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AUTO Roll in TAKE COVER has to go!!!!


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There are two separate keybinds for taking cover. Go to Preferences - Key Bindings - Targeting. The first option is to take cover in place and this option will not roll your character to terrain, ever.
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The Auto movement feature in the 'Take Cover' ability needs to be removed (not revamped). I can not think of any reason to even have that ability with 'Take cover' except as eye candy (ie. oh look the sniper rolls into position...cool). But in reality you are in a boss fight where there arehazards all around on the floor (not many of these in the game) when you notice a big red circle under you feet. Not being a moron you quickly move to a clear spot where u press "Take Cover". Now what you would like to see happen here is that you character drops right there an takes cover an you continue the fight, but what really happens is your retarded toon rolls right back into the spot you just vacated...BOOM. Super crap mechanic. So that feature gotta go...how about just turning it off when you group or op up?


Use Crouch instead.

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honestly, I'm more surprised that this player got what sounds like pretty far in a game without anyone telling them about crouch option. I used to dislike my gunslinger so much.. until guildy told me about using crouch instead of cover. I've been passing it on in lowbie flashpoint pugs ever since.


incidentally, rolling into cover still has its place, as it mitigates more damage then cover screen.

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It doesn't hurt to have some patience with noobs. A sincere mistake isn't a troll.


Could have done either of two things instead of rage post:


1) I just did a search of the forums and found multiple threads mentioning the alternative crouch move instead of roll into cover.


2) Made a post asking if there was a way around the annoying roll into cover.


Noob question is not the issue. There was no need for a frothing rage post that will just end up getting you flamed.

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Well.. I like to complain I can have only 22 toons slot per server :p


I have 21 characters now...I am afraid to fill that last slot just in case BW decide to bring out a new race like Togruta or something. But really, I wish I could have a few more character slots....

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