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AAAK. The dreaded rolleyes emote.


At any rate, I think it was a wise move to make it optional. I wouldn't mind seeing them do something like this for Corellia as well.


Now, if we just see a new improved and much LARGER XP buff item we can use....Id be a happy camper.


Why stop there now?


Let us make it optional in every single planet, including Hutta, Tython, Ord Mantell and Korriban.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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AAAK. The dreaded rolleyes emote.


At any rate, I think it was a wise move to make it optional. I wouldn't mind seeing them do something like this for Corellia as well.


Now, if we just see a new improved and much LARGER XP buff item we can use....Id be a happy camper.


If so, then you should start looking for a good camping spot. Rumor has it that the XP boost items are going from 25% up to 100%.

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The missions that were nerfed for the Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular and Trooper are indeed the final missions for each class.




The one for the JK being more nerfed than what already was in the past is just... Seriously... :rolleyes:

You're fighting the freakin' Voice of the Emperor. It's supposed to be hard. This is the third nerf or so since Vanilla(!!!).


O right , well it was only the consular one that was difficult ( for me ) , so yeah not sure the other two needed a nerf. O well.





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Why stop there now?


Let us make it optional in every single planet, including Hutta, Coruscant, Dromund Kaas and Hutta.


Why not? Sounds good to me. What other people do, and how they do it, doesn't impact me at all, so I simply don't care if people want to face-roll through leveling content.

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Now, if we just see a new improved and much LARGER XP buff item we can use....Id be a happy camper.

I expect to see double XP boost consummables, 1 hour duration, available on the CM later this year.

Don't ask me why.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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People forget the vast amount of people who don't level the traditional way these days. Whether it's with PVP or GSF or KDY farming, once you hit Makeb content, this bolster will make your transition to leveling in Makeb that much easier.


Speaking of KDY I was surprised to find out that between 51-54 you get 10 elite comms per day via GF. I was quite shocked really. So that is still a better option than a nerfed Makeb IMHO. Less credits , well actually KDY has no credits to speak of though.





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If so, then you should start looking for a good camping spot. Rumor has it that the XP boost items are going from 25% up to 100%.


I expect to see double XP boost consummables, 1 hour duration, available on the CM later this year.

Don't ask me why.


I am very much aware of that rumor....snap snap, grin grin, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more?


We will have to see if it becomes reality however. I certainly hope so.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Speaking of KDY I was surprised to find out that between 51-54 you get 10 elite comms per day via GF. I was quite shocked really. So that is still a better option than a nerfed Makeb IMHO. Less credits , well actually KDY has no credits to speak of though.






Although...with Makeb you also get the mats. Certainly opportunities to get mats in KDY, just less likely depending on the patience level of your group.

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At any rate, I think it was a wise move to make it optional. I wouldn't mind seeing them do something like this for Corellia as well. Now, if we just see a new improved and much LARGER XP buff item we can use....Id be a happy camper.

I don't know if it ever got nerfed, but I think a lot of people would have loved to have an optional power up + heal buff when they hit Voss the first time through. That was, as I recall, the first leveling planet where the difficulty went from ho hum to W.T.F. in one giant leap in certain areas.


I'm curious if the healing affects your companion as well, or just you.


Either way, I can't say I have any problem with this being an option anywhere in the game really, outside of PvP and Nightmare mode ops (or whatever the designated hardest "hardcore" difficulty is for the current end stage ultimate PvE raid instances).


It's sort of a backhanded way of putting in a "difficulty" slider without calling it as much. Star Trek Online had this, where you could choose to run any solo content on easy mode, something a little harder, or hardcore nightmare mode, throughout the game. If you had something to prove, you could do it all on hardcore. If you just wanted a few quickie daily missions, you could go easy mode.


The only thing that this is missing is that in STO if you played on hardcore mode the loot drops and XP were a bit richer, which made you feel like you were getting something out of playing that way. People probably would gripe if they nerfed the current loot and XP rates while you had the buff running, but they might be able to get away with buffing it up a little if you don't have it on, anywhere that it's available.

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I expect to see double XP boost consummables, 1 hour duration, available on the CM later this year.

I have said a number of times that I would pay a patently unreasonable amount of CC for a per character legacy unlock that turns on double XP for that character permanently.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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Although...with Makeb you also get the mats. Certainly opportunities to get mats in KDY, just less likely depending on the patience level of your group.


Yeah that is true and ties in with my "no credits in KDY". I wonder if the KDY rep vendor will have room decorations though , that might be pretty cool.





