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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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Shiv is still looking for skilled PvP players and will not stop until we are the most well known PvP guild on server! Were here and were not going anywhere. please, if interested in our casual, ranked, or regs teams please contact me at Yuuko'zero in game, find me on our website at Shiv.enjin.com (turian), or simply leave a comment here! Edited by Thrison
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Recently leveling some pure pvp toons {slow going that way as it always was} after a long pvp break when 2.0 ruined if for a long time {in my opinion} and I have seen you all Empire side on my operative. Had one of you all extend an invite with "we are forming an operative only pvp guild". Naturally I declined since being in a guild is not for me.


I have had both the pleasure of beating you all in Imp v Imp and Rep v Imp...and have also lost to you all {when there is more than 4 of you together anyhow [premade]}. My question is what happened to the "operative only" thing lol? Been seeing a lot of pistols and sabers of late lol. So much for that eh? Glad I did not join...I would have felt lied to and quit by now probably.


While it is against my personal rules to be in a guild, I did like the idea of a operative only guild {in theory}...a shame you could not maintain that. I would be lying if I ever believed you would truly only ever be operatives only, but it would have been cool. Oh well. As to not going anywhere...we shall see. My money is on a fade out.

Edited by Urantia
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Recently leveling some pure pvp toons {slow going that way as it always was} after a long pvp break when 2.0 ruined if for a long time {in my opinion} and I have seen you all Empire side on my operative. Had one of you all extend an invite with "we are forming an operative only pvp guild". Naturally I declined since being in a guild is not for me.


I have had both the pleasure of beating you all in Imp v Imp and Rep v Imp...and have also lost to you all {when there is more than 4 of you together anyhow [premade]}. My question is what happened to the "operative only" thing lol? Been seeing a lot of pistols and sabers of late lol. So much for that eh? Glad I did not join...I would have felt lied to and quit by now probably.


While it is against my personal rules to be in a guild, I did like the idea of a operative only guild {in theory}...a shame you could not maintain that. I would be lying if I ever believed you would truly only ever be operatives only, but it would have been cool. Oh well. As to not going anywhere...we shall see. My money is on a fade out.


For one. I don't know who told you about an "Operative Only" guild. That's retarded. Any Class base restriction guild is stupid. It is true a few of us are Operatives. I myself am an Assassin, and have a Merc, and a Juggernaut that are both in the guild. Level range from 40's to 55. How the heck are you going to run a PvP guild with all Operatives? No tanks? GG Ranked. Second, "Being in a guild is not for me". We don't want you, glad you quit, or didn't join. We are recruiting like minded PvPers that have some decent skill in the game. "You had the pleasure of beating you all". The best teams in the world lose (Not claiming we are the best or even close). *Insert massive sarcasm voice* I'm sure YOU specifically beat all 4 of us in this "said" match of yours. I'm sure you were top damage, top heals, top objectives, top defense, top everything. You are judging one match in LOWBIE PvP bracket? Lowbie bracket is a joke. You sir are clearly ignorant, and a are Bad. Good riddance, we don't need ignorant trolls filling SWTOR anymore than there already are. ****, and go play ESO.

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Recently leveling some pure pvp toons {slow going that way as it always was} after a long pvp break when 2.0 ruined if for a long time {in my opinion} and I have seen you all Empire side on my operative. Had one of you all extend an invite with "we are forming an operative only pvp guild". Naturally I declined since being in a guild is not for me.


I have had both the pleasure of beating you all in Imp v Imp and Rep v Imp...and have also lost to you all {when there is more than 4 of you together anyhow [premade]}. My question is what happened to the "operative only" thing lol? Been seeing a lot of pistols and sabers of late lol. So much for that eh? Glad I did not join...I would have felt lied to and quit by now probably.


While it is against my personal rules to be in a guild, I did like the idea of a operative only guild {in theory}...a shame you could not maintain that. I would be lying if I ever believed you would truly only ever be operatives only, but it would have been cool. Oh well. As to not going anywhere...we shall see. My money is on a fade out.

Please, cry more. And to everyone else i am simply exploring the options a new guild has and trying to recruit on all bases, and also to that end i have no intention of starting fights with other guilds, but im aloud to dream right? lol wanting to have a guild well known on the server should be the aspirations of all GMs.

Edited by Thrison
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For one. I don't know who told you about an "Operative Only" guild. That's retarded. Any Class base restriction guild is stupid. It is true a few of us are Operatives. I myself am an Assassin, and have a Merc, and a Juggernaut that are both in the guild. Level range from 40's to 55. How the heck are you going to run a PvP guild with all Operatives? No tanks? GG Ranked. Second, "Being in a guild is not for me". We don't want you, glad you quit, or didn't join. We are recruiting like minded PvPers that have some decent skill in the game. "You had the pleasure of beating you all". The best teams in the world lose (Not claiming we are the best or even close). *Insert massive sarcasm voice* I'm sure YOU specifically beat all 4 of us in this "said" match of yours. I'm sure you were top damage, top heals, top objectives, top defense, top everything. You are judging one match in LOWBIE PvP bracket? Lowbie bracket is a joke. You sir are clearly ignorant, and a are Bad. Good riddance, we don't need ignorant trolls filling SWTOR anymore than there already are. ****, and go play ESO.


First off "quit making movies yo". I am no liar...that is literally what was told to me. I was equally surprised...and having seen non-operatives in your guild made that clear. I never took it seriously {but do admit it would have been cool to see}. As too beating you...yes I have. And you will note I was also beat by you all....was that not stated? {when I say "I" I mean the team I was on of course, duh}


This is a clear case of ego on your part. I never called out your skills...just noted you all are human. Like any match, it is usually a forgone conclusion when a pug is up against a premade. As to my personal skill lvl, you do not even know me or the toons I use. Why? because it does not matter...nor is it the point. Unlike you I do not desire fame.


