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Sooo, can I


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A colony on Mars, do you have robots I can drive around?


We did but given the influx of massive solar flares within our designated location of the solar system, those droids systems' overheated and they are now inoperational.


I do advise you to keep the above information for yourself. The Mars Authority Defense - AKA, M.A.D. - has deemed such unsubstantiated claims the stuff of utter loons.


There's no reason to concern, given the fact that our benefactors - the beloved Gremlins - are on their way to solve the present crisis.

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You shouldn't.

Kaliyo will steal them.


OMG, even better! Kaliyo going all rodeo cowgirl on Alderaan! I could just see here flying around with her bald head in the sun yelling 'Yippie-i-o!

Edited by ikinai
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LOL. I feel the same way. It's a week until Xmas.


Argh! I just realized we have a software vendor on site on Monday and Tuesday that I am required to be at cause the CEO will be in attendance so I won't be able to leave work early!


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