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@Devs: Please revert all this patch as regards GSF


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Here's a summary of changes. Lets discuss which, if any, are intended.


1- EMP field claims to be 4500m but is really 3000m. The value was nerfed, but not the tooltip. What?

2- All the dot tooltips are all garbage butt. I actually don't know if the dots themselves are too.


This includes:

> Sabotage probe (280 damage over 0 seconds)

> Plasma railgun ("an additional 900 damage over" (text terminates ) )

> EMP missile ("will disable mines and drones for" (text terminates ) )

(the "text terminates" appears to be the game engine not wanting to draw whatever character is in there- this means that "dealing 335 damage to hull" and "railgun fails to fire below 25% charge" is all truncated away)


3- Gutting of Ion missile. Ion missile tier five left now snares for 6 seconds, down from 12.



This appears to be a snapshot of where the XML was when you guys were busy refactoring it, and I don't even know what's up with Ion missile, and the EMP field thing is literally insane.



None of this is in the patch notes. None of it helps the meta. Who ordered any of this?




Is this entire patch a bug?

Edited by Verain
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@1 EMP was always 3000m, increased to 4500 in last patch. Guess it isn't increased in game, only in tooltp (so it wasn't nerfed, only not boosted).

Be aware that if you are moving, the lag may cause ships that appears 4000m away are in fact 4700. I will check it though.

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@1 EMP was always 3000m, increased to 4500 in last patch.


It has been 4500 for all of last patch. Last patch the tooltip was increased to 4500, and the range was increased to 4500. This patch, the range field of the XML was decreased to 300, and the tooltip text was not modified.


If you find that it's still 4500 in game, then I can cross off that one.

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I am actually bumping this because this is pretty important. If these changes aren't intended- and I'm sure putting data errors in XML strings wasn't intended- revert them. The only one that looks like it might be intended for real is the ion missile nerf. It is possible that the EMP nerf was intended and the tooltip wasn't updated.



But this is so buggy, and the abilities nerfed so arbitrary and undeserving, that I just feel the whole thing is malarkey.



Also, I tested plasma railgun, and it does not, in fact, deal its damage in an instantaneous burst- it is the same as it was before, just with a tooltip that prematurely terminates.

Edited by Verain
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Also, I tested plasma railgun, and it does not, in fact, deal its damage in an instantaneous burst- it is the same as it was before, just with a tooltip that prematurely terminates.


Why would you subject yourself to this? All of the bads on my server seem to love plasma railgun, so all I had to do was let them hit me once to confirm.

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Bump because everything is broken. Also I logged off in a GSH and now I can't log in at all, so this patch is pretty much just awful because I literally can't even play.


That's a pretty bad bug, but I've not run into it before. Does it affect the character, server, or account?


Also, I'm not honestly bothered by the potential ion missile nerf or the tooltip issues, because they were both bad to begin with. Maybe this will encourage people to ask questions and thus get more thorough answers.

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Character only.



What bothers me is that it looked like they were maybe going to do something, but then ended up just committing a halfass XML. I mean, remember, there were NO patch notes for GSF. The tooltip loss is an obvious bug, but I can't believe they went out of their way to crap on Ion missile and EMP field either.

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I personally think that the version control software that is in use on this product is just freaking broken. That or there are people that don't use it right. Or they don't have a build manager anymore that goes over changes and verifies before they package and deploy. There is a serious break down in build management, it's been like this for, like ever it seems.


It is the only answer for the amount of crazy issues that pop up like this with this dev team.


I don't fault the actual devs, it's not really their jobs to catch these things. I fault the management for not having a person in place that does this well or even at all.

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I personally think that the version control software that is in use on this product is just freaking broken. That or there are people that don't use it right. Or they don't have a build manager anymore that goes over changes and verifies before they package and deploy. There is a serious break down in build management, it's been like this for, like ever it seems.


It is the only answer for the amount of crazy issues that pop up like this with this dev team.


I don't fault the actual devs, it's not really their jobs to catch these things. I fault the management for not having a person in place that does this well or even at all.


I think you can fault the devs for this latest issue. Clearly someone checked in a half-unfinished changelist--either because they were working in the wrong branch or got drunk or let an intern mess with code for a side project.


Though I agree that it is silly they don't do as much diffing between builds as swtor_miner does in ten minutes. He called attention to these XML changes after the first build of 2.9 hit the PTS.


Honestly I don't think anyone is looking at this forum right now. I bet we could post just about anything and it wouldn't get noticed. Be sure to use /bug in-game to report the changes. That has a much better chance of getting through triage to a dev. Though honestly, I am tempted to Report this forum thread just to get a BW employee looking at it.

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I honestly don't use any of the components listed here but I noticed that tooltips still seem screwed up for engine components and don't updatet when you buy an upgrade (for example Power Dive shows a 15s CD even after buying the upgrade that makes it a 10s CD).


But it's a bummer if they nerfed Ion Missile. Which I honestly don't get. Missiles can be hard enough to land with lock breaks and unnerfed it was less powerful than Ion Railgun's equivalent effects (one would assume anyway that if a snare is ok on one weapon a nearly identical, albeit slightly weaker, snare would be fine on another weapon).

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