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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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Which part of "it's the same client and everyone gets patched at the same time" are you unclear on?


Everyone patches at once. We have more players. Ergo, we get the "best" downtime and you don't.


This is all very simple.


So how would it affect you and other americans if they split the client and patching hours? This has been done with most MMOs, I don't see why this should be any different.

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All I have to say to this is quoting a line from one of my favorite songs by the Offspring:


Nah Nah Nah Why don't you get a Job!


Im sorry, but this seems really strange to me...


And that seems correct in the US, but in europe the time is 10AM to 4PM.... How is that in anyway during off peak-hours. Its in the middle off the day.


Hopefully we can get some clarification on this or maybe its just me overreacting?

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It's the truth, GET OVER IT.


Is it? I am actually really curious. Its easy to assume US gaming base > EU. But if you look at PS3 base units, EU has 3 million more than US.


Sure Swtor is very different to ps3, simply giving an example that US doesn't always have a bigger gaming base than EU.


Is there any facts backing up the statement that US base is > than EU base? Fair enough if there is. I also see that it is fair for Bioware to give bias to the bigger # of gamers.


However it just seems they are doing whatever ever they can to disrupt US as little as possible & not even considering EU.


I'm basing the above on that 1-3am CST would have less players than 3-5pm CET and that 4-10am is the lowest gaming population for US, not for the world.

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I'm going off now, but I will leave this message before I do:


I'm am a customer. Where I am from should not matter. Currently it does. Therefore I will no longer be a customer. I originally set up a three month recurring sub, but I have just cancelled that; so has my GF. We have our remaining 'free' time, then it's over. I hope BioWare either separate the times or alternate between imposing this on the EU and US, but I expect equality amongst the playerbase.


That is all: equality. I don't have to be to find someone who wants to discriminate me, there's plenty who will do that for free.


Don't get me wrong: The game is incredible, and I sincerely hope this issue is fixed so that I can return, but I will not give my money to be treated as a second class citizen.


Great post sir. It explains , more eloquently than i have managed to do, exactly how i as a European player feels after today's maintenance.

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Personally, it's not the time of day that bothers me, it's the day that they have chosen. Public bank holiday for alot of people, just got rid of family after Christmas and was looking forward to a good days play time before going back to work tomorrow. They could have held off on the patch/maintenance till tomorrow this one time, just shows a certain lack of consideration and local knowledge.


As a Canadian I do sympatize with you to a certain extent, since we get the same treatment during Canadian holidays. I play LOTRO, which has often had maintence on Canadian holidays.


But at the same time, I really don't expect Bioware to figure out all the holidays for all the different countries the game is released in and try to schedule their maintenance around them all. They said maintenance would be on Tuesdays, and if your holiday falls on a Tuesday, you are going to get hit.

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wait you're telling americans to get a life and yet you are crying about not being able to play a game ? odd


Wait you're implying this EU player needs to get a life and yet your commenting in a thread with no bearing on your life? Odd.


/self perpetuating cycle

Edited by Amazingstoke
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People are getting way to butthurt over this, there is always going be time for server maintenance thats going to affect a number of players. They have chose a time that seems like it would effect the least amount of players. Even if it was EU peak hours (Which it isn't) its one day a week and has to be done. Go outside, get some fresh air, it would be impossible for Bioware to cater to every single persons free time.
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Lol coming from a country which is just about bankrupt. Think you should stick to the game not politics.


We are in debt, but we have money because we refuse to pay for debt. It's great being the big kid on the block. I got a quarter from little billy. Little billy asks for his quarter back, and I say no.

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Love how people don't see it as a off-peak time.

As someone pointed out "It's in the middle of the day" ... That should generally be a off-peak due to many reasons, such as,

Work, school, life


Now I don't say everyone has any of this (ohhh, haha), I myself is currently unemployed, but for me it's still an okey time.


See as this aswell, looking at WoW if you want, where europe get's the patch after US which means we can't really compete with first kills and such :)

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Which part of "it's the same client and everyone gets patched at the same time" are you unclear on?


Everyone patches at once. We have more players. Ergo, we get the "best" downtime and you don't.


This is all very simple.


I've seen you post this in another topic as well, but there could be a quite simple solution. There's a 5 hour time diference between the US east coast and the UK. With maintenance that lasts 6 hours, having the downtime at the same timeframe in both timezones would mean a 1 hour overlap when the servers are down for both regions. During that hour the patch could be activated for the clients.

