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This early access launch is pure success!


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People are cheating. They're exploiting the PvP bug that allows them to get massive amounts of exp in just a few minutes, and Bioware will be forced to delete characters until this is fixed. There is already a level 24 character.


This was definitely NOT a success.

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Hmm, you sound like the spoiled brat yourself.


The launch is good for the people who playing, but how can people who are NOT playing agree that the launch has been awesome, when we haven't experienced it yet?


You're not even ingame yet to experience the launch and you're shouting it's praises. I personally don't take the opinion of anyone who has not experience what they are preaching about.


I'm not ingame yet either. The game has launched today, has it been good? Purely on my experience of the launch, which has been zero, it has been a bad launch so far, since I haven't gotten to play. At any game launch I expect to play, regardless of EGA etc, so forgive me if I reserve my judgement until the launch period is over, then I will have a true sense if the launch has been a success!


Let me introduce you to the idea of a line.


See, people get in line based on some order, either their arrival, their credentials, something. Then they wait their turn.


You haven't experienced a bad launch. Why?


Because you are in line. There is no launch for you.


Come back when you've gotten in the game then comment on your launch experience.


Sorry you don't like standing in line, but EVERYONE in this particular line will get in before EVERYONE else not in the line. That's how lines work.

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Calling the people complaining children and putting them down...wow...I hope you know that the people complaining about the complainers look no better to this, up until now, silent observer. And I realize that I'm now complaining about the people complaining about complaints (which they refer to as whining). I've been drawn into the dark side. Damn.


you don't have to complain about them, just give bioware a pat on the back and a thumbs up, that is all they care to read about, let others do what they want. You cannot control their actions, so ignore them.

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People are cheating. They're exploiting the PvP bug that allows them to get massive amounts of exp in just a few minutes, and Bioware will be forced to delete characters until this is fixed. There is already a level 24 character.


This was definitely NOT a success.


Level 24 after 10 hours? That's not hard tbh. Just come prepared and don't watch cutscenes. Easy.

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Why is the internet so quick to call people children? It's silly and does not address the issues.


Because children are typically not held accountable for not knowing better and it's the most polite way to address people like this.


Trolls, sociopaths, idiots, insane people, selfish thugs, morons....I guess other terms would apply, but saying children is seemingly less offensive.

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But seriously I don't even know what's more annoying those who defend the game and Bioware no matter what or those who whine and flame because of whatever reason they can find.


It's a game ffs. So please people chill the f*** out.

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Let me introduce you to the idea of a line.


See, people get in line based on some order, either their arrival, their credentials, something. Then they wait their turn.


You haven't experienced a bad launch. Why?


Because you are in line. There is no launch for you.


Come back when you've gotten in the game then comment on your launch experience.


Sorry you don't like standing in line, but EVERYONE in this particular line will get in before EVERYONE else not in the line. That's how lines work.


I'm not complaining about the line, i'm not complaining about anything.


I'm merely stating fact. There are people here who have not even played yet, and they are singing Biowares praises about the game launch. They are only basing their opinions on other people's opinions, which makes them worthless.


The game has launched today, some people are playing on wonderful servers, with no lag, no huge playerbase etc. The experience has been awesome for them.


Alot of other people, haven't even been invited to the launch yet. So for those people I reckon the launch has been pretty bad so far (i'm assuming as a player you want to actually play the game at launch). Alot don't mind the wait, afterall they signed up for the game knowing this would happen, but then again we don't have to like it, as we weren't given the choice, it was either accept this ramping up preorder period, or don't play.


Only after the 20th will we be able to look back and say whether this launch has been good or not.

Edited by xBuzz
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Hmm, you sound like the spoiled brat yourself.


The launch is good for the people who playing, but how can people who are NOT playing agree that the launch has been awesome, when we haven't experienced it yet?


You're not even ingame yet to experience the launch and you're shouting it's praises. I personally don't take the opinion of anyone who has not experience what they are preaching about.


I'm not ingame yet either. The game has launched today, has it been good? Purely on my experience of the launch, which has been zero, it has been a bad launch so far, since I haven't gotten to play. At any game launch I expect to play, regardless of EGA etc, so forgive me if I reserve my judgement until the launch period is over, then I will have a true sense if the launch has been a success!


