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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Show off your Strongholds!


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Much like the "Show off your Characters!" thread. I think we probably have a lot of really talented interior designers buzzing about and I'm curious to see how people have designed their homes!


Mine will be posted once I've farmed all the items from FPs, OPs, and Reputation vendors that I envision I need to finish it completely. :)

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The Darkstar Order Stronghold












Throne Room








Officer Rooms (Mine is to the right)



My Room


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Lillymora stronghold of the Jedi Covenant. Its a work in progress. For RP purposes this stronghold is shared as a secret base for all my tunes. Hence the mixed themes.



I have added a finished version to my channel take a look and enjoy the video!

thanks for watching! :D Edited by melodylane
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I like the way you have everything set up! Very nice job :)

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Both really nice setups! Well done!



The video was the perfect medium to use to show off ur stronghold! I loved its simplicity, and I also intend on doing a medbay room, but I liked espically howyou included a fair few of the actual companion doctors into that room :)


I intend on doing a jedi-sith 'coalition seeking peace' secret meeting room/site and using all 6 of the jedi/sith companions. Since my main is a smuggler I figured his abode would be the perfect secret meeting area where he could easily smuggle the delegates to and from his home undetected.

Edited by Felkroth
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Just some sample images of basically one room I'm happy with...


My Jedi Assembled looking contemplative (they will be my peace council with their own secret meeting room)



Cargobay (My toon is a Smuggler and packrat.)









The matrix converter in the middle of the cargobay I'm imagining it/using it as a swoop bike repair platform...


My toon also is a master smuggler so he has many who requires him to get them safely off world without notice, so I put in a 'train depot' type sitting area for passengers.


The jawas help with repairs on my swoop bikes, and the heavy load lifter NPC is always nice to move illegal packages around.

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Only have a couple of rooms sort of "done" so far, because I'm actually spending my time with it. I've been putting a bunch of screenshots up on my SWTOR Tumblr as I've been working on it. The general concept is that it's meant to be a sort of managed black market.


My favorite room is definitely the entrance/speeder platform in my Nar Shaddaa stronghold. I basically just packed it with everything possible, and I absolutely love coming home to it every time.


I also enjoy my office space, but I have a lot of work to do in there still.

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Haven't got very far yet, but have made a start on the Sky Palace belonging to my smuggler Xoola, paid for with the proceeds of her galactic treasure hunt in Chapter One. She shares it with her pal Mandraga the Bounty Hunter (neither of them have any loyalty to their respective nominal factions). Everything's a bit sparse right now, but we'll get there.


Entrance way guarded by HK-51 droids. There is always at least one on duty...





Xoola the Smuggler's bedroom. A nice relaxing place to chill after a tiring adventure...



And it's guarded night and day by a loyal Wookiee...




The lounge, where the companions can relax between missions...



Comes complete with the latest in holo-bartenders...



The companions seem to be enjoying themselves...





Gault's getting into the swing of things, too. He knows what he likes...



So, like I said, not much done yet. Need to work on the Bounty Hunter's bedroom next, and a communal sleeping area for the companions. Actually having a bit of fun with this, which I really didn't expect.

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Only have a couple of rooms sort of "done" so far, because I'm actually spending my time with it. I've been putting a bunch of screenshots up on my SWTOR Tumblr as I've been working on it. The general concept is that it's meant to be a sort of managed black market.


My favorite room is definitely the entrance/speeder platform in my Nar Shaddaa stronghold. I basically just packed it with everything possible, and I absolutely love coming home to it every time.


I also enjoy my office space, but I have a lot of work to do in there still.


very cool entrance/speeder area!! I love that lived in look.

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Some ideas and "hacks" for Stronholds:


Yin / Yang (Upside down logo)





Surround speakers setting





Painting light setting





Hiding the upper part of the storage bays





Twin bed





Wall lighting (speeder pushed all the way into the wall)





Mail at the entrance (hidden tube)





Adding a cushion to a sofa (with a chair on a small hook)


Edited by Deewe
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Some ideas and "hacks" for Stronholds:



Yin / Yang (Upside down logo)





Surround speakers setting





Painting light setting





Hiding the upper part of the storage bays





Twin bed





Wall lighting (speeder pushed all the way into the wall)





Mail at the entrance (hidden tube)





Adding a cushion to a sofa (with a chair on a small hook)



Ooo... nice ideas. Good to see I wasn't the only one thinking of turning the Republic Voss poster around for a Yin-Yang kinda thing...

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I am using my Nar Shaddaa strong hold as a motor pool for my 200+ mounts. You can check out the video here:


Unfortunately I have hit the 25 NPC limit and cannot display all of the biologic mounts, but hopefully that will change soon. My favorite room is the left hallway with all of the gurians.


I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am creating their strongholds.



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Some ideas and "hacks" for Stronholds


Nice Ideas.

A Guildie of mine came up with a 360° couch.

You need to apply the blue cross layout to a purple hook and then place a basic metal couch on each of the 4 medium narrow hooks. then you can put a table or whatever in the middle.

I haven't got a screenshot as I'm on holiday and the internet is crappy, sorry for that.

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Toyed a bit with a looted piece I got today:


Adding panels in the middle with hidden legacy bays





Speeder in the middle





Moving the legacy bay to the side, like control panels and a bench in the middle





Or now front panels and a kolto tank giving some nice glow


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Your Strongholds look amazing. Deewe, you've inspired me to experiment more with decorations. Thanks!


My Tatooine Stronghold, so far. I've unlocked one room, and I'm ready to unlock another. Right now, I'm thinking of making the other four rooms into crew quarters, armory/strategy room, medical center, and cantina. I'm still undecided about how I'll decorate the Cliffside North room once I unlock it.


The Stronghold is neutral ground, shared by all my Republic and Empire toons. Occasionally tempers flare. Like that time the Vanguard snarked about her cousin's (a Sith Sorc) peach cobbler. Never insult someone's cooking when that person can throw lightning. Things settled down, and everyone gathered around their aunt's antique wood chair that had caught fire, and made s'mores. Later, when their aunt asked where the chair was, they told her Sand People took it.




Balcony, different angle






Cliffside South Room, my characters bedroom/office.


Cliffside South Room, different angle


Cliffside South Room, another angle





Tunnel, different angle



edited to add: I decided a Cantina next. Some shots of one of the open areas, and the Cantina.


Open area:






Cantina – I like the small table and chairs, but eventually I want to put up more wall decorations:






M1-4X -- Trooper, Patriot, Merchant (with Imp Treek):


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