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Keep the Imperial Announcer!


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Yep it's a nice way to draw attention to the event and make game world feel more alive. Every event should get it's version imo. And you could mix in the active conquest commentary about which sectors are up for grabs this week for diversity. Edited by aeterno
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As much as I like M1-X4 I think we should get Blitz. Blitz is so much more eloquent and concise. All we have to do is scatter tech items in the room Blitz will be announcing from. That will keep Blitz happy. For the Republic. To get Blitz in the first place should be easy. Have SIS leave a trail of tech items to a Republic ship in NS. Also leave plenty of the said items laying around to keep Blitz's attention till we get to fleet.



Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I have nick names for my chrs. I goofed should of put Blizz










Qyzen Fess












Reminds me of Marge on the Simpsons.




Shut the Flock up.


A permanent announcer would be good.

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That "1984" stuff can go both ways....




"Remember, a strong Republic benefits all"


"A strong Republic means a safe Republic"


"A safe Republic means watching out for your neighbor"


"Watch your neighbor, but be careful, the Empire has spies everywhere. A vigilant citizen benefits the Republic"


"Any acts considered 'unusual' should be reported to the authorities. For your safety, and the greater good - of the Republic"


"For your safety, and the good of the Republic, your neighborhood has been quarantined. Please stay inside and assist authorities by reporting any unusual activity to law enforcement."


"All movement, by foot or shuttle, is currently prohibited. Please cooperate with law enforcement and report any violations. Your safety is our number one priority."

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Just gonna copy relevant part of a larger post I made in 'fleet redesign' suggestion topic:


MUCH MORE FLEET ANNOUNCEMENTS. During the raghkoul event I was shocked to hear announcements coming from the speakers. For the first time ever the fleet felt like a real breathing hub, instead of a giant mission box. Add many more fleet announcements. Context-senstivie would be the best (script conditionals would check at what "stage" of a class story/galactic conflict players are and load appropirate sound files with announcemenets for them). Of course some global announcemenets (like for the raghkoul plague) would play for all players regardless. Nothing makes the worlds feel more alive than the sounds. Just like you do it in Mass Effect Citadel hub for example.

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Just gonna copy relevant part of a larger post I made in 'fleet redesign' suggestion topic:


MUCH MORE FLEET ANNOUNCEMENTS. During the raghkoul event I was shocked to hear announcements coming from the speakers. For the first time ever the fleet felt like a real breathing hub, instead of a giant mission box. Add many more fleet announcements. Context-senstivie would be the best (script conditionals would check at what "stage" of a class story/galactic conflict players are and load appropirate sound files with announcemenets for them). Of course some global announcemenets (like for the raghkoul plague) would play for all players regardless. Nothing makes the worlds feel more alive than the sounds. Just like you do it in Mass Effect Citadel hub for example.


Exactly that's exactly what I meant when I made this topic, it makes it feel so much more alive when you have announcements. It really does wonders for the ambiance.

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we need ones doing all sorts of announcements, from simple docking prodecures to humorous ones like the whole spacedock shakes like an earthquake and then all loud " may the pilot who clipped the station while docking please report to security for immediate execution" Edited by Sangrar
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A new life awaits you in the Outer Rim colonies! The chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure!


Technically, it would be better as propaganda to join the Imp Fleet played on Dromund Kaas...


And the Half-Life 2 Breen announcements are pretty awesome...I can just imagine Malgus or Marr doing them on various worlds while leveling. A few of the flashpoints have ominous announcers that already give me that mental image (Cad, Foundry, False Emporer for sure).


But nothing says "Imp Fleet" more than the old Paranoia staple of "Stay Alert. Trust no one. Keep your laser handy."

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Technically, it would be better as propaganda to join the Imp Fleet played on Dromund Kaas...