If they had let all preorders in today your experience would have either been -0- or you would have been in a 16 hour que or you would have experienced constant server crashes and pure lagg. No MMO in history has ever faced a launch with even half the numbers that BW is facing. If they launched like everyone else, it'd be months before the damage would be repaired from the attempt.

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Because children are typically not held accountable for not knowing better and it's the most polite way to address people like this.


Trolls, sociopaths, idiots, insane people, selfish thugs, morons....I guess other terms would apply, but saying children is seemingly less offensive.


Oh, is this like the other interwebz thing where if there is 1 person in a crowd that has a different opinion than the majority, gets called a troll? Get a grip dude.

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Wow, op Made me puke a little in my mouth. Not many people manage that anymore.


First off let me say just how sad that this is what we gamers are: a million-member pile of entitled spoiled brats yelling at McDonalds because they served someone in the front of the line before us.-stolen from someone else.


But just about sums it up.


Whats that? You didn't 'read' the part about early access? Well probably a good thing because since you took time off from school you get a whole day off, no school, no swtor. Maybe you should practice that reading bit.


Took a day off from work despite knowing you might not get staggered in today? Lol, I bet your the big time manager of your store... not.


So far, this early access launch has been great. Were thinning out the bad community.


I for one, as a long time SWTOR fan and devotee am glad to see this go the way it has.


Here is what the early access wave system has done for us devout fans:

Yes, maybe hurt there sub numbers a bit, but just like every other whiner on the net, we'll see them in game where they will still whine, but continue to play. So no real harm done there.


What it really has done is weeded out the people we don't need. All those 'entitled' children out there complaining about early access who are no longer going to play this game, are finally gone. I for one am glad to hear so many people are quitting the game before it even started. It does a number on our community. Makes sure the real players, the real subbers will stick around. The trolls, the people with an intelligence score so low that they took days off despite not knowing they'd get to play today, all these people are going to be gone.


What does that mean for us? Better community. The quality of a person, and nay a player and his character directly comes from the level of overall patience and understanding.


Nobody gives a crap about the whiners haters and trolls. These people are the trash that our community throws our trash into. Over-all, trolls and haters and whiners will remain, but many are now going to be gone. All those 'world 1sters' we didn't want them in the community anyways.


Screw WOW and the elites, this game is about story, gameplay, enjoyment, not about Epeens and children who don't get what they want.


I for one, who am still not in the game yet, am glad to hear Bioware has finally found a surefire way to rid our community of the most volatile people from these groups. Only the truly dedicated whiners haters and trolls will be there, and lets face it, these people help re-affirm beliefs in the game due to their lack of intelligence. The more someone with an IQ of 3 argues in favor of something, the more you should agree with the opposite.


Good job Bioware, successful launch. My only worry for this game was the community, and now you've fixed it. I am a satisfied customer.


Hey children? You mad? :cool:

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Hmm, you sound like the spoiled brat yourself.


The launch is good for the people who playing, but how can people who are NOT playing agree that the launch has been awesome, when we haven't experienced it yet?


You're not even ingame yet to experience the launch and you're shouting it's praises. I personally don't take the opinion of anyone who has not experience what they are preaching about.


I'm not ingame yet either. The game has launched today, has it been good? Purely on my experience of the launch, which has been zero, it has been a bad launch so far, since I haven't gotten to play. At any game launch I expect to play, regardless of EGA etc, so forgive me if I reserve my judgement until the launch period is over, then I will have a true sense if the launch has been a success!


Apparantly you don't understand internet sarcasm, trolling, or otherwise. But okay I'll bite just for the lulz.


First off, 'not in for launch so don't shout praises' is a bad way to say it. I played the beta, for a LONG time. I've had my fair share of this game already, more so than lots of people who are probably playing this second. So I have plenty of prior experience to validate my post from.


Second of all, I didn't say anything about the in game stuff being great, only that by causing the overflow of rage that they have, they have managed to get rid of the people we don't want in this community. Mostly a joke because I am trolling those people, but not entirely un-true.


My 'pure experience of launch' has been on the forums and from friends of mine already in game. From what I've heard, lots of people are playing, a nice portion of people are exploiting broken mechanics, but otherwise the actual 'gameplay' part is smooth.


