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Carnage is so easy now its embarrassing. You can literally macro the rotation.


I agree though it's better than it has been since they changed it initially with ROTHC.


So is madness sorc

So is PT pyro

So is veng jugg




Really none of the specs in this game are "difficult" not even 2.0 carnage was "difficult." Its how you apply them into pvp/pve that makes a difference. Carnage is "easy" now yet I still see marauders not breaking 200k in 55 pvp. Making a spec consistent doesnt make it easy, it just makes it reliable.

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While I agree, none of those specs can 100-0 you in three GCDs. IDK. Casual change is casual. Carnage is easier than Rage now.


PT Pyro most definitely can with shoulder cannons up. Also, I'd still put rage as easier. Even if you get CC'd you still have your stacks of shockwave. Gore is a limited window that you need to be way more aware of your opponent and potential CC's you have to deal with.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sounds like you're just bad.


Respond to a question with ad himinem. Classy.

I asked in an inoffensive manner if you have been shut down more frequently since the changes, responding with an insult was merely rude and unwarranted.

I am going to ask another question of you. In your response, please read over before you post it and delete any schoolyard insults before hitting "submit".


You seem to have misunderstood my question. I asked if people save any CC's/knockbacks for Gore windows in ranked?

I don't play ranked, so I technically am "bad" in the sense you speak of. However, that does not change my question and the validity of said question.



I do know that in the few times I played unranked recently ( School! D: ), if I am DPS, I do my best to isolate and engage in Carnage marauders in one-on-one. They are easy targets, even if they have a real fast finger on their release, I have taken one move out of their gore window... they also only have it once. Unless they have resolve in their bar from before, they have no choice but to let me foil 2/3 gore windows.


I can see why that would not transition into ranked, if it doesn't. In ranked perhaps it would not be wise to focus on the Carnage Mara closely enough to identify gore windows and anticipate their rotation. It appears to be a question of degree though, so I could not be sure without going into ranked myself.

Edited by Maudril
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In team ranked its not even an issue. Most CC's are saved for the healer since good teams go out of their way to simply prevent the healer from even doing anything rather than focusing the healer. In hard swap comps carnage marauder is hands down one of the best to have. CC the tank, burn the unguarded target who will also probably get CC'd.


Point being if you're at the point of being controlled in a way that you cant function and cannot get your gore windows, the other team is out playing your team. Its not a weakness in the class, its just simply a better team. No one ever watches for every single gore window. Its not feasible to do so. Your concentration is on so many other things that most are not even worried about the gore windows unless its in the middle of a hard switch, then you should be worried, but by then there is little that can be done unless you are an exceptionally good team.


In solo....it doesn't even matter. Most solo matches are a dps race since 99% of the time its dps vs dps. Players just throw out CC's everywhere. You're usually whitebarred in the first 5 seconds and I tend to treat marauder like an assassin as in I'm always running behind players to force the "cannot see target." Tends to work pretty well for me. Also throws off sages I jump to because I swing behind them since I know most of the time their reaction is either stun or knockback. I rarely get hit by knockbacks even by good players unless their reaction time is spot on.


Getting CC'd during a gore window happens, it sucks when it does, but its not really a major issue and double gore would really just cause too many balance issues. You can already practically global someone with berserk>ravage>scream when the opponent is CC'd and has no breaker. Having a second controllable window would be insane and having it on a proc would be annoying.


Balance wise the current gore is so much more balanced and extremely consistent.

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Just did the same thing for Annihilation. RNG used to decide if Annihilate and/or Vicious Slash finished the cooldown of rupture. It was actually a buff. It made bleeds tick for a lot more. Also somewhat irrelevant to the subject at hand, they also made the DOT non-cleansable.

The rupture reset is still bound by RNG. BioWare tried removing it, but there were a few elitists that didn't like that so they put it back in.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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