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I don't know if it ever got nerfed, but I think a lot of people would have loved to have an optional power up + heal buff when they hit Voss the first time through. That was, as I recall, the first leveling planet where the difficulty went from ho hum to W.T.F. in one giant leap in certain areas.


I'm curious if the healing affects your companion as well, or just you.


Either way, I can't say I have any problem with this being an option anywhere in the game really, outside of PvP and Nightmare mode ops (or whatever the designated hardest "hardcore" difficulty is for the current end stage ultimate PvE raid instances).


It's sort of a backhanded way of putting in a "difficulty" slider without calling it as much. Star Trek Online had this, where you could choose to run any solo content on easy mode, something a little harder, or hardcore nightmare mode, throughout the game. If you had something to prove, you could do it all on hardcore. If you just wanted a few quickie daily missions, you could go easy mode.


The only thing that this is missing is that in STO if you played on hardcore mode the loot drops and XP were a bit richer, which made you feel like you were getting something out of playing that way. People probably would gripe if they nerfed the current loot and XP rates while you had the buff running, but they might be able to get away with buffing it up a little if you don't have it on, anywhere that it's available.


I should have added Voss to the list as well.


I see Voss, Corellia (especially) and Makeb more as story obstacles than something to enjoy. I think Voss is a hard jump, and the other two drag on far too long and are far too tedious. A buff like Makeb's buff (optional of course) would make it much more enjoyable.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I should have added Voss to the list as well.


I see Voss, Corellia (especially) and Makeb more as story obstacles than something to enjoy. I think all three drag on far too long and are far too tedious. A buff like Makeb's buff (optional of course) would make it much more enjoyable.


As I said earlier, might as well add one of these to each and every planet.


For the record, it would seem that everything is hard for you, since I do remember you defending the notion that heroics should be soloable as well and what not.


Same for flashpoints, though those should all be tactical. Teaching the ropes to people who have NEVER played an MMO should be secondary, not second nature.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I should have added Voss to the list as well.


I see Voss, Corellia (especially) and Makeb more as story obstacles than something to enjoy. I think Voss is a hard jump, and the other two drag on far too long and are far too tedious. A buff like Makeb's buff (optional of course) would make it much more enjoyable.

The past few months, I was engaged in a SWTOR project to complete all eight class stories (having only done Sage as of this past February). About a month ago, I completed my odyssey with the other seven classes.


I made liberal use of XP buffs and Double-XP Weekends to make sure each of my alts was at least level 47 when leaving Belsavis. I did this for two reasons: (1) I've found level 47 is good point at which to replace all my gear mods for the push to 50 and (2) I could skip most of the non-class content on Voss and Corellia. I usually did a few planet missions on Voss (generally, all the side missions in the first zone), which allowed me to skip every side mission on Corellia and hit 50 (and upgrade all mods again) right as I was ready for my final class mission.


For the record, I did everything on both planets with my Sage. So, I've seen all the content. I had no desire to see it again.

Edited by Thoronmir
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Another seriously moment.


  • The Jedi Knight Mission “Doomsday” has had its difficulty reduced.
  • The Jedi Consular Mission “Chaos and Harmony” has had its difficulty reduced.
  • The Trooper Mission “The Battle of Corellia” has had its difficulty reduced.


Really? There was no need to nerf the difficulty of any of these missions. They are class missions, they are already easy by default.

Edited by Nickious
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I said "silly", not "bad". The latter has a more negative connotation attached to it.


The thread as you presented it has a negative connotation about it. I was curious as to why you think that it is bad. Since you want to play semantics... Why do you think that it is silly?

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As long as it is optional, great. Making Makeb less of a pita is a good thing.


I am scratching my head over Doomsday though. The fight isn't hard if you know a couple things going in.


Most people don't want to read and or see spoilers and fights before they go in.

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The thread as you presented it has a negative connotation about it. I was curious as to why you think that it is bad. Since you want to play semantics... Why do you think that it is silly?


Because they're already providing a buff that boots one's AR to 156. Plus, if people want to receive some healing, they have companions for that.


The extra healing is just overkill, not to mention pandering. Makeb is not that hard to grind through truth be told. The major issue I remember reading since its release is the mob density, NOT that it's absolutely dreadful, difficulty wise.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Why not? Sounds good to me. What other people do, and how they do it, doesn't impact me at all, so I simply don't care if people want to face-roll through leveling content.

So by that logic would you be on-board with an instantly-level-to-55 option being added to the game?

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