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Character transfer from US to European server (and vice a versa)


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Fully aware this subject has been discussed before. This thread is posted based on a recommendation from a customer service agent I spoke with recently who could not explain to me the reason behind not allowing server transfers between the Euro and NA servers. Apparently, as part of their CSR training or the personal prerogative of the CSR agent in question their goal is to leave no customer disappointed and turn to this solution as a last result.




Fully aware of many discussion surrounding this issue that have taken place on REDDIT. That is was possible to transfer from Asian servers to other servers at the time of the Asian server closing, inferring that it was not a technical issue. Therefore, speculation was put forth that it was a legal issue, which may or may not be the case to my knowledge. It could also be a business case. Due to I am a paying customer who started at launch and my two oldest boys play the game as well the reason behind not allowing transfers of characters from an official source is of interest not only to me but my family as well.




At the time of launch my family was residing in North America and we rolled our initial character there. Unexpectedly, due to work reasons we moved to Europe on short notice a few months after launch. In a globalized world where luxury brands such as Lexus have global warranties and service agreements it is a surprise a quality product such as SWTOR does not cater to lifestyles of its customers who may be a bit further away from the standard deviation than the standard player. It makes SWTOR appear less concerned about it's customers' preference than publishers that allow for the transfer of characters between regions. Surely, SWTOR does not intend to cast itself in that light?


Questions seeking definitive answers.


1. What is the reason behind the policy not to allow transfer of characters between EU and US servers and vice a versa?


2. What will capitulate SWTOR leadership to change or amend the current policy?



Edited by Waffenator
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have also been waiting patiently to transfer my 5 55s from a US server to Red Eclipse - and I know of a few others within the same US guild who want to transfer toons.


Thats lots of money we are willing to give to EA as our circumstances have changed since the game launched

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Some friends from the other side of the world have asked me to move from Harbinger to their EU server. I started a new character and pre-orded the the new expansion for the class xp boost.. that should help.. but still would be nice to have the option of moving some characters I spent so much time building to the EU servers instead of starting almost from scratch.


if we cant move, perhaps they could make that xp boost a buyable option for not having the option to transfer.. atleast that is something.. or even a shared bank in which I could send my new characters gear and money etc..

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I'd play mostly on the EU servers, but i like to see this feature as well.

as i have some friends i like to play with and those friends are from the U.S.

I really think BioWare and/or EA (or whoever it is) will earn alot of money with this.

Especially after reading all these comments so far from people that would like to transfer their character(s).

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Leveling a character is not a big deal. The problem is the transfer of the legacy achievements and unlocks, especially since some of the unlocks could have been purchased with cartel coins.


And apparently there are not enough players that need the inter-region transfer, since EA don't cares about it.

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They've said (as recently as a couple of weeks ago) that there are "business issues" that prevent EU <> US server transfers.

They did not elaborate but they are well aware it's something players want and they would give it to us if they could.

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  • 1 month later...

The business issue is that you will find loads of folks leaving other servers to come to US side. Which in of itself I see as fine. There are no real spawn issues that are on timelines so what is the issue? They know if they transfer for pvp they might encounter latency issues... big deal....


Recently I retired from the Army when I was stationed in Germany. I started playing the game there Euro side but moved back to the states after playing since launch..... Had to start completely over from scratch even though I had all crafters, max faction on with multiple enclaves, and lvl 50 legacy, and all class buffs with all companions at max....


Talk about a kick in the ballzzz... I still have not recovered from the loss of my crafters financially. Just hurts really bad. Years of work down the drain. Funny thing is, I would gladly pay double for cross region transfers even though it is the exact same thing and takes the exact same amount of time to transfer from within as it does without......

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with the 12x class quest xp bonus i'm pretty sure you could level 1-2 55s on a different server rather fast if you havet he time to do so that is =)


cant have the speeders, the pets, the creds, the emotes, the SHs, the decos

i really wanna transfer my whole account to a US server coz of RL things hapends and change my game time for good.

My main char has 200+ speeders and almost 200 pets, countless emotes, decos and all SHs unlocked. with that out cant move, im stuck to EU servers playing almost solo or with GF only, cant find guild for a year and a half coz of my game time changed for RL issues last year.

Edited by Kissakias
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  • 6 months later...

hmm.... let's dig out this thread again. :D


My case:

Started to play right from launch, lived in Europe at that time. Then stopped playing due to lots of travel and then relocation. Now living in Japan since two years and got interested in playing SWTOR again. However now I'm playing on a US West server (more players in similar timezone as well as better ping). Still no character transfer possible.


Was there any progress in the meantime on this I just missed? A statement from EA or Bioware? Or things still the same?

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Was there any progress in the meantime on this I just missed? A statement from EA or Bioware? Or things still the same?


No progress & won't be.

It has to do with International Laws. All legal stuff.

Do a search here on the forums, you can find the post that has the information in it.

Don't think they will ever get EU to USA transfers. But at least atm you have 12x EXP granted legacy doesn't work like that but you can get toons leveled fast.

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