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BioWare, maybe just write something about Conquests and Guild Flagships?


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Apparently you missed the gold post from Eric where he updated us and told us that things were delayed. But it's cool. Go ahead and ignore the updates that don't say exactly what you want them to say.


in the software development world, things change. You were updated on that, and chose to ignore it. That is not a lie.

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Again, you are trying to blame me for BioWare mistakes. It won't work, "buddy".


I'm not blaming you for anything. I'm just saying that they don't give people information because they treat Pre-PTS info like it's set in stone and freak out when it's changed before it even hits the PTS.


Your actions regarding no information are why they aren't giving out the information.

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They didn't lie to you and you are acting like a child.


Yes, they did. Changing mind doesn't change anything. If they weren't sure about releasing new content, they shouldn't have told that they will. They could say: "Hopefully, we will give you Flagships and Conquests next week", but they didn't.

You will still try to blame me? Like I said, it won't work.

Edited by mortenpro
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Yes, they did. Changing mind doesn't change anything. If there weren't sure about releasing new content, they shouldn't have told that they will. They could say: "Hopefully, we will give you Flagships and Conquests next week", but they didn't.


And this is why you're not getting new information.

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Yes, they did. Changing mind doesn't change anything. If there weren't sure about releasing new content, they shouldn't have told that they will. They could say: "Hopefully, we will give you Flagships and Conquests next week", but they didn't.


I guess "hopefully" is the key word in the equation.

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You were not lied to. Things were delayed.


A lie is something that you know to be false at the time that it was said. For example, when the President said you could keep your doctor.


I don't know what are you trying to accomplish. I have reasons to be frustrated.

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I don't know what are you trying to accomplish. I have reasons to be frustrated.


Continue to hold your breath, throw yourself on the floor and bang your fists like a petulant child. Let's see how that works for you and what it accomplishes.

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To be honest, I don't know what to say. You realized that I am right and now you will try to destroy me. Sorry, guys, but it won't work. I said what I wanted to say, and I will say nothing more. Have a nice day! :) Edited by mortenpro
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To be honest, I don't know what to say. You realized that I am right and now you will try to destroy me. Sorry, guys, but it won't work. I said what I wanted to say, and I will say nothing more. Have a nice day! :)

Let's all hope that part about saying nothing more is not a lie ... :rolleyes:

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