Oh, and watching the flame wars has been entertainment all on its own. First off, this isn't launch. Its 7 days early access. You can gripe about if or if not early access was a good idea, but to say 'launch' is incorrect. Bioware had the staggering in idea planned from the getgo. I know this fact because my brother works at Bioware Austin.


My point of 'early access launch' being a success is that, well the servers aren't exploding (the whole reason for staggering people in) so thats a win. Sure there are some exploits, but I was exploiting quests in burning crusade for WoW back in the day too. It happens and anyone with a brain knows 'these things happen'. Its thinning out the weeds in our community, teaching elitists what kind of game this is and what kind of community we want out of it, and finally, giving entertainment to the TRUE players who know they aren't going to whine about early access as long as they get to play some time before the 20th.


I mean, look at me. I am not whining as long as I get in before the 20th, and this whole day has been so fun already just from watching the forums I could almost cry.


Sounds like a success to me.


Sure you can be like the rest of the imbeciles and rip off your shirt, run outside and scream the world is coming to an end because people are getting past you in levels or you can't play with your friends, but if you had a brain you and your friends would of accounted for the pre-order bit. My friends are not making their mains until all of us are on and ready to go. Because we planned it that way.


So for people missing out with their friends, its biowares fault your too stupid to cope and adapt? I think natural selection would like a word with you. And if your friends were not willing to agree to wait or something else, then thats your fault for picking the quality of your friends.


The end.

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Hmm, you sound like the spoiled brat yourself.


The launch is good for the people who playing, but how can people who are NOT playing agree that the launch has been awesome, when we haven't experienced it yet?


You're not even ingame yet to experience the launch and you're shouting it's praises. I personally don't take the opinion of anyone who has not experience what they are preaching about.


I'm not ingame yet either. The game has launched today, has it been good? Purely on my experience of the launch, which has been zero, it has been a bad launch so far, since I haven't gotten to play. At any game launch I expect to play, regardless of EGA etc, so forgive me if I reserve my judgement until the launch period is over, then I will have a true sense if the launch has been a success!


I think you're missing a point here, The game has NOT launched today. It's two days before head start was to even begin. We have no reason to complain. Getting in early today would have been nice, but not expected.

Edited by Nakora
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If they had let all preorders in today your experience would have either been -0- or you would have been in a 16 hour que or you would have experienced constant server crashes and pure lagg. No MMO in history has ever faced a launch with even half the numbers that BW is facing. If they launched like everyone else, it'd be months before the damage would be repaired from the attempt.


You might be right, but we will never know.


Also you're under the impression that the server issues and queues will not happen because of this wonderful EGA. They have already said they expect queues towards the end of EGA. So people singing praises for the launch atm, during the first day when things are really controlled are doing so prematurely. When more and more people are invited over the next few days, we will see how the servers cope.

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I'm not complaining about the line, i'm not complaining about anything.


I'm merely stating fact. There are people here who have not even played yet, and they are singing Biowares praises about the game launch. They are only basing their opinions on other people's opinions, which makes them worthless.


The game has launched today, some people are playing on wonderful servers, with no lag, no huge playerbase etc. The experience has been awesome for them.


Alot of other people, haven't even been invited to the launch yet. So for those people I reckon the launch has been pretty bad so far (i'm assuming as a player you want to actually play the game at launch). Alot don't mind the wait, afterall they signed up for the game knowing this would happen, but then again we don't have to like it, as we weren't given the choice, it was either accept this ramping up preorder period, or don't play.


Only after the 20th will we be able to look back and say whether this launch has been good or not.


First of all today wasn't a 'launch' so anyone whos having a bad 'launch' day because they aren't in cant complain about it until the 20th.

I'm not in so i must be having a bad launch day, is what your saying.

No im not in because im in the line for the gift BW gave us of extra play as well as making it seemless so we dont have days where the servers crash.


Now thats over i have to say i agree with the OP about the winers leaving and that i too was worried about the comunity as well.

Still am and its because i've learnt, as someone has stated that the complainers of the complainers are just as bad.

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If they had let all preorders in today your experience would have either been -0- or you would have been in a 16 hour que or you would have experienced constant server crashes and pure lagg. No MMO in history has ever faced a launch with even half the numbers that BW is facing. If they launched like everyone else, it'd be months before the damage would be repaired from the attempt.


