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Server wide apology


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Hello to all


Since my operative started to be leveled again after 2.0 I have noticed that I changed the way I act in not only PvP but in PvE as well. I have turned into a big egotistical B****** and try as I must I can't send it away. So this is more of another way to get it out so I can go back to the way I was pre 2.0 when HM EC was the ****.


If I was to apologize to every single person I might have insulted, cussed out, made fun of, blown up on, etc, etc.. this post would be longer than zuhara explaining his life-line in this game. <3 so I will just sum it up and make it as quick as I possibly can.


To those I have done wrong to, I honestly thought it wouldn't have seemed insulting or have a negative effect due to it being a game however I was wrong and will openly admit it. Even though it is a game, sometimes what you can say can get out of hand without you even knowing and I am a big abuser of that. Most, if not all of you, have seen me trash talk and just absolutely lose my mind as if I am some psychopath. Well, from here on, everything of that sort ends. I am returning, and going to bust my *** to do so, to the old Canin. The Canin I was in like...1.4? When I first hit 55 and started to get to know those big PvPers and the trolls of the server, etc, etc.


I understand there will be some that will laugh this post into hell and not accept the apology in general and I fully understand that because some feel that I don't deserve it. That is their choice and I won't interfere or attempt to change their mind. As my friends have told me before, I can be a very nice and sweet guy until "my fur gets ruffled even the slightest" then I lose control and just explode.


This apology goes to anyone and everyone I have remotely insulted throughout my time playing SWTOR. I am truly sorry and am changing how I act in general in this game. I don't know what hit me, I don't know how it came upon me to act that way, but I notice how wrong it is and make it known since some think I don't notice. I really am sorry and feel free to post w/e you want against me if you don't accept or if you do accept. I will take no further action in this.


P.S. --- To those that think that I think that I am the best operative server, here is my open admit to the entire server, I AM NOT GOOD. All I know when it comes to heals is Hots, more hots, more hots, run around like a chicken with its head cut off, and then a big heal when a tank or someone drops low. And for concealment all I know is acid blade -> hidden strike and then proceed to smash my face on the keyboard. Other than that, I don't know crap about the class and spec. I will probably never be like Xam, or Sev'row, or Ushanev, or Urdnought, or Oneandonly (Urdnotshep), or Qlyen, or Ky'len, or Urshanabi, or Dath-Cody. I admit it, I probably won't ever get there even though I would love to try.


I have great respect to those I have insulted even though it seems I hate your guts. Yes, at times I hate your guts because I get focused hard enough to be stareing at my spawn point in a warzone, but it isn't on a personal level. It is moreso the fact that I wanna be able to do something instead of stare at my own spawn T.T. Anyway, this thread is long as hell and I have covered what I wanted...My serious apologies to my actions in the past and hope that some can forgive...thanks

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Hello to all


Since my operative started to be leveled again after 2.0 I have noticed that I changed the way I act in not only PvP but in PvE as well. I have turned into a big egotistical B****** and try as I must I can't send it away. So this is more of another way to get it out so I can go back to the way I was pre 2.0 when HM EC was the ****.


If I was to apologize to every single person I might have insulted, cussed out, made fun of, blown up on, etc, etc.. this post would be longer than zuhara explaining his life-line in this game. <3 so I will just sum it up and make it as quick as I possibly can.


To those I have done wrong to, I honestly thought it wouldn't have seemed insulting or have a negative effect due to it being a game however I was wrong and will openly admit it. Even though it is a game, sometimes what you can say can get out of hand without you even knowing and I am a big abuser of that. Most, if not all of you, have seen me trash talk and just absolutely lose my mind as if I am some psychopath. Well, from here on, everything of that sort ends. I am returning, and going to bust my *** to do so, to the old Canin. The Canin I was in like...1.4? When I first hit 55 and started to get to know those big PvPers and the trolls of the server, etc, etc.


I understand there will be some that will laugh this post into hell and not accept the apology in general and I fully understand that because some feel that I don't deserve it. That is their choice and I won't interfere or attempt to change their mind. As my friends have told me before, I can be a very nice and sweet guy until "my fur gets ruffled even the slightest" then I lose control and just explode.


This apology goes to anyone and everyone I have remotely insulted throughout my time playing SWTOR. I am truly sorry and am changing how I act in general in this game. I don't know what hit me, I don't know how it came upon me to act that way, but I notice how wrong it is and make it known since some think I don't notice. I really am sorry and feel free to post w/e you want against me if you don't accept or if you do accept. I will take no further action in this.


P.S. --- To those that think that I think that I am the best operative server, here is my open admit to the entire server, I AM NOT GOOD. All I know when it comes to heals is Hots, more hots, more hots, run around like a chicken with its head cut off, and then a big heal when a tank or someone drops low. And for concealment all I know is acid blade -> hidden strike and then proceed to smash my face on the keyboard. Other than that, I don't know crap about the class and spec. I will probably never be like Xam, or Sev'row, or Ushanev, or Urdnought, or Oneandonly (Urdnotshep), or Qlyen, or Ky'len, or Urshanabi, or Dath-Cody. I admit it, I probably won't ever get there even though I would love to try.