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I agree with so manny others that u feel like and 2nd grade citicen when we all pay the exact same ammount, why do they treat everyone thats NOT from the US like ppl they shouldent care about, they yust think..oh well they have to get used to it since the´r not from the US lets treat them like we treat the rest of the rest of the world..in THINKING they do it good?


US think the own the world and can decide everything for everyone else. THe EU have more players than all of US we are a bigger market than the us, so WHY not treat EU like the 1st grade citizen since we now apperently have to seperate people from people. Ore accoruding to BW thats what we should.


Like someone wrote before in EU we dont use the AM to PM time...we have 24hours system. So hard to make an option in the menu that makes u choose witch one u want?


But then i think we should do like they do in ASIA with teh payment...the PAY for the TIME they use. So if they pay for 30 dayes that is 30 dayes of IN GAME TIME, not monthly time. SO while i´m paying now when i´m offline my money still gose away...but if they were to change it to IN game time. it would be SO much better for all, and they would gain more players.

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Hey, what about alternating maintenance times so that US and EU get *** every other time? :D


Service quality would be equal. EU will win some US will lose some, but I would accept that.


Because if you think Europeans are whining...it would be nothing if they "dared" take the servers down peak-time US....just as many players, but would be 10x the whining.

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Fair enough. I was only assuming & I knew I could be wrong. I still wouldn't say 11pm is peak though? However I have no facts what so ever to back that up.


If you look over the 6 hours it gives a better picture. 11pm isn't a great time to pull down the servers. Since its 8am in CET, then clearly amount of players in US >> than 8am EU.


However would 11pm-1am PST be > than 3-5pm CET? I don't think it would. I would say late afternoon will be more populated than 11pm-1am.


However I could be wrong. I'm not really mad, just a little disappointed. EU gets it all the time with Sony, even though EU base > US base. As I am paying a monthly subscription I didn't expect to lose 3-4 hours a week at afternoon.


However, this is still a great game & I am looking forward to killing more Sith as my Twi'lek Jedi :p


I'm not for sure in the EU but there are alot of companies that have people who work from 3pm-11pm as a general shift. The ones that gain the most are the ones that work third shift from 11pm-7am since they will be at work and sleeping during most of the maint. The ones that work a normal 7 or 8 am to 4 or 5pm also have it good as well, even in the EU.

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This is not a huge problem, but definitely not needed.


I am forced to, yet again, point you towards Trion and Rift. I could also point you to the old LoTRO setup, with Turbine running the US servers and Codemasters the EU ones, but since those were separate ventures, it won't fit the current situation as well, so let's stick mainly to Trion.


Maintenance and updates are handled at different time slots, so EU servers are maintained during EU off-hours and so are US servers maintained and updated during US off-hours.

There is no actual need for the servers to be updated (and even less maintained) at the same time. Why would US players have a problem with EU players getting the patch 5 or 6 hours earlier? Or, if you want to do it the other way around, why would EU servers be bothered by the fact that their US counterparts got the patch 18 hours earlier?

I t doesn't matter and everybody is still happy as Trion (and LoTRO) showed time and time again. It can even save some problems to the group being patched later, in case some serious bug arises (and that has also happened in both of those games).


No, there isn't really a player-centered reason for this maintenance schedule, it is entirely for Bioware's convenience. It is their right, of course, but they shouldn't try to disguise it as care for the customers, which it isn't.


That said and even if Tuesdays are one of my off-days so I hope maintenance doesn't always happen on tuesdays during day time... it's no big deal, at least for now.

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European downtime is from 11-6, which is mostly work hours. So you're complaining that you can play in the morning, come home and play in the afternoon?


Addendum: I KNOW YOU'RE ON HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!! Think about the long term, you miss playtime for for 2 or 3 days out of the year, ther rest of the year the downtime schedule is FAVORABLE to Europeans.


wrong there.

i work iregular shifts as alot of people in europe do,

i am oftenly free on teusday's And hey lookie and cant play because there is maintenance (the entrie freaking day...)


and alot of people start work at 7am they cant play in the morning because they have to get out of bed to go to work. they come home somewhere between 3-4pm depending on distance. Hey look maintenance no thats cool issnt it?


Maintenance should always be at night no matter where u live. this is just ********.


oh yeah and we Pay MORE then u americans. just tought i'd brought that up.

Edited by Xenran
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