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Getting tired of being kicked from Flashpoints...


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You really are pretty damn pretentious arent you? So ... Your advice for getting a challenge instead of falling asleep during flashpoints is to sit there and spam one heal over and over again...? Sure that helps getting to know ones limits...


Taking into account your plight, surely I'm not the pretentious one.


I just know my place, whether I'm tanking, healing or damage dealing.

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You really are pretty damn pretentious arent you? So ... Your advice for getting a challenge instead of falling asleep during flashpoints is to sit there and spam one heal over and over again...? Sure that helps getting to know ones limits...


Your behavior here is becoming telling of your problems. Even with that aside, if you are looking to leveling Flashpoints where you often find new players, undergeared players and every other kind of player under the sun, to test your limits, then you are honestly looking in the wrong place.

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I do flashpoints to Level, I dont liike doing class quests as i find them even more tedious considering the amount of toons ive levelled, I fully intend on doing ops once ive hit 55, But untill then im trying to learn my limits on healing in pve what to do what not to do, Casts and energy management, I cant learn that but spamming a free heal... I get what everyones saying i know the roles involved in flashpoints, My main was the fact even after offering to leave, Asking nicely they wait till half way through to kick me... That annoys me...


If you leave, you are locked out from the Group Finder for several minutes.


If they kick you, the above doesn't apply.


In other words, regardless of the fact you seem to disrespect your brethren in those flashpoints, they're doing you a favor. Praise them.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I got kicked from a Tactical FP because I was "a horrible tank"..........., while playing my Mara. All of my three "teammates" HP levels were less than 25K, and one was a hair over 21K..


I loled...


Aha ive been kicked from a Tactical many a times because i pulled before another dps :|

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Lol ok you really are starting to bug me big time now, I guess your trolling is working, How many times do i have to say, I ask at the start of every flashpoint?? How is that disrespectful? MY god please... Where is the forum /ignore?


Whether you ask or not, different groups keep kicking you. What does that tell you exactly? :rolleyes:

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Aha ive been kicked from a Tactical many a times because i pulled before another dps :|

The even funnier part? There was zero player bashing, but true story.....

Before the "you're a horrible tank" part, I admitted playing half the FP one handed because I was holding my 9 month old, while my wife gave the dog a bath. I didn't pull on any of the bosses, but became defacto "tank" because of obvious reasons. While I was moving the boss on the pillars, none of the team could bother hitting a heal node, yet I get kicked.

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You've made the same point below multiple times - repeating it doesn't make it more clear.


What everyone keeps saying is that it is clearly not working because you keep getting kicked from the group.


Definition of insanity:


"keep doing the same thing over and over again an expecting a different outcome !!".



As i stated before hand, I did and do ask tanks to pull more, One tank even loved the idea of me running on ahead pulling more mobs and bringing them back to him, My point im saying is when ive said the at the start of the flashpoint and no one says anything other than "Aslong as you keep up its fine" ... Then boot me half way through.... Thats my fault?
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The problem is that no one wants to play with you. They don't like your style. They tested it because you asked, but found it unpleasant and decided to pass on continuing with your 'challenge.' If you want distinct specifics, the proper people to ask would be one of the people who kicked you. From their perspective, they dropped you and either got another healer or used a healing companion to replace you.


Think about that for a second. Whatever you were doing was so unpleasant that your group decided that an NPC would be more fun than continuing with you. Standing around waiting for another healer was better than continuing to run with you.


If you came here seeking validation, you're not going to get it. If you want a real explanation, you have to ask one of the people who kicked you. Apparently, you have a lot to choose from. But don't ask us. All I can tell you is that I would have said to try it normally first to see how the group holds up before suddenly going into maniac mode. And if it wasn't working out, I would have vetoed maniac mode. If you refused, then I would have kicked you. But I'm very talky.


Anyway, I hope you get it all straightened out or something.

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Ok maybe i should have made this more clear, The ratio to full clear to being kicked is like 2/10 runs, But them 2 every 10 annoys me....I was more on asking advice but im guessing its all my fault and i should stick to slapping my finger on one heal and just plod along ....


I guess you're too good for this game. Us, the lowly and common mortals, can't simply keep up, my most wise and all-powerful Lord.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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