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Most fun Marauder Spec


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My marauders have been anni since... well... Lets say I was really excited about the release of illum. :D


But I recently got interested in smash. It's fun, takes a while to get _really_ right and it's absolutely awesome for grinding groups of elites for creds and to have something to do while waiting for the queue. :D


I guess it really depends on what you do: Rage is grinding KING (as in "double the speed") and ok for pvp - obliterate jump from root is just... the SH*T! yeah!


I consider carnage to be... well... way too... "locked in into the gore windows". It's basically just... be gentle... gentle... wait for procs... wait.... wait... BURST.... wait and hope... wait... setup. And in PvP that's usually wait... wait... BU...CCed. :p Also: everyone is trying it because it is supposed to have great burst. Fortunately you'll hardly ever find a marauder who has the Luck and the Mastery required to play this spec successfully. It sucks if you are lacking either. Been there for a couple of weeks... Even if I had the mastery, I would still always get procs at the wrong damn time.


So my Fun-Hitlist:

Rage (because rather new to me, but no RNG and great burst with potential to become really smooth) > Anni (I loved it back then, now it's still... well it lacks the real selfheal that defined it, imho and it's ae is nonexistant - but it 'flows' smoothly) > carnage (luckfest,very tiresome)


I like smooth.

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I really enjoy all 3 specs to be honest. Just like the guy above me, I recently tried rage and it is hilarious (in a good way). I love running dailies as rage now. Practically zero rage management and seeing those 10k+ smash crits on a big group of mobs is just awesome. Lots of fun for just messing around or doing daily flash points.


Annihilation is my go to spec for any serious operations. The sustained damage is absolutely devastating. Popping berserk while at full stacks with all your bleeds up, maybe an adrenal thrown in- watch the enemy just melt. Seeing those damage numbers plus the utility I bring to the group make annihilation a really enjoyable spec for any group setting.


Ah Carnage. Well carnage used to be my absolute favorite spec. What changed you may ask? Well, I discovered annihilation. Don’t misinterpret me; I still like carnage a lot. The whole dynamic of the gore window is a lot of fun and its burst is king. But rage management and RNG can be such a pain in this spec. It really requires proactive rage management to be successful. Oh and this is the only spec I will use for pvp btw because of the extra root, better predation, and the break roots on force camo.


In conclusion: Annihilation > Carnage > Rage (rage is last simply because it’s kind of an lol spec for me)

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I have always found Rage to be my favorite. Marauders already have amazing saber damage, Rage only improves the Marauder damage output by making Smash a hell of a lot more powerful. However as of right now I am playing Carnage, for OPS and FP purposes. If I solo PVE then i usually will go Rage.
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I like Carnage for the moment, it's a real challenge to stick all those cooldowns into that small little window. But I like that about it: when it all works out and you get a lot of Ataru procs the mobs or players just melt in a huge flash of numbers.


Played Annihilation mostly throughout the leveling process for this character, but it was getting a bit tedious in the end. Constantly keeping deadly saber up and prepping your dots did get boring for me. Especially because they nerfed the selfheal.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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