We're not asking for them to let 2M+ players in all at once, we're EXPECTING them to handle things a hell of a lot better than this. When I read about people that ordered in the 1st day (21st of July), that hasn't gotten in yet, but people that ordered in October/November are in, then it's a big problem. But BioWare just puts their fingers in their ears and ignores everything that doesn't come out of a BioWare fanatic or one of their own's mouth. They have the ability to throw in a LOT more players, keep the waves going all night and give us a LOT more information about *** is going on, than they have today. THAT is what I'm complaining about.

Edited by Senatsu
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I've been playing MMOs since Everquest and I have participated in more MMO launches than I care to admit. SWTOR's Wave-athon 2011 has got to be the most absurd launch event that I have ever seen implemented. Now I know that some of you just got your panties in a bunch about me calling it a launch event. But honestly, what else can it be? The servers have opened for the first time, and players are making permanent characters in the game world. I know it might not seem like a launch to a lot of us (cause we aren't in the damn game yet), but it is, so get over it. This launch system that BW has created (Wave-athon 2011) will be judged starting today, not the 20th. The massive uproar on the forums is proof that there are serious issues with allowing players to enter the game world based on when the preordered the game. The amount of criticism that has been unloaded on the forums is a testament to the mistake that is this launch event. The amount of criticism will only naturally get worse as time goes on.


BW has effectively created a situation where people are upset with the launch event before they have even had a chance to play the game! It just seems obvious to me that this isn't a good idea.


What is the purpose of wave-athon? Well, to monitor the server performance and to allow players access to the game in waves based on server performance. So let me get this straight, the people in the early waves, theoretically, get better server performance on top of getting in early, while the people in the later waves, theoretically, could be subject to poorer server performance due to the amount of players in game. Oh and they naturally get in later to boot.


There are of course many other reasons why this launch event is a mistake. To name a few, wanting to level up with friends/family/guildies at the same time, fair competition, the excitement of everyone playing the game at once, and all the interesting things that happen when everyone has access to the game. Feel free to post more!


I mostly hope that BW does not implement this release structure for any further content that they might release. "We at Bioware have decided to allow access to our new raid zone based on the wave-athon structure. The earlier you get 50 the earlier your access is to our exciting new raid zone!" Don't do it, just say no!

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Level 24 after 10 hours? That's not hard tbh. Just come prepared and don't watch cutscenes. Easy.


Uh, wow. How about you take a look at the streamers that are doing this exploit for everyone to see?


Jesus Christ. This is a real bug in the game; people need to stop sweeping it under the rug and pretending it's not there.

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People are cheating. They're exploiting the PvP bug that allows them to get massive amounts of exp in just a few minutes, and Bioware will be forced to delete characters until this is fixed. There is already a level 24 character.


This was definitely NOT a success.


I'd start naming the list of in game exploits I've... exploited in other games. But there are so many its impossible to count.


I got my smithing in skyrim to level one hundred on iron daggers alone.

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I have been playing MMO's for longer than i want to admit, keeping that in mind i would like to applaud Bioware for having the wisdom and fortitude to stick to their convictions.


Launching 100 servers and making sure you are balancing populatons, load balancing the physical hardware, routers, switches firewalls and virtual machines under actual conditions is a staggering task to simulate let alone perform under live operations.


I have seen so many bad launches with 8 plus hour wait times to log on and play with your friends and families in games; that his is a fresh approach. You will be happy they have done it in the coming weeks when the servers arent constantly crashing and you have to wait 3 minutes to loot a gray item as in other games. Sure everyone wants to the the world first this, world first that but if you are on a server that is full and in a starting area jammed with nubs how much fun is that.


If you are a Jedi or a Sith Stifle your self in the words of Archie Bunker and either center your self and build your force powers or sit and Seethe and generate that extra rage you will need in game when you get owned by some other player.


Patience Padawans, Siths, Troopers, Agents, Bounty Hunters and Smugglers there is plenty of opportunity ahead, they game doesn't end this week. It is only begining so go play in the snow and enjoy the out doors while you wait for that email or that play button to light up.


See you nuubs in game soon enough, and no im not in yet either but i will be within the next day or week lol

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