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What galaxies did right and what swtor is doing right.


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Several people in my guild not only (try) to participate in GSF still but are also ''in the know'' as far as which other servers are still participating in it. I don't have any legitimate numbers for you of course (only the devs do), but I CAN almost guarantee you that you won't get a queue pop for GSF. :)


It wasn't very popular at launch and has just died off since. MAYBE with the influx of returning players for this new update, they will try out the space content. But still doubtful.


If we're playing the Anecdotal game i can tell you that you are wrong. I pop GSF on a regular basis on The Harbinger, and i know there are servers far more active in regards to GSF (i hear Ebon Hawk is the most active in GSF). There are guilds dedicated to it, and it's popularity seems to be rising now, not falling.


I will however make a caveat in that i agree with others in that GSF definitely has some issues especially with a high learning curve for entry to new players among others things (limited game modes etc) but this could all be improved with patches expanding and fixing it up.

Edited by Zyrious
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Again, I will always challenge falsehoods when it comes to SWG when I see them. There are a few here, so I will respond to each one with the truth, or indicate the statement is true...


Million excuses by the game supporters for the different core game play changes but truth is the game suffered massive lack of subscription retention and struggled hugely to try and stop the loss of subscribers.


Both true statements, perhaps a bit exaggerated depending on when this statement applies. SWG had problems with long term subscription retention AND growth potential from day one. It was a niche game with little to no chance of changing that. The point when losses accelerated is what is in contention between those that wish to spread falsehoods or do so unaware of the facts and those that wish to speak the truth.


Combat upgrade, multiple changes to jedi paths, NGE, and more were all big item changes of the core design to try and stop the bleeding SWG always suffered from.


This is an absolutely inaccurate statement. Despite the fact that numerous financial reports, subscriber reports, dev comments AND industry analysts have ALL reported that the bleeding did not start until AFTER the NGE was implemented AND the CU/NGE was implemented because they wanted WoW like numbers, and those indisputable facts have been posted here with sources multiple times folks still cling to the fantasy that the CU/NGE was implemented to stem losses.


All because of a dishonest comment from one person that was later retracted and corrected...again, all links and documentation provided multiple times.


This falsehood keeps being propagated across the net by those that either are not aware of this fact or seem to wish to denigrate the game...and that is fine, the game is worthy of quite a bit of derision. IMO most of the game was horrible. But truth will out.


Some folks are not interested in the truth. Instead they wish to revise history.


A very vocal but very small minority still support SWG to this day


This is an accurate statement. A very small group of supporters remain that tend to be VERY vocal, especially when it comes to criticizing games unfairly (like this one) by making silly comparisons with SWG.


Many of them refuse to acknowledge the games serious flaws, and the absolute fact that this game in many MANY ways is highly superior.


...(and most of them will not play the game, they just like to promote it on forums ignoring financial reports and articles that contradict all their claims about the game )


Again, inaccurate. The exact opposite is true in most cases....those that present the falsehood listed above do so by ignoring financial reports and articles that contradict all of THEIR claims with respect to this point only...all other claims about how bad the game was are generally accurate IMO. The ONLY articles that support this one silly fallacy are ALL based on that one single comment in one way or another.


There is NOTHING reputable to provide ANY basis of fact to the idea that the CU/NGE was implemented to stem sub losses. PERIOD.


Don't take my word for it. Look for the information yourself. Its out there on the net for all to see. And almost all of it has been posted here multiple times.


I will continue to correct this fallacy every time I see it. I really loath inaccurate information presented as fact or propaganda.


It is generally accepted, despite protestations to the contrary, that SWG was in many ways a horribly designed game. It remained that way in many ways up to the day the supported game was closed down. This is rarely in dispute.


Sure, some folks loved the game. Others, more commonly, simply liked certain aspects of the game but hated others...I am among the latter.


But many seem to refuse to accept the idea that it was a deeply flawed game that was dead on arrival.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Galaxies will always be the greatest mmo, pre-cu this is. Before Sony got sued and lost for changing the game to such a degree that it was no longer the same game. When I lost Creature Handler I left and went to WoW for the sole purpose of playing a hunter lol Love them pets.


I would still be playing Galaxies now if it existed in a form other than the emu currently out there. Which is good but still lacks alot.

you know after the update they gradually brought most things back, including pets. and they added a lot more things. it probably would still be around if people would have gave it a chance.
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you know after the update they gradually brought most things back, including pets. and they added a lot more things. it probably would still be around if people would have gave it a chance.


I don't know...I played the game just before it closed, and I play the SWGemu right now (still missing quite a bit). Many of the game's shortcomings still existed up to the day it closed.


There are things I loved and still love about SWG....but many more things I loath. And I think that was a pretty common feeling.


Just my view.

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