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If the Rak event is 1 week, can I get 2 reputation cycles in before Jeelvic is gone?


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I'm starting this round of the Rakghoul event 20,000 reputation short of Legend. So my question is, when on Tuesday does the reputation cycle reset? Turning in rep for this week will leave me around 7,000 short of Legend. Would I be able to get up early (I'm in the U.S. Central time) next Tuesday and get in the last amount of reputation I would need so that I can get the items from Jeelvic before the event ends and he disappears?
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[editted] if you want the rewards from Jeelvic that require high rep, you need to wait for the event to return.

My wife, for example, just last night picked up the varakghoul (infected varactyl) she earned last time, and another player picked up a rakback (infected dewback) he earned last time.


But the event will never return, of course, because the plague will be eradicated at the end of this occurance. ;)

Edited by BuriDogshin
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No, not likely...


Last time the event was here, I left two alts in the tunnels. When I logged in, they stood there just fine, but as soon as I walked anywhere, they were beamed outside.


Ah, but you get 10 seconds roughly before you get beamed out. So if you leave one toon near Jeelvic, and use the other to gain rep via tokens you may just be able to make use of that 10 seconds. I know the Rakghouls are still there in the tunnels after the event, so perhaps Jeelvic is too? :D

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Ah, but you get 10 seconds roughly before you get beamed out. So if you leave one toon near Jeelvic, and use the other to gain rep via tokens you may just be able to make use of that 10 seconds. I know the Rakghouls are still there in the tunnels after the event, so perhaps Jeelvic is too? :D


They removed him the last time. OP is not the first person to think of this.

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