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Define "Casual"


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Personally, if I could, I'd run around all day playing, and since school got out, I do while I wait for school to come back and then I can start work again.


I have one 55. Across all my characters, just one is 55. And I have been playing for a year. I have completed two class stories. But all the time I have spent, using the logic of the original post, would mean I am a hardcore player.


I don't group, I am a pretty awful healer even as I've been reading Dulfy. I admit to chasing achievements instead of story or raids and group stuff until recently.


I call myself casual because I don't care about being on the leaderboards. I call myself casual, despite the time and cash I have handed over to BioWare, because I sit and watch conversations and movie clips. I sit and track down the random convos between NPCs.


I play, not to win, but to run around doing things. Yeah, I run dailies on a pretty regular basis, but not all of them in a day. I like to collect credits, and titles, and legacy levels. But I don't focus purely on them. I don't obsess over the gear, unless I'm trying to keep myself and my comp in decent armor rating range.


I do read the varying pages for tips, and I have them bookmarked. But I don't plan out raids on places because I'd rather spend that time doing other things. Maybe insult Alderaanian nobles in a convo to pick up a mission. Maybe group up and run Aurora Cannon in Section X.


Tl;Dr -- casual = no set ritual for things, does as s/he will just because. Hardcore = a specific way to do everything, often to optimize things like raid speeds, or getting credits faster through the dailies and such

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