I have great respect to those I have insulted even though it seems I hate your guts. Yes, at times I hate your guts because I get focused hard enough to be stareing at my spawn point in a warzone, but it isn't on a personal level. It is moreso the fact that I wanna be able to do something instead of stare at my own spawn T.T. Anyway, this thread is long as hell and I have covered what I wanted...My serious apologies to my actions in the past and hope that some can forgive...thanks


Apology too pro, plznurf

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Recognizing one´s mistakes is one of the hardest, toughest and most courageous things to do in life... and to ask for forgiveness in such a public way you must be really brave.

I have known you since like 1 1/2 years, since lowbies in my assassin and your operative. I can honestly say that you are a good person, with a kind heart and a good soul. We all have our flaws, no one is perfect. No one asks you to be perfect. But what you have done on this post shows your inmense quality as a human being and that you are a man willing to look himself in the mirror and improve himself. That is so much more important than being the best operative or whatever on the server in a computer game... Growth in life comes from being brutally honest to ourselves and having the courage to fight against our flaws.

It doesnt matter if other people understand it or appreciate it. You did what you had to be done, no matter how much your pride (your big pride, my friend) protested against it.

For that, my dear Canin, I make a /bow to you. My Respect.

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Recognizing one´s mistakes is one of the hardest, toughest and most courageous things to do in life... and to ask for forgiveness in such a public way you must be really brave.

I have known you since like 1 1/2 years, since lowbies in my assassin and your operative. I can honestly say that you are a good person, with a kind heart and a good soul. We all have our flaws, no one is perfect. No one asks you to be perfect. But what you have done on this post shows your inmense quality as a human being and that you are a man willing to look himself in the mirror and improve himself. That is so much more important than being the best operative or whatever on the server in a computer game... Growth in life comes from being brutally honest to ourselves and having the courage to fight against our flaws.

It doesnt matter if other people understand it or appreciate it. You did what you had to be done, no matter how much your pride (your big pride, my friend) protested against it.

For that, my dear Canin, I make a /bow to you. My Respect.


Thanks hun...My pride was immense before and now that I got it all out, it isn't what it use to be. The only pride I could remotely claim now, is the pride I have with friends. And yes, we have known each other for a long time and I would have to say, even though I have known others longer, you have to be one of the closest people to me in game and even outside of the game. Love you much! Same to you evo <3

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Thanks hun...My pride was immense before and now that I got it all out, it isn't what it use to be. The only pride I could remotely claim now, is the pride I have with friends. And yes, we have known each other for a long time and I would have to say, even though I have known others longer, you have to be one of the closest people to me in game and even outside of the game. Love you much! Same to you evo <3



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Hello to all


Since my operative started to be leveled again after 2.0 I have noticed that I changed the way I act in not only PvP but in PvE as well. I have turned into a big egotistical B****** and try as I must I can't send it away. So this is more of another way to get it out so I can go back to the way I was pre 2.0 when HM EC was the ****.


If I was to apologize to every single person I might have insulted, cussed out, made fun of, blown up on, etc, etc.. this post would be longer than zuhara explaining his life-line in this game. <3 so I will just sum it up and make it as quick as I possibly can.


To those I have done wrong to, I honestly thought it wouldn't have seemed insulting or have a negative effect due to it being a game however I was wrong and will openly admit it. Even though it is a game, sometimes what you can say can get out of hand without you even knowing and I am a big abuser of that. Most, if not all of you, have seen me trash talk and just absolutely lose my mind as if I am some psychopath. Well, from here on, everything of that sort ends. I am returning, and going to bust my *** to do so, to the old Canin. The Canin I was in like...1.4? When I first hit 55 and started to get to know those big PvPers and the trolls of the server, etc, etc.


I understand there will be some that will laugh this post into hell and not accept the apology in general and I fully understand that because some feel that I don't deserve it. That is their choice and I won't interfere or attempt to change their mind. As my friends have told me before, I can be a very nice and sweet guy until "my fur gets ruffled even the slightest" then I lose control and just explode.


This apology goes to anyone and everyone I have remotely insulted throughout my time playing SWTOR. I am truly sorry and am changing how I act in general in this game. I don't know what hit me, I don't know how it came upon me to act that way, but I notice how wrong it is and make it known since some think I don't notice. I really am sorry and feel free to post w/e you want against me if you don't accept or if you do accept. I will take no further action in this.


