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I need help with PvP


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So I need some help. Coming from a Lethality Operative, Marauder PvP is quite different.


I'm having trouble building Rage, and I've only got one way to escape being stunned.


I'm only lv26, but... My Op had a lot more tricks.


Also, I'm having difficulty with my rotation. This ties in to having issues building rage. And I'm having trouble being... Mobile, for lack of a better term.




Any help at all would be appreciated.

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I'm only lv26, but... My Op had a lot more tricks.


This right here is your problem. No marauder spec really comes together to make anything even remotely close to a cohesive spec until lvl 45+.


For your rage generation problems, here is my recommendation:


-Try this spec for your level: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bcZ0MZdrMz.3. Those 5 points in Anni + the 2 in Defensive forms (combat tree) will give you much better fury / rage management. Go Shii-Cho form and every time you berserk, you get a free bar of rage. That alone should make things much better for you. Keep working your way up the Rage tree, picking up obliterate etc.


Ravage is your hardest hitter at that level, probably followed by force scream. Vicious Slash is a filler for your excess rage. You should only rarely ever have to use regular assault. Berserk + Shii-Cho plus battering assault should give you plenty of rage.

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About the mobility thing - you have charge, which is great for mobility, and in a few levels if you do the spec I suggested you'll get obliterate, which will help by breaking roots and such and giving you a secondary leap. Marauder doesn't have the advantage of starting in or returning to stealth after combat. That's something you just have to learn to live with. You do get better abilities later on that have good escape mechanisms, but at the lower levels expect to just die a lot without much recourse.
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Thanks for the input!


I'd actually tried Rage twice before, but it was such a departure from Carnage and Anni that I never got into it. While waiting for responses, I went pure Rage to Obliterate, and switched around my keybinds to get everything flowing smoothly. Between having Force Scream cost no rage, Obliterate, and Smash having a lesser cooldown, it's helped quite a bit.


Aluvi, I'm currently debating about respeccing for your build to get those low-tier talents from the other trees like Defensive Forms and Enraged Slash, or to stay with pure Rage, grab Force Jump next to my Obliterate can be used when immobolized, and then get them.


I see the benefits of those other abilities, undoubtedly. But Obliterate has been nice, although the range on it is bit short and Force Jump only lets me use it when Slow, not Stunned or some of those other detriments.

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