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I tried a couple of outings with the new starfighter game. I have to be honest, either I totally suck and have no idea how to play it, or its freaking hard. Am I the only one?


Flying with the mouse is not easy, but it was easier in freelancer, I gotta say. I have no idea what I am doing wrong, but I die so fast in this game. It makes me not want to keep trying.


Oh, and seriously, does space need to be cluttered with structures one must fly through and up and over or under? Why can't we just have something akin to the old xwing vs. tie fighter? Let me use my joystick.

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There's a number of guides over on the GSF forum - I recommend looking for Stasie's guide which gives a good primer on where to start. Yes, it does have a rather steep learning curve. After a few dozen games you'll have the feel for the controls and it starts to become a lot of fun. Unfortunately a lot of people feel that steep a curve is unreasonable and I can't blame them too much for it.


And having a joystick wouldn't make it any easier (in fact probably would not work well with current control scheme in the engine). The mouse works very well once you have some practice with it (though most people tend to turn down the sensitivity) and learn how to roll and turn properly (always turn up/down not left right). You also really start to appreciate the cover. It's not dogfighting so much as space PvP. And if you don't have cover when gunships or multiple people using missiles show up, you're in a lot trouble.

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I'm assuming you're talking about Galactic Starfighter. If you are, then yes, it can be quite hard. It has a steep learning curve to it that takes some getting used to.


Also it's PvP (Player vs Player) and you'll be up against people with lots of practice and better equipped ships.

If you keep at it, you'll gradually get better and spend more time sending other people to the scrap yard and less time there yourself. :cool:

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Also it's PvP (Player vs Player) and you'll be up against people with lots of practice and better equipped ships.

If you keep at it, you'll gradually get better and spend more time sending other people to the scrap yard and less time there yourself. :cool:


The "new" space game has been out for over eight months. Folks have been playing every day, getting lots of practice, and getting all their ships fully upgraded. You're just stating out, still learning to fly, and with few or no upgrades. You're gonna be nothing but target practice for most of your opposition for a while.


The only way to overcome this is just keep flying. The flight mechanics will get easier with practice. And as you complete more missions, win or lose, you'll get the necessary requisitions to upgrade your ships. Also, make sure you go to fleet and pick up the Daily and Weekly GSF missions, so you can get more requisitions, and get those upgrades faster.

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