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[BUG] Class sign achievement rewards ?


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I'm going to go ahead and call this a bug. Specially since you can't tell WHAT achievement you are supposed to be getting these from. Either the lvl 50, or lvl 55 achievements do not seem to reward these holo signs. Kinda funny cuz you think it would be one of those. How else are we supposed to get these if the window specifically says they are from achievements? What achievement could it be if its not those? Or the completion of Chapters in the Story arc?


This needs to be addressed and/or fixed if it is indeed broken. And this was like this on PTS too. Plently of time in that 2 weeks to fix it. What with so few achievements, minus the FP/OP stuff rewarding you with anything.

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I don't have any of those signs either. I have 4 different classes at 55, done with their stories, done with companion stories and all class companions at max affection. Can't really think of anything else that would award those.
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I was curious about these as well. I have 16 55's, and not one class achievement sign. At one point I started looking for a vendor. :confused:


I also assume it's a bug, however there is a chance it is not and that you have to redo them. Of course no one in their right mind would do such a thing when we all have so many 55s already.


The main issue I have with it is the lack of interest from BW about passing down any info on the topic, it's like they have no idea what we are even discussing.

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No signs with 2.9b


The signs are not listed as rewards for the level 50 or 55 achieves. I wouldn't go leveling a character assuming you'll get them unless you actually know of somebody getting them.


Edit: I thought I was posting in a bug report but this is not in the Bug Reports forum. Didn't mean to bump 2 threads on the same forum.

Edited by Mozepy
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Took me a min to find them here: They are in legacy window, under locations, general, then chapter 3. There is a reward you have to click inside the chapter 3 reward window (50 times)


If you however finish chapter 3 now, they are automatically awarded.

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