Do you really think a 'small' guild with say, 5-10 active players has a chance in you know what against a 'large' guild with say 30-40 active players?


my imp guild is probably at around that, give or take. most of our progress was made over the weekend, with few extra weekday nights of pvp. we didn't make it anywhere near first place, but we got ourselves on a leaderboard. so yes. smaller guilds do have a chance for at least leaderboards place, provided they have the will and the desire


now, if you are looking for first place... I'd say at least half a year before smaller guilds have a chance (you know, to get all the larger guilds their titles and out of the way)

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I am curious as to where you get those stats. Is this an officer-only function for guilds, or self-reporting by members?


I'm a big nerd with time to waste at work so I put all characters, their main and their point total into a spreadsheet and then summarized the data by account(main). If you're just talking about the point values themselves, if you open up your guild menu with all members the last column can be changed to show Conquest Points. If you open up the guild details windows there are two columns that can be customized and we put each characters main in the member note. So I viewed Conquest Total and Member note to get all the values.

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