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Raise the NPC Limit -please-


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I have only started decorating the Coruscant and DK Strongholds and I already have fourteen NPC's placed, seven on each Stronghold.


They just appear to be so lifeless with no one walking around... It is especially infuriating when you consider

. Not saying that was intentional misleading but it comes close.


I see several NPC's that we can't use yet, not to mention animations / emotes.


Yeah... that's a pretty big tease right there :rak_03:

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You guys have to understand how computers work to understand why they did this. The server only has so much juice. Each instance draws on that. What and how much is in each instance draws on that. Moving things--most npcs, even if the movements are small, draws on that further. Adding paths and collision detection on those paths, would draw on that even further.


Right now, most strongholds are incomplete. Some are barely started. At this point, they don't have the numbers to know exactly how much they can add without it having detrimental effects. In a while, they will. They've already said that they want to add more. Have a little patience and let them do it in a way that's smart, not just a knee-jerk reaction to complaints.

Edited by errant_knight
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Well, like one poster said, the number of visitors could be halved. Also for those of us who want to place our pets, would it be less intensive on the system, if they were 'hologram' versions of our pets? No need to have them move about, or squawk. That might be helpful?
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NPC limit

Companions being holograms when different classes visit

No 'armor dummy' to display gear

Did I mention the NPC limit?


Housing is a huge let down for me. It has the potential to be so much better, and it's tantalizingly close. Sadly it's going to turn in to primarily a huge credit sink, with a side of "rerun old content ad nauseum for a chance at a decoration" to keep us busy until the expansion.


I am disappoint. It's mostly because of the NPC limit though. I'd deal with everything else if my housing could feel alive. The limit will ensure that it's mostly static.




for me its all 3 things you listed!!!. i went and spent a bunch o credits finishing off armor sets just so i could display all the mando armors... waited for this to come out and then i pop in and see i cant place anything in my "collections" other than my mounts and pets :mad: so i was like "ok at least i can place some of my companions around to look cool" so i placed a few from my commando and log out and into another toon and notice that my companions are holograms and nakid!!! so i go and pull them alll up and start placing the NPCs to find out i quickly maxed out my limit :mad:

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You guys have to understand how computers work to understand why they did this. The server only has so much juice. Each instance draws on that. What and how much is in each instance draws on that. Moving things--most npcs, even if the movements are small, draws on that further. Adding paths and collision detection on those paths, would draw on that even further.


Right now, most strongholds are incomplete. Some are barely started. At this point, they don't have the numbers to know exactly how much they can add without it having detrimental effects. In a while, they will. They've already said that they want to add more. Have a little patience and let them do it in a way that's smart, not just a knee-jerk reaction to complaints.


and yet games that are 10 years older had way more things in player hosing and way less limitations with way less problems than this one.


and even with most strongholds not even being half full you are starting to see lag problems, lag with storage and gtn, lag with mail boxes, lag with doors opening, and lag with items appearing when you step into a room. all that dose not bode well for our strongholds future :(

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  • 3 years later...

It is VERY interesting that after all those years (!!) bio-ware didn't found a solution.

Again, yesterday - and with a second stronghold at nar shadda too - I tried to put all my NPCs - and NPCs only, no mounts - into one large room (needless to say, that it makes no difference to put them into different rooms).

Again, or should I say still there is this [self-censored] - limits, prohibiting me to create such a 'conference room' .


So please, consider this issue as a high priority problem , not only because of three years waiting!


Your propaganda says something about a very special , an individual place for each of us. I think so we can expect an extremely high level of individualisation of such a /fine place/. Not only for our characters, but for all their friends and comrades , too.


Thank you 4 listening.


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