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Private Bounty Contracts.


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I wasn't so much concerned with lag as I was shutting up those annoying gold merchants.


I think he missed the joke. LOL I thought it was a great idea! ;)


Gold spam hits chat, a system message goes out saying there is a bounty on the spammer's head, and suddenly lightsabers ignite everywhere as the hunt is on. :)

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In PvP servers I assume?


Being mainly a PvE player, I wouldn't exactly enjoying having a bounty on my head.


Those of us who post on the forums and often make people angry would probably have HUGE bounties on our heads.


I wonder if we could collect on ourselves. :D:p

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Ideas like this have been floated around for the last two years. All have been shot full of holes because whatever system you implement would ultimately fail based on the current design of the game. No point rehashing the same thing almost verbatim time and again. It just will not work.


I think he missed the joke. LOL I thought it was a great idea! ;)


Gold spam hits chat, a system message goes out saying there is a bounty on the spammer's head, and suddenly lightsabers ignite everywhere as the hunt is on. :)


Until they start standing in the instanced areas, if they are not already.


The ONLY way I see this working would be if you were to create a new mini-game of sorts...2 players opt in by signing up on a terminal on an open-world planet and are prevented from leaving or they forfeit the fight. Each pays 25K to enter, winner collects 45k. 30 min duration for the "hunt". At the end, whoever was the "prey" is called the "winner" unless he's killed during those 30 min by the hunter.


Or players can just do that now via the honor system. Just agree to the terms, flag for PvP and let the hunt begin. BW doesn't need to do a thing.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Or players can just do that now via the honor system. Just agree to the terms, flag for PvP and let the hunt begin. BW doesn't need to do a thing.

Not entirely the same though - every character looks the same to me on a planet unless they're in my group, which tells me EXACTLY where they are...


There would need to be some sort of a tracking system designed (think GSI seeker droid type scanning) that allows there to be a certain amount of cat/mouse being played as well as a flag that allows for combat to be initiated by only those two (unless on a PvP server). There are just a few things Bioware would need to do is what I'm saying.

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All I know is that the Bounty Week stuff is old and boring now, chasing live and NPC bounties that can be anywhere would be fun though.


Yeah, especially if they're in Explosive Conflict huh? Too many instances in this game to make it a reality, unless it's a mini game.

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Not entirely the same though - every character looks the same to me on a planet unless they're in my group, which tells me EXACTLY where they are...


There would need to be some sort of a tracking system designed (think GSI seeker droid type scanning) that allows there to be a certain amount of cat/mouse being played as well as a flag that allows for combat to be initiated by only those two (unless on a PvP server). There are just a few things Bioware would need to do is what I'm saying.


Like it. Perhaps a delay on the map? The target was here 10 minutes ago, for example. So you're always hot on the trail, but behind just enough for it not to be real time and no fun at all for the target. Delay would be fun as a bounty hunter and trying to predict where the target went or is possibly heading, etc......Everyone could do their best Tommy Lee Jones imitation spreading out a map and drawing circles around the search areas. :D

Edited by Code_Airwolf
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IF something like this was implemented, it would need to be a special event for starters. It could work like this


1 Random loot drop - stolen artefact case of some description. Player has option of vendoring/destroying it. If it is opened, however,it reveals a set amount of creds or rare item. This way you choose wether to participate. Opened case gives you a hunted buff and a message telling you a bounty has been placed.

2 Prospective hunters visit a terminal and selects target level (