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more class and companion stories


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I really hope the creators of this game will create more storyline for the classes and companions. They are easily my favorite part of game. They weren't the same go here collect this kill these things, type quest. They are more fun to play.
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I hope that the creators of SWTOR are smarter than the creators of WOW. The mundane tasks that are in the regular quest. Go here collect that. Kill this many of these thing. Over and over gets old the class quest and companion quest at least have a.story.to follow..
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It would also be cool if Jedi and.Sith characters could switch alliances. Like Jedi can become Fall in. And Sith can join the Jedi kinda like the companion for the Jedi Knight class. It would be exciting and fun to play.
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It would also be cool if Jedi and.Sith characters could switch alliances. Like Jedi can become Fall in. And Sith can join the Jedi kinda like the companion for the Jedi Knight class. It would be exciting and fun to play.


I agree. Having the option to fight the Empire/Republic from the inside would definitely be an interesting development.

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In the game already there are fallen Jedi and in my storyline there are Sith that are lightside that pull away from the empire. There is also a natural set up for a 3rd faction niether Republic or Empire for the Sith class. It'd be nice to add them to the story lines.
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I will never accept the loss of class stories. As far as I'm concerned, it was an unfortunate but necessary step of desperation when funding was lost and the staff downsized. It also came at a time when people who played through the content more quickly than expected were clamoring for more content which they had no choice but to provide as quickly as possible.


While I understand that they did what they had to do at the time, I also think it removed what made swtor a kotor game and much of what made the game unique and groundbreaking. The level of story and quality of writing and acting had never been seen in an mmo before. Much of that has been lost. Shallower stories, less dialogue, fewer interactions.... The new stories, even the new flashpoints simply aren't of the same quality. That doesn't mean that I don't still find them superior to other mmos. I do, but the game could be so much more.


Now that finances and player numbers are stable and growing, they need to look at the promise of the game they first planned and find ways to return to that in a way that still allows them to meet the need pf endgame, pvp and starfighter players. I realize that's a challenge, but I think it could be done with sufficient support and resources. I'm never going to stop wanting that and I'm never going to stop asking for it. That's the heart of swtor.

Edited by errant_knight
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Well I have a few characters but my favorite are a female Sith by species warrior that wants to either be Jedi or the third alternative that was introduced to her in early quests. By a sect of people claiming that that Emperor was actually one of them neither Sith nor Jedi. And cared nothing about neither the empire one the republic. That would be.a fun story to follow. Or of the Sith joining the Jedi and facing the trials. Or a Jedi fallen and their story of killing their old friends. That would be fun.
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I will never accept the loss of class stories. As far as I'm concerned, it was an unfortunate but necessary step of desperation when funding was lost and the staff downsized. It also came at a time when people who played through the content more quickly than expected were clamoring for more content which they had no choice but to provide as quickly as possible.


While I understand that they did what they had to do at the time, I also think it removed what made swtor a kotor game and much of what made the game unique and groundbreaking. The level of story and quality of writing and acting had never been seen in an mmo before. Much of that has been lost. Shallower stories, less dialogue, fewer interactions.... The new stories, even the new flashpoints simply aren't of the same quality. That doesn't mean that I don't still find them superior to other mmos. I do, but the game could be so much more.


Now that finances and player numbers are stable and growing, they need to look at the promise of the game they first planned and find ways to return to that in a way that still allows them to meet the need pf endgame, pvp and starfighter players. I realize that's a challenge, but I think it could be done with sufficient support and resources. I'm never going to stop wanting that and I'm never going to stop asking for it. That's the heart of swtor.



I agree xinfinity


I switched from WoW to SWtOR and LOVE the companions!!!!! They really make the game. Also the relationships, I love those too. I will also never stop pestering for them. Especially continuing things such as companion married life etc.

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