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Sooo, can I


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Light saber cutting through the durasteel door so you can get into your house? Win. Light saber trying to weld the hole in the door you just cut so rogue Rouges don't steal all your stuff while you're out? Fail.


if they break into a lightsaber wielders house they do so at their own peril. One will always be given a chance at surrender, but if not, they do so of their own free will.

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What about now? Is it next week yet?


Ugh, unfortunately I have meetings all day today and tomorrow with a new software vendor that I can't get out of, and already got an email from my boss telling me to be nice to them since they are not technical but sales people :p

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What about now? Is it next week yet?


Ugh, unfortunately I have meetings all day today and tomorrow with a new software vendor that I can't get out of, and already got an email from my boss telling me to be nice to them since they are not technical but sales people :p

For some reason I just picture a large cat playing with a mouse...It is a foregone conclusion what happens to the mouse, but more how and when that makes it a nice story.


With non-technical/sales people its more how long can you draw it out before their heads go pop.


But soon, you shall have your stronghold so very soon. Go "play" with the nice sales people for awhile and when you get back you'll have your stronghold.

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What about now? Is it next week yet?


Ugh, unfortunately I have meetings all day today and tomorrow with a new software vendor that I can't get out of, and already got an email from my boss telling me to be nice to them since they are not technical but sales people :p


Not quite there. Close however...


In the meantime, have a DS cookie. They're low on sugar, don't worry. :cool:

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sooo close! I'ma try and get out early today, erm medical reasons, I'm going to the doctor tomorrow so I have to um, get ready for that today. Yeah, that sounds reasonable, my boss won't think any thing fishy is going on.
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sooo close! I'ma try and get out early today, erm medical reasons, I'm going to the doctor tomorrow so I have to um, get ready for that today. Yeah, that sounds reasonable, my boss won't think any thing fishy is going on.


Tell him you have a fever. A fever that only more TOR can cure. :rolleyes:

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Tell him you have a fever. A fever that only more TOR can cure. :rolleyes:


Sadly my boss won't believe that, she already knows I spend most my time gaming.


Now if I had to get more cowbell, she might send me to the chief medical officer at work to get me a new prescription :p

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Dear ikinai's Boss:

It is imperative to the safety of the galaxy that ikinai be excused from work early today so that she can attend to matters of galactic security. The matters at hand are time sensitive, so any continued delay is unacceptable, and places us all at risk. As such, please allow her to leave post haste, and accept our thanks.


It would also be a good idea to excuse her from work tomorrow as well.


Kind regards,

The SWTOR Community


Print and deliver. Hope it helps!

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I'd go with the "bad taco bell" defense. That works for every situation, and gets you pretty much out of anything.


"sorry, had some bad taco bell" *grabs stomach and runs away


I'm going with the 'I skipped lunch, so I'm going to go get something to eat now. At home. And I won't be coming back to the office. KTHXBAI!'

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