P.S. --- To those that think that I think that I am the best operative server, here is my open admit to the entire server, I AM NOT GOOD. All I know when it comes to heals is Hots, more hots, more hots, run around like a chicken with its head cut off, and then a big heal when a tank or someone drops low. And for concealment all I know is acid blade -> hidden strike and then proceed to smash my face on the keyboard. Other than that, I don't know crap about the class and spec. I will probably never be like Xam, or Sev'row, or Ushanev, or Urdnought, or Oneandonly (Urdnotshep), or Qlyen, or Ky'len, or Urshanabi, or Dath-Cody. I admit it, I probably won't ever get there even though I would love to try.


I have great respect to those I have insulted even though it seems I hate your guts. Yes, at times I hate your guts because I get focused hard enough to be stareing at my spawn point in a warzone, but it isn't on a personal level. It is moreso the fact that I wanna be able to do something instead of stare at my own spawn T.T. Anyway, this thread is long as hell and I have covered what I wanted...My serious apologies to my actions in the past and hope that some can forgive...thanks


I don't think I have ever heard you complain in WZ, thus your apology is not necessary for me.


In PVP we all have been guilty of flaming the opposition from time to time. I got flamed at by people I respected, and vise versa. Most people have the constitution to let bad talk roll off their backs.


Just for the record, I am not taking anything away from the people you just mentioned, but their good, because they are supported by other good players.


No one is as good as they appear in a group of their guildmates, if they solo que, myself included.


Some people are good, because they have good equipment, more experience or can work well under pressure.


There is no secret to being good except to practice and play with good players.


Don't be afraid to make mistakes in wz. Practice rotations, strategies, change your talent trees, stat specs. Find out what works best for your style, and practice practice, and yes practice so more.


When I started my sentinel before patch 2.8, I played watchman, and I sucked at it. I sucked so bad, that I would barely be able to make the fight interesting when I dueled my guildmates.


But now I can own most of those people, because I practiced my class day after day after day. I looked at my talent points, changed gear, tested out rotations, and read about the other classes strengths and weaknesses.


There are other players (I will mention no names), that were terrible pvpers until they changed their talent trees, and now they own that **** up.


To become really good is not about having an ego, it's actually about being humble, and confident. The best players are usually the quietest. The flamers, egomaniac's, trolls, are all wannabe's.


I can say without sounding arrogant that I'm good, only because, I spent a lot of time learning how to play when I was terrible.

Edited by Targarion
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Baby...how to put this lightly...I got a 404 page not found off of that..


Please fix darling, the 404 is too stronk and needs a nurf


"Whammy Phukkinyogurl misses Drizzt!!!!!"

My dear Whammy, I am still here on server :). I saw your legacy name a few minutes before I logged off! My operative is now named Thebus. I reverted him back to his original name in a sense of trying to go back to the way I was pre 2.0

Edited by Nayrhollis
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Drizzy can say he's bad but that definitely doesn't give you the right to claim to be good Legenz boi. You haven't got **** on half the server lol. Not to mention the fact you **** talk and attempt to kick people from your own guild just because you dislike who they play with. If your claim to be good is considered factual then holy **** what is Drizz doing saying he's bad.
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I'd just like to say that I'm very impressed with the dedication to PVP our BC PVPers have. Even bringing it to the forums on an apology thread!


Very impressive all. Keep up the good work!


Half the fun of pvp is bringing it to the forums. Wish this stuff would happen more often.

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Hello to all


Since my operative started to be leveled again after 2.0 I have noticed that I changed the way I act in not only PvP but in PvE as well. I have turned into a big egotistical B****** and try as I must I can't send it away. So this is more of another way to get it out so I can go back to the way I was pre 2.0 when HM EC was the ****.


You just made my balls undrop

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You just made my balls undrop


I don't know how to take that? Lol. Missed ya Rami!


and @Whammy, not really dead. It pops more now but most of the time there are different groups running: The RP groups, the decent groups, and then the more serious groups that take norms as if it was ranked. Leveling a sorc myself so I am on 55 here and there :p trying to bring Canin back in the picture pub side.

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Drizzy can say he's bad but that definitely doesn't give you the right to claim to be good Legenz boi. You haven't got **** on half the server lol. Not to mention the fact you **** talk and attempt to kick people from your own guild just because you dislike who they play with. If your claim to be good is considered factual then holy **** what is Drizz doing saying he's bad.



You don't know me, so don't act like you *********** know me. Lawlz you were kicked out of the guild for being a troll. By the looks of it, the decision to remove you was a good one. Secondly, there was only one person I ever wanted kicked out of the guild for helping a known banned member back in. And if you did your homework, you would know that person is still in the guild. So in truth bra, no one was kicked out of the guild because of me.


I don't think I ever talked to you in the guild or out of it, so I think your hostility towards me is misplace. But if I hurt your feelings, because I called your friend out, then deal with it in game, instead of coming on here like a ***** and bring your drama with you.


And last point, I have to be completely honest, as it turns out, I have no respect for you too boi, hence I can live with you exposing your ignorance. :D

Edited by Targarion
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