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Nycci says hi


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Some of you may remember me or my alts =)

I fried my computer a while back... and I just bought one from a friend so I think I will be able to play soon. Currently downloading /sigh


Anyways whats new in game?

Anything worth resubscribing for?


Alts: Raederli, Alystria, Nyc's on Pub side, Thera'py and Nyccii on Imp side

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Planetary conquest just came out, its supposed to be fun. Im expecting lag fest 2014 like ilum never experienced.


There will still be ganking though, and this game seriously needs more gankin.


Sorc healers getting a buff to force speed and stuff. BW trying to make them more viable.


you can also play house with Galactic Strongholds which should also be out today.


Good time to be back though, considering this is the first day of the patch.....you sure your PC died?


Welcome back!

Edited by Haystak
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