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Anni Mara Rotation?


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I would say

Leap - DS > BA (If leap can't be used, BA - DS > two Assault before the first Anni) > Ravage > Rupture > Anni > Assault > VS

From there. Use Annihilate on CD to build your Annihilator stacks ASAP. Use Leap - DS to get DS energy positive (if youre using Enraged Charge), if you can't use Leap rotationally, replace it by two Assault (but it isn't a good idea for your DPS). Trye to Rupture before every Annihilate, but NEVER delay an Annihilate to Rupture. Use Berzerk as you're using Rupture, just after using DS.


At full Annihilator stacks it should looks like


Leap - DS > Rupture > Anni > filler x2 > Rupture > Anni > filler > Leap - DS > Rupture > Anni


filler being Ravage if Pulverize proc on Annihilate and you have 8 Rage or VS > Assault if it doesn't or Ravage is on CD. If the RNG gods smile upon you, you could generate enough rage to do VS > VS (just be sure you have 8 Rage by the time you will use Rupture) or they could hate you enough to force you into a double Assault . If you don't proc Pulverize, use VS instead. DST can be used whenever you need to gain 2 Rage or spend 2 Rage and nothing more.


This part normally shouldn't apply in short fight, but if the fight draws out and you can keep your rotation up, you'll have to delay Anni by one GCD in the next 2 Anni windows everytime you proc Pulverize on VS following Annihilate.


If you're using Cloak of Annihilation, ALWAYS keep over the numbers I said an extra 3 Rage to Retaliate.


If you can avoid it, do NOT lose your stacks. Do not use Bloodthirst without using Berzerk. Baring situationnal use, avoid using Predation. If you need to use either Crippling Slash or Deadly Saber, by all means do it, but you won't proc Pulverize. In fact if you miss a Pulverize proc you could use Crippling Slash instead of VS. Try not use Berzerk without 6 Juyo stacks.


I think I got everything.. Sorry if it's slightly confused tho...

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So long as you can translate Sentinel terms into Marauder terms, this is the guide written by Macedonicus. He happens to be the top parsing Sentinel in the game.




Btw, above poster's opener is wrong as explained in the linked guide. After the most recent changes to Annihilation, Rupture does more damage per activation than Annihilate and thus needs to be prioritized over anything other than Deadly Saber. This spec is extremely DoT heavy as those are the largest contributions to DPS.

Edited by Mr_Fuzzle
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So long as you can translate Sentinel terms into Marauder terms, this is the guide written by Macedonicus. He happens to be the top parsing Sentinel in the game.




Btw, above poster's opener is wrong as explained in the linked guide.


Rotation in PvP ;) You lose out on DoT duration, but not so much on DoT damage. And this way you can get off Ravage sooner, which build up your Juyo faster than the PvE rotation. 3 stacks over 2.7 s is better than 2 stacks over 3 s. Last tick of Ravage being huge, you may not even need to use Rupture if your opponent drops under 20% Just Annihilate then VT and he is dead... In PvE you try to use Ravage after you get 4 stacks so your last tick of Ravage is fully buffed. In PvP, I prefer losing some Ravage damage to build Juyo faster and deliver my Rupture with a full 6 stacks.


EDIT : About Rupture vs Anni... The only time I prioritize Anni over Rupture is if I proc Pulverize on Rupture GCD... My method still use Rupture inside the 6 sec ICD on Pulverize.

EDIT II : If I was to priritize Rupture I would delay Anni by 1 GCD, which would end up *********** up the Rage management and wouldn't give me more Rupture in the parse.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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Thank you for posting the thoughts and the Guide! Now I want to put 2 levels on my mara to get that Annihilate!


So, you can actually press two buttons at once, like Deadly Sabre and the Attack (the Annihilate) as the Guide says? Wow. Maybe I will live to see the end of the Class Story yet, lol!

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I disagree that you shouldnt delay annihilate by one gcd to use rupture first. Rupture over all does more damage for less rage than annihilate and annihlate will most likely proc rupture so if you skip the rupture to use anni you essentially cut your dps by a larger margin then if you would have just used that one gcd for rupture. However i main an anni mara and have since beta and i rarely run into this issue anyway as the cds and everything line up very well anyway.
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