And the Half-Life 2 Breen announcements are pretty awesome...I can just imagine Malgus or Marr doing them on various worlds while leveling. A few of the flashpoints have ominous announcers that already give me that mental image (Cad, Foundry, False Emporer for sure).


But nothing says "Imp Fleet" more than the old Paranoia staple of "Stay Alert. Trust no one. Keep your laser handy."


If the Dark Council's putting together a PR team then they should definitely include these two!




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It's quite funny how people hate it when they play on Rep side but they want it on Imp side... Probably explains a lot about Imps.


"Welcome to Taris. I'm Governor Saresh. On behalf of the Galactic Republic, I want to thank you for joining us in this historic project."


Every single time.

Edited by Halinalle
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It's quite funny how people hate it when they play on Rep side but they want it on Imp side... Probably explains a lot about Imps.


"Welcome to Taris. I'm Governor Saresh. On behalf of the Galactic Republic, I want to thank you for joining us in this historic project."


Every single time.


I never hated that while I played Republic. I just stopped noticing it after going through Taris for the umpteenth time. :p

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It's quite funny how people hate it when they play on Rep side but they want it on Imp side... Probably explains a lot about Imps.


"Welcome to Taris. I'm Governor Saresh. On behalf of the Galactic Republic, I want to thank you for joining us in this historic project."


Every single time.


People hate that line because it just keeps repeating over and over. If there was more variation (say 20 lines per space port), it would be great.

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Actually a great idea! The fleet really feels more like a base of operations when u hear them broadcasting


More stuff like Recuiting messages and other fleet informations are great BUT wouldnt it be awesome to hear

Infos about the going war?

Like a warzone ends and he tells the fleet: "Imperial/Republic Troops could Win a Important Battle on

the Planet XY! Command is planning to send in more troops to secure the conquerd Location"


Maybe more Messages if groups beat Hardmode PvE stuff (SM would spam the feelt to much)

" After heavy Loses Imperial/Republic Special Ops Teams land a heavy hit on the enemy Dread Forces and Conquerd the Fortress, opening a way to the Command Structure"


"Imperial/Republic Special Ops Report the Death of Dread Master Styrak. After Infiltrating the Planet Darvannis, they hunted him down in a larger Canyon and beat him after a Heavy Battle"



Just some ideas besides casual recuitment or "move your ship before we destroy it"

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Actually a great idea! The fleet really feels more like a base of operations when u hear them broadcasting


More stuff like Recuiting messages and other fleet informations are great BUT wouldnt it be awesome to hear

Infos about the going war?

Like a warzone ends and he tells the fleet: "Imperial/Republic Troops could Win a Important Battle on

the Planet XY! Command is planning to send in more troops to secure the conquerd Location"


Maybe more Messages if groups beat Hardmode PvE stuff (SM would spam the feelt to much)

" After heavy Loses Imperial/Republic Special Ops Teams land a heavy hit on the enemy Dread Forces and Conquerd the Fortress, opening a way to the Command Structure"


"Imperial/Republic Special Ops Report the Death of Dread Master Styrak. After Infiltrating the Planet Darvannis, they hunted him down in a larger Canyon and beat him after a Heavy Battle"



Just some ideas besides casual recuitment or "move your ship before we destroy it"


I'd rather they kept it generic like "Imperial ground troops have engaged hostiles on Oricon, and after some fierce fighting have managed to gain a foothold."

Not everyone has level 55's, and it would kinda suck to be a new player and have the game bombard you with spoilers about the Dreadmasters before you've even set foot on Belsavis and freed them to begin with.

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I'd rather they kept it generic like "Imperial ground troops have engaged hostiles on Oricon, and after some fierce fighting have managed to gain a foothold."

Not everyone has level 55's, and it would kinda suck to be a new player and have the game bombard you with spoilers about the Dreadmasters before you've even set foot on Belsavis and freed them to begin with.


Technically, the random announcement list could be tailored based on Class Story progress, which would be awesome, but is a non-starter with the current devs.

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