You all are the ones "going public"...and as such being open to criticism. But yeah...name the toons I used while teamed with you and against, then you can make claims about how BAD I am {note I never called you BAD}. All I know is you all are ordinary in my personal opnion...only going above average when with 4+ teamed {typical}.


I still stand by my claim you are a flash in the pan. Not for any reason other than probability lol. Staying power is a rare commodity. But in time if you are still here I will come back and be the first to say "I stand corrected". But please continue making **** up. Maybe the guy that asked me if I wanted to join was misinformed...whatever. If it makes you feel better {as stated in my first post}, I did not believe them {though I wanted to}.


Oh and I assure you I am not basing any of my opinions on one match {again learn to read please...I clearly indicated at least 2 matched based on my language}, it was many matches. I see you all daily of late {I am teamed with you and against you regularly}. We do agree that it is low lvl pvp...you were the one that exaggerated and extended my meaning due to ego issues. I called out your longevity and honesty, not your skills. Learn to read and govern your passions a bit better please.

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Please, cry more. And to everyone else i am simply exploring the options a new guild has and trying to recruit on all bases, and also to that end i have no intention of starting fights with other guilds, but im aloud to dream right? lol wanting to have a guild well known on the server should be the aspirations of all GMs.


Who is crying...aside from that other dude? You are allowed to dream all you want...live a fantasy for all anyone cares. I just call them as I see them...and have the luxury of being able to speak for myself. Do you also deny you told people you were seeking an all operatives guild at some point? You can call me a liar also, but it does not change the facts. I have no horse in this race. Your success or failure as a guild is meaningless to me. From my perspective you all are nothing more than a curiosity to speculate about.


I have been PvPing in this game since beta alone...with a year break due to 2.0 ruining my desire for it {along with a majority that simply just left the game}. My point? I have a long observational history to draw upon, trends, behavior, and general experience. I make no claims to my personal skill only to say I have won and lost over time as do we all. While I can list my personal favorite guilds here {those that still exist to this day}, what would be the point?


Perhaps I will be wrong and you all be be the next big thing on this placeholder server renamed Shadowlands after the mega mergers. Try and understand that I only commented as I was recruited to an operative only guild that I later witnessed to be other than that. While I never had any intentions of joining per my personal rule set, I merely mention that I am now glad I did not or I would have been disappointed.


I do agree with the rage poster above that an all operative guild would probably make no sense, but there is no law saying it cannot be done. Again, I thought it might be kind of cool if it was. Personally my issue was with what was said to me personally in the game and then what I saw evolve after that. As such you all lost credibility with me. Just me, myself, and I. Hopefully no one else joined under false pretenses....and now feels disappointed {reguardless of their understanding of 55 dynamics}.

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Who is crying...aside from that other dude? You are allowed to dream all you want...live a fantasy for all anyone cares. I just call them as I see them...and have the luxury of being able to speak for myself. Do you also deny you told people you were seeking an all operatives guild at some point? You can call me a liar also, but it does not change the facts. I have no horse in this race. Your success or failure as a guild is meaningless to me. From my perspective you all are nothing more than a curiosity to speculate about.


I have been PvPing in this game since beta alone...with a year break due to 2.0 ruining my desire for it {along with a majority that simply just left the game}. My point? I have a long observational history to draw upon, trends, behavior, and general experience. I make no claims to my personal skill only to say I have won and lost over time as do we all. While I can list my personal favorite guilds here {those that still exist to this day}, what would be the point?


Perhaps I will be wrong and you all be be the next big thing on this placeholder server renamed Shadowlands after the mega mergers. Try and understand that I only commented as I was recruited to an operative only guild that I later witnessed to be other than that. While I never had any intentions of joining per my personal rule set, I merely mention that I am now glad I did not or I would have been disappointed.


I do agree with the rage poster above that an all operative guild would probably make no sense, but there is no law saying it cannot be done. Again, I thought it might be kind of cool if it was. Personally my issue was with what was said to me personally in the game and then what I saw evolve after that. As such you all lost credibility with me. Just me, myself, and I. Hopefully no one else joined under false pretenses....and now feels disappointed {reguardless of their understanding of 55 dynamics}.


The magical thing about being a guild leader is that you can set your own rules. Mind = Blown. I know. Oh, you've been playing since Beta, that's a rare sight.


Yes, at one point we were only recruiting operatives for probably two days. The reasons don't really matter, as it was a decision a group of us made. We also planned on expanding after a few days - we did.


That being said, how you feel about us means nothing. From my perspective, you're just being a sally. Try and understand that this is a recruitment thread, not a counseling session. If you'd like to continue telling us how you feel, your personal rules, how long you've been playing or anything else like that - feel free to mail me ingame at Blastersponge. I probably won't respond/read.



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The magical thing about being a guild leader is that you can set your own rules. Mind = Blown. I know. Oh, you've been playing since Beta, that's a rare sight.


Yes, at one point we were only recruiting operatives for probably two days. The reasons don't really matter, as it was a decision a group of us made. We also planned on expanding after a few days - we did.


That being said, how you feel about us means nothing. From my perspective, you're just being a sally. Try and understand that this is a recruitment thread, not a counseling session. If you'd like to continue telling us how you feel, your personal rules, how long you've been playing or anything else like that - feel free to mail me ingame at Blastersponge. I probably won't respond/read.





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