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Marauder Outfits?


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It might be a fairly common sight (though less so than before), but I like the Reaver armor the best. It's the same model as the Champion / Battlemaster armor from before.


I also wore the Enhanced Assailant suit, the Marauder orange pieces and the Fervent Battle Suit while leveling. Not sure what I'll pick for endgame yet.


Have a look at what other people are coming up with here: http://tor-fashion.com/customized-setswarrior/

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I actually changed mine up a bit. I'm liking the combo of the Agent's Eliminator Jacket and Gloves, the clean looking Sniper's belt with the knee high Marauder's Boots. I still have the Hoodlum's Helmet as well (which I can't find a pick of, it's a standard officer's hat). I can't remember the name of the pants, they were just some generic "clean looking" medium pants, most of it is covered by the jacket and boots anyway. Edited by Ridickilis
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My marauder wears the 180 vendor helm with the dire eliminators chest piece. then the belt bracers gloves pants and boots are all the eradicator set. something to not is that the DE chest piece does not dye properly. so in order to get the other pieces to match i used a secondary grey dye. The final product has grey Armour with a red cloak (HOOD DOWN)


if i ever get around to popping a screen shot ill post it here

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Agile Recon set, with the.... I'm going to get it wrong. But it's one of the cybernetic helmets. It covers half my face, down to my nose, and has one eye on one side and sleek metal on the other side of the face.


All with black/red dye.

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I've got mine in Marka Ragnos' Crown and Lower Robes, Darth Sion's Pauldron, and I can't remember the gloves and boots. Use Unify Colors and throw in a couple of Gammorean War Axes, and you have a nice gladiator-ish looking Marauder.
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