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Strongholds, A THANK YOU - Loving it...


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Really LOVING Strongholds, THANK YOU for all your hard work...


We see and read 'Soooo' many negative threads and forum cryers all the time. I thought i would post a positive thread. :w_smile:


Yes, some things can be better, [NPC's - in-animate some - to raise 25 limit would be good].


But all in all, overall, I for one, 'AM LOVING IT' and wanted to say thanks.



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I'm really enjoying my NS stronghold myself. It's already great fun and plenty to do... and there are VISIONS of all the cool stuff they can add in future expansions, patches, packs, vendors....


- Faction-Neutral Guards (Mercs, Thugs, Criminals, ..)

- Bathrooms

- Dicolights

- Bands (oh yeah!)

- More Dancers, Slaves, Strippers, ...

- Caged Monsters

- REAL companions - not just holos.

- Colored lights

- More banners, posters, ....



I never really expected myself to like "sw:sims" - but to be honest: I've not spent the time waiting for a queue with more fun stuff than now. And with the size of my (fully unlocked) NS... yeah... that's going to be a while. And when I'm done, I can redecorate or they'll add more decorations... room themes...


Looking forward to all the stuff I can still find and browsing tor-decorating.com/.


Ofcourse there are things that I still crave (See the above) and some little quirks (return to fleet dropping you in the shuttle area, when swichting between characters in the meantime)... But all in all, I really enjoy it.

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I was totally in love with strongholds... up til the point where I found out that the landing pad in dromund kaas (or the garage) does not have starship hook for some completely incomprehensible reason. Please fix that, Bioware, and you can have my money. Edited by Karkais
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I agree, good Job Bioware shows you are listen to what your players want. Keep up the good work. (Yes I know all you haters out there that there are heaps of things that could improve this game but give credit were its due.)


In my opinion best MMO around at the moment.

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I agree, good Job Bioware shows you are listen to what your players want. Keep up the good work. (Yes I know all you haters out there that there are heaps of things that could improve this game but give credit were its due.)


In my opinion best MMO around at the moment.


first good job from bioware

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In my opinion, this is the single best thing that has happened to SWTOR since launch. Naturally there are still some kinks to be ironed out as always, but that doesn't take away from what Strongholds has already done for the player community.


The crafting community gains a huge new market with all the decorations they can now make and sell. The PvEers can now not only show off all their accomplishments and trophies from boss kills, but they also have a significant impact in planetary conquest with all the points they rack up from clearing content.


For PvPers, Strongholds adds something many folks have been dying for since launch but never really expected to get: a real incentive to throw down in open-world PvP. And Planetary Conquest provides just that. Not only that, but with the strengths and weaknesses of PvE and PvP gear, I think you could see PvPers and PvEers actually teaming up with PvE-geared players focusing on the commander bosses and PvP-geared players defending the PvEers from other PvPers. Now that would be something.


Then there's the roleplaying community, for whom this expansion is a godsend. For such a long time, roleplayers have been frustrated with the lack of viable places to roleplay in due to most good spots in the game being infested with annoying trash mobs or locked away behind phases. But now roleplayers can create their own spaces inside strongholds, and redecorate at will to set up new settings for new scenes. One of the best parts is how it's possible (albeit somewhat tricky at times) to get players from both factions together in any stronghold. Already I've seen people creating cantinas, business offices, military bases, and everything else under the sun. And the boost to the RP community is becoming immediately clear as several "grand opening" events have already started to pop up on various community site calendars.


And for guilds -- the foundations of the player community -- this is a dream come true. Guild flagships have always been a dream since launch and before. But the idea that once occupied the "wall of crazy" is finally hear! Now guilds finally have something big to aspire towards. For smaller or medium-sized guilds, the cost may be daunting, but not insurmountable for any guild that is willing to put the time and effort into it. They should be able to say, "Yes! We EARNED this! We worked our butts off for it! This is OUR guild ship! WE made this happen!" And it doesn't even stop there. For a guild to reach that point, and then be able to compete with other guilds to control a piece of the galaxy! Now that's what I call incentive.


Congrats Bioware. In one giant expansion, you've somehow managed to cater to all the major player blocs at once and at the same time you've checked off all the biggest things on my wishlist. I've been an active subscriber since day one and this is the SWTOR I've been waiting for since beta; and now -- if you'll pardon the pun -- the wait is over!

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Yeah I agree it's a great addition. I have spent a good 3-4 hrs decorating my NS pad at first I really wasn't 100% at what I was doing lol. So today my plan is to reset it and start over I've accumulated a bunch of new decoration just in two days, I'm actually looking forward to redoing my stronghold.
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Yeah I agree it's a great addition. I have spent a good 3-4 hrs decorating my NS pad at first I really wasn't 100% at what I was doing lol. So today my plan is to reset it and start over I've accumulated a bunch of new decoration just in two days, I'm actually looking forward to redoing my stronghold.


I have spent the last two days (about 10 hours playtime) just acquiring and decorating my NS SH. My god, I need to *play* the game instead of play "decorate the mansion". Good luck!

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Yeah I agree it's a great addition. I have spent a good 3-4 hrs decorating my NS pad at first I really wasn't 100% at what I was doing lol. So today my plan is to reset it and start over I've accumulated a bunch of new decoration just in two days, I'm actually looking forward to redoing my stronghold.


Same here, a total late night decorating my 'Tat village' hehehe!

Now i have new ideas so starting again,,,, :)


Fact I'm looking forward to it, tells me how good Strongholds is for me!

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