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Getting tired of being kicked from Flashpoints...


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If everything is what you said then I would just have to say there are always nit pickers in most pugs on any game. I wouldn't post asking for advice or anything on here about 80% of the people on here are trolls and whiners. As far as Darth_Wicked I don't think anyone pays him attention anymore. So don't let him get under your skin after all it's the internet people like to talk crap cause they know nothing can be done to them. :D
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Ok so recently ive been kicked quite a bit from flashpoints and its getting rather tedious, And no its not because i shout abuse or tell people to hurry up...


Example of my last kick,


So im an operative healer, And recently been finding flashpoint healing rather boring and tedious, So i queue for The foundry to get my daily done, At the start of the flashpoint i ask the tank to just pull everything so i can atleast have a little challenge, To which nothing was said, So then i said again, "Im just going to pull loadsa mobs throughout this as im just going to get bored spamming diagnostic scan so if you dont want that then i can leave now?" Tank then replies with "well aslong as you keep up i dont care" ... So we get started im pulling everything and i mean EVERYTHING... Meanwhile keeping everyone healed to full ..... Moving on nicely i thought, Then the tank up and votes to kick me? Without saying a word and the group kick me? I mean did i miss something? I offered to leave yet they wait till we are more than half way through for the tank to decide he didnt want it? He then replied to me saying "This fp is hard and i didnt want to die" .... Now my problem is... If im keeping everyone healed to full....What was i doing wrong exactly? For the group to decide half way through...? I understand some people like to take each pull slowly and precise and such, But.... I did say at the start i would leave if they didnt want that? I can understand if they said there and then?


Point being is Flashpoint healing is really BORING... And spamming diagnostic scan .... Is yawnworthy... How else can someone test there healing abilities pve style? Pvp is a challenge but being honest i know im ok at pvp heals i wanted to see the challenge in pve .... And yet everytime i try to challenge myself i get kicked?


I don't believe this is a serious post. I thought it was common knowledge that we don't pull before the tank. Maybe being a dps I had to learn that lesson earlier on because folks are faster to kick a dps than a healer. However now a days with people having geared healing comps they will kick a heals just as fast to. In any case now you know... don't pull before tank! :p

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It still stands true. If you are being kicked by multiple sets of different people, the problem is YOU.


I dont kick people and based completely on the OP own description of the events I'd kick him as well and then add his name to ignore so I'd never have to deal with him again.


Bad players, no matter how skilled they think (usually wrong on every level) they are, are bad players and no reason others should have to put up with it.


Had a healer last night kinda like this guy


get Hammer station hm, first corner fight group wipes because healer is DPSing and not healing

get to droid and tank bites it 3 times because healer no cleansing him despite tank telling him he needs clenses (as a merc I just cleansed myself and made it through encounter)

next pull Tank and I die


at which point I ask healer why he is DPSing and not healing


He responds "Groups usually ask me to off DPS" (he had 24k health so was full of it that any hm group asked him to DPS. His heals were not big enough and he was not skilled enough to do 2 roles)


I reply "Well this group asking for heals because people are dieing from not getting them


Next fight (and this is just trash, these not boss encounters) Tank and I once again go down from no heals as "Fake healer tries and fails to do enough DPS to matter"


I just said 15k repair bill enough for me as this group can not win with this kid not healing and dropped group

added kid to ignore so I never get him again.


OP and how he writes reminds me very much of that TERRIBLE fake healer I had last night.


Horrible at his job but thinks hes amazing and needs to be challenged.


Bad players ruin it for everyone and Id so kick the OP as well.

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The results are in OP. Your style, no matter what you think of it, is the problem. Adjust or expect to get kicked. Personally, I got no sympathy for you. It is a group dynamic. You should sit back, relax and let the tank pull and lead the fp. If you can't or won't do that for whatever reason... you need to quit pug'ing fps.
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Yeah I got no sympathy for you either. It doesn't matter if you think you were being disrespectful or not, the issue was the way you conduct yourself. You are playing in such a way, that it makes me people uncomfortable and when ever this is pointed out to you, you claim you have done nothing wrong. Change your approach or stop doing FP's
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Ok seriously enough with the "ITS YOUR FAULT" Posts lol I get it, You guys are pretty damn anal about how you do your lowbie flashpoints, I apologise for bringing my annoyance to your eyes, Although again i feel i did nothing wrong :D I just cant fathom out why people cant read? I mean what part of "Enters flashpoint ASKS IF ITS OK gets the approval gets kicked later for no REASON" Doesnt anyone understand in here?


Its more like you don't understand. Your play style doesn't mesh well with other therefore you get the boot.

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Ok seriously enough with the "ITS YOUR FAULT" Posts lol I get it, You guys are pretty damn anal about how you do your lowbie flashpoints, I apologise for bringing my annoyance to your eyes, Although again i feel i did nothing wrong :D I just cant fathom out why people cant read? I mean what part of "Enters flashpoint ASKS IF ITS OK gets the approval gets kicked later for no REASON" Doesnt anyone understand in here?


Even after you pretend to get it, you're still quick with the insults. Anal? That's you. The basic issue isn't that people "can't understand." The issue is that you are NO FUN TO PLAY WITH because you have such an attitude. If it isn't one thing, it's another. You don't get it in an FP. You don't get it here. You don't get it anywhere. You are basically just a bully. If you got over your high opinion of yourself, you might not get kicked, but that, quite obviously from your statements, is highly unlikely. If the smell follows you everywhere, where is it coming from?

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OP may be full of BS, but honestly nothing in his story sounds unbelievable to me - I could absolutely see MMO players both (1) not saying anything when he asks about doing the run differently, and then (2) kicking him for it anyway.


If he went in expecting a random group to be cool with a non-standard run, I'd say he was being dumb.


If he was complaining that not enough people are game to try a non-standard run, I'd say he was being dumb.


If he was trying the non-standard run and getting people killed, I'd say he was dumb.


But if he honestly is being upfront with people at the start, and they aren't saying anything but then kick him after the run has been going - then that is on them for being little b*tches and not just saying "hey, I'd rather we do it the normal way" (Note: I am not saying anyone is a little b*tch for not wanting to do the non-standard run, I am saying they're a little b*tch if they don't speak up about their preference, and kick instead.)


Again, OP might be lying about how it went down, but I can absolutely see situations playing out exactly as he described - there are plenty of players who just don't know how to say "I'd rather we ______"

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If you are getting bored of only healing, why not just DPS while there isn't anything to do? I main an operative healer, and when you get to be grossly overgeared for FPs, you become able to heal the tank through most adds damage by just kolto probes and surgical probes. Instead of pulling mobs and potentially angering the rest of the group, I just simply dps along with them. No diagnostic scan necessary.
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You take over the tank's job ("im pulling everything and i mean EVERYTHING") because you are bored, and then you are surprised that the tank initiates a vote to kick you?


Ever think that people who take on the often high-stress and thankless role of tank may do it because they like to tank? And that if you rob them of their fun, why might want to kick you?


If you want to be a tank in FPs, my advice is that you roll a tank and queue. Problem solved.

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