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Farming 300 - 400k an hour


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mind to post the screen of the garden?:D



Didn't place 'm all, cuz I got bored of it :p The green ones are the ones that drop, obviously.


Doing the same thing over and over and over again for an hour only to get 300-400k? not worth the torture of repetative actions.

I found it a welcome distraction to the boredom that is dailies after having run them for the umpteenth time. At least now I could watch an episode of Two and a Half Men on my second screen, cuz I barely had to pay attention to what I was doing. :p

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't see how this works, you need to reset the quest in order for this to work. Then pick up the quest again which is time consuming.


Nope, resetting is different from abandoning quest. When you reset you have the quest picked up, only you have to begin at stage 1.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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This method really works! I made a lot of moeny from selling loot, trash, and mob credit drops, and now I have a lot of Light Datacron[Endurance], even though I am a warrior and have no need of them. I started at 11 PM, and stopped at 1:20 AM and made ABOUT 600k


EDIT: Turns out taht you can't keep resetting the quest because after awhile I got a message sayign I'd reached the maximum amount of times that I could reset the phase, but then again, I went from 10 PM to 3:45 AM, with a one hour break in between to help a guildie fight the last boss on Yavin Four. :p



Also, I didn't find any form of NPC named Goukek or whatever the OP said, but I found a neat little rotation. Aggro the 9 animals in the front of the cave, go to the first boss, AoE the **** outta them, then go out and reset. It's a lot easier, and you get about 10k each time you do it.

Edited by Nivek_Sivad
Found a bad thing
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  • 2 weeks later...
I apologize if someone already asked this, but what's the best AOE to use? I'm doing this with a Juggernaut and I just keep doing Sweeping Slash and Smash over and over. Is there a class with a better AOE to kill the mobs quickly?


Well, from my experience on Oricon: with my Guardian, takes a lot of Force Sweep + cyclone slash (same as your jugg) to deplete a crowd. But then again he's sturdy as hell and can solo the H2 (or could, havent tried since 3.0).


Now my arsenal merc is a lot more squishy with those champions.

But the mobs?


Death from above + sweeping blasters for the couple survivors: crowd is 2-shot - and even cc'd - ty very much, move on. All in like 6 seconds. :cool:

Edited by BenduKundalini
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Well, from my experience on Oricon: with my Guardian, takes a lot of Force Sweep + cyclone slash (same as your jugg) to deplete a crowd. But then again he's sturdy as hell and can solo the H2 (or could, havent tried since 3.0).


Now my arsenal merc is a lot more squishy with those champions.

But the mobs?


Death from above + sweeping blasters for the couple survivors: crowd is 2-shot - and even cc'd - ty very much, move on. All in like 6 seconds. :cool:

I was thinking of using the Jedi Consular's Force Quake once I reach level 55 with her.
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  • 6 months later...
For some reason the two mobs are only dropping 2.5k credits each; bringing me around 5k per reset. Did they nerf this spot or something?


That would probably be because the Dev's do read the forums and I've yet to see a Dev team that won't stomp hard on credit grinding areas like this that get publicized.


Case in point: There was an area in WoW involved in the leveling quest chain for Cataclysm that held certain mobs that, after taking my Ice Mage Tailor through there, I realized had an exceptional drop rate for the current top tier cloth. Every day I would spend an hour there, using a Treasure Finding potion which gave a chance for boxes with even more cloth and other items in them.


Between loot, gold and the cloth which I would sell directly I made a serious amount of gold. When I quit the game a few months before Panda went live I gave my secret to one guildie...who then promptly told others and eventually the word hit the forums and the cloth drops on those mobs was dropped by a good 80% according to said guildie (and RL friend).


The moral of the story is, if you find a "money maker"...keep it to yourself.

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That would probably be because the Dev's do read the forums and I've yet to see a Dev team that won't stomp hard on credit grinding areas like this that get publicized.


Case in point: There was an area in WoW involved in the leveling quest chain for Cataclysm that held certain mobs that, after taking my Ice Mage Tailor through there, I realized had an exceptional drop rate for the current top tier cloth. Every day I would spend an hour there, using a Treasure Finding potion which gave a chance for boxes with even more cloth and other items in them.


Between loot, gold and the cloth which I would sell directly I made a serious amount of gold. When I quit the game a few months before Panda went live I gave my secret to one guildie...who then promptly told others and eventually the word hit the forums and the cloth drops on those mobs was dropped by a good 80% according to said guildie (and RL friend).


The moral of the story is, if you find a "money maker"...keep it to yourself.



Yep; I'm watching videos of this farm spot on youtube; they are only geting 4-5k as well. Damn shame; I guess its back to dailies for me.

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  • 9 months later...
8,000 - 10,000 per repetition ~ if it can only be reset once ever 2 minutes doesn't add up to 300k - 400k per hour


Not saying it's not a good method, but you can only reset 30 times per hour (only every 2 minutes)


That works out to between 240,000 & 300,000. ~ pretty similar to what you can make cherry picking the fastest dailies. Unless the gear drops are really pushing up the total, I don't see how this could really be worth the mind numbing repetition.


you can sell the loot + the credit money

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