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BioWare, maybe just write something about Conquests and Guild Flagships?


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So...how many threads on this same topic do you plan to make today? It's Monday. I'm willing to bet the devs probably start their day off with some kind of meeting. The Community Managers probably do as well. then the Devs are going to try to get some work done, before they tell the CM what their status is. I guarantee that from the time they left work on friday (which was the last update we got) until they got to work today, nothing changed. the CMs aren't going to give us an update when there's nothing to update.


Also, it's currently 12:19 PM in Austin, so right now, the staff is probably eating lunch. After lunch, they'll get back to work, and if we get an update today at all, it will probably be later in the day, shortly before they call it a day, The CMs are probably getting caught up on a lot of the concerns that were discussed over the weekend, too. It's not like the first thing they do on Monday morning is log into the forums to go "I better update everyone on the nothing that happened while we were off for the weekend."

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If you can't show them right now, I think it would be better to write something about them than remain silent... You could give us some screenshots or something...


It's weird that posts like yours often get replies from people that include info. like game staff told them personally what the story is, or like they have audio and vid. surveillance inside the offices.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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So...how many threads on this same topic do you plan to make today? It's Monday. I'm willing to bet the devs probably start their day off with some kind of meeting. The Community Managers probably do as well. then the Devs are going to try to get some work done, before they tell the CM what their status is. I guarantee that from the time they left work on friday (which was the last update we got) until they got to work today, nothing changed. the CMs aren't going to give us an update when there's nothing to update.


Also, it's currently 12:19 PM in Austin, so right now, the staff is probably eating lunch. After lunch, they'll get back to work, and if we get an update today at all, it will probably be later in the day, shortly before they call it a day, The CMs are probably getting caught up on a lot of the concerns that were discussed over the weekend, too. It's not like the first thing they do on Monday morning is log into the forums to go "I better update everyone on the nothing that happened while we were off for the weekend."


Your indifference is killing me.

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If you can't show them right now, I think it would be better to write something about them than remain silent... You could give us some screenshots or something...

Why do you need this? And if you merely want it, rather than need it, why should BioWare divert resources that may be needed to get the PTS update up and running to instead satisfy your want?

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The best way is to stay indifferent and blame people who do care. Yay!


Why do you care, though? It will be up when it is up. A stock "we are working on it" communique won't change that.


Or are you just looking for an excuse to bash BioWare (again)?

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Why do you care, though? It will be up when it is up. A stock "we are working on it" communique won't change that.


Or are you just looking for an excuse to bash BioWare (again)?



If they can't SHOW US new content, they COULD WRITE SOMETHING ABOUT IT, give us some SCREENSHOTS and stuff like that. That's what I'm asking for. I can ask, right? Or maybe I am not allowed to? Maybe I am only allowed to pay and remain silent?

Edited by mortenpro
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If they can't SHOW US new content, they COULD WRITE SOMETHING ABOUT IT, give us some SCREENSHOTS and stuff like that. That's what I'm asking for. I can ask, right? Or maybe I am not allowed to? Maybe I am only allowed to pay and remain silent?


So people can freak out if they have to change it later? lol no.

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They lied to me, I won't be patient right now. Sorry. Treat me like a child, I don't care.


Explain how they lied to you. Quote the exact gold post where you were lied to. Eric explicitly said that they did not have an exact date or time for bringing the PTS back up. He also said he would let us know when they knew more.


Is it not at all possible in your eyes that the community team might not know any more at this time? Remember: Eric, Tait, Pokket, and Courtney are not devs. They only know what the dev team tells them.

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What did they lie about exactly?


"07.24.2014 , 07:39 PM | #1 This is the last staff post in this thread.

Report Post

As you will notice this week from the patch notes, not all of 2.9 is on PTS yet. The reason is that we want to make sure as much testing as possible is concentrated on both personal and guild strongholds. Here is what is available this week on PTS:


Tatooine Stronghold

Nar Shaddaa Stronghold

Dromund Kaas Stronghold

Coruscant Stronghold

*All Strongholds available for both personal and guild use

Stronghold decorations (including things like Legacy Storage)

Public Listings

Depths of Manaan Flashpoint


Next week we will be implementing the following features:


Guild Flagships

Guild Conquests

Personal Conquests

Conquest Leaderboards"


I assume that you can't read.

Edited by mortenpro
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So people can freak out if they have to change it later? lol no.


Sure but within the timeline that is set, they shouldn't be changing too much unless there was a major problem with whatever they was going to update on the PTS. I'm assuming that probably is the case.

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"07.24.2014 , 07:39 PM | #1 This is the last staff post in this thread.

Report Post

As you will notice this week from the patch notes, not all of 2.9 is on PTS yet. The reason is that we want to make sure as much testing as possible is concentrated on both personal and guild strongholds. Here is what is available this week on PTS:


Tatooine Stronghold

Nar Shaddaa Stronghold

Dromund Kaas Stronghold

Coruscant Stronghold

*All Strongholds available for both personal and guild use

Stronghold decorations (including things like Legacy Storage)

Public Listings

Depths of Manaan Flashpoint


Next week we will be implementing the following features:


Guild Flagships

Guild Conquests

Personal Conquests

Conquest Leaderboards"


I assume that you can't read.


And this is why they don't give you information at all. Right here.

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