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What are the advantages of pursuing your class storyline quests?


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I came back to game recently and my level 30 operative was far behind his class story. It was gray. So I went to Nar Shadaa and spent many many hours getting the class story up to my current level. It is now green, not current yet but better.


I asked myself why I spent so many hours of getting no XP and running around back an forth and wondered what I had accomplished beside getting to watch some decent voice acting.


I had been away 2 years so I have forgotten everything about this game even though I have a level 30. :)

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I would have started over again if i only played til level 30 and then had a 2 year break. This game is all about story, really. If you're not a Star Wars fan and you're looking for a game with good end-game then swtor is not for you. Here, the journey to level 55 is the best experience. :] Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I would have started over again if i only played til level 30 and then had a 2 year break. This game is all about story, really. If you're not a Star Wars fan and you're looking for a game with good end-game then swtor is not for you. Here, the journey to level 55 is the best experience. :]


I seriously thought about starting over again and it might be the best course. I just cannot bring myself to abandon a character I have. I know 30 isn't that high but still it is a few days playtime at least and I level slow.


I can certainly see your point though. I am still thinking about deleting him but it is tough.

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I came back to game recently and my level 30 operative was far behind his class story. It was gray. So I went to Nar Shadaa and spent many many hours getting the class story up to my current level. It is now green, not current yet but better.


I asked myself why I spent so many hours of getting no XP and running around back an forth and wondered what I had accomplished beside getting to watch some decent voice acting.


I had been away 2 years so I have forgotten everything about this game even though I have a level 30. :)


The Class Story quests are one of the best features of the game for many players because of the stories they provide! There are some players who do not care for them though because you are pretty much forced to do them in order to progress in the game adequately. I know back when the game first launched there was a lot of push-back from the PVP community because they just wanted to level in PVP warzones and then when they reached the level cap they were locked out of a lot of the game's content until they completed the class quests on every planet.


There is a lot of content at level 50+ that you may not be able to participate in if you don't complete your class story missions all the way up to Correlia first.

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I seriously thought about starting over again and it might be the best course. I just cannot bring myself to abandon a character I have. I know 30 isn't that high but still it is a few days playtime at least and I level slow.


I can certainly see your point though. I am still thinking about deleting him but it is tough.

Eh, if you have an open character slot, don't delete him. Just start a new one. If you get into the new character, great. If not, you can always go back to your first one.

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