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Companion system is a failure.


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A tanking class can be just as beneficial as a healing class. You (the player) needs to understand agro management.


You could take down any on level Champion level MOB easily if you manage agro and let the companion bear the brunt of damage before pushing hard and grabbing agro when your campanion is on about 20% health. You will win pretty much most of those fights comfortably if you play smart.


As a BH I have Mako who is more Healer, doesn't mean she can keep me standing though if I am smacking everything i can see. Utilise your campanion, LOS mobs, the game is easy.

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I think i figured it out. If you're using tank spec but you're PvE'ing in Shii-Cho form, then you'll need to use Quinn because you die too fast with limited damage. You should start pumping up your Shien form's talents and play in that saber form.


I use Vette about 90% of the time. I run in Shien form, with gear preference toward endurance. I'm Immortal spec.

Edited by Lu_Bei
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but you kill the mob faster with the dps companion......




The 'amount of downtime' is a complete pittance with the no cool down, no cost, recharge your health (and your companions) in about 2 secs. The downtime in this game is probably the smallest amount i have seen.

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I think i figured it out. If you're using tank spec but you're PvE'ing in Shii-Cho form, then you'll need to use Quinn because you die too fast with limited damage. You should start pumping up your Shien form's talents and play in that saber form.


just got play like a boss aka Cao_Cao, am i right lu_Bei?

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Strong and elites you need a healer.

But sure lets hope Bioware has some statistic in place wich companion get used the most.


Cause the mayorite of dps I see, are Always using quin - mako - Lokin.


In lower levels/ trash mobs sure, you can pull out another pet.

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Strong and elites you need a healer.

But sure lets hope Bioware has some statistic in place wich companion get used the most.


Cause the mayorite of dps I see, are Always using quin - mako - Lokin.


In lower levels/ trash mobs sure, you can pull out another pet.


you are wrong again.


killed a few gold mob with my tank companion as a tank.

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As a Marauder I feel I pretty much have to use Quinn (my healer) or a tank. I lack a tank, so I've stuck with Quinn so far.


DPS companions aren't bad, and Vette's actually quite good, but as it stands I'll still end up losing a large chunk of my health every pull without a healer. It's better to keep chain pulling than to kill mobs fast and have to channel a heal every second or third pull.

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I play a jedi consular (seer sage), and my issue with the companion system is that I cannot see why I should use any of my other companions when I got Qyzen Fezz. Oh they are useful as crafting minions, but as field ops they are... insufficient.

Still, I like dressing them up with new gear. :D


Keep up the good work BIOWARE.

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Seriously, trough all my leveling the most used companion you always pull out is the "healer companion" all the others you get are just a waste of having them.


Why bother get them when there not usefull at all, yes you can use them for crewskill.

But when your out in the field the first thing you pull out is the "healer pet"


Its a shame this wasnt brought up by the testers it seems, or Bioware had deaf ears on this one.


You can gear them up. Kinda something fun to do on the side is to run things to gear your companion.


Its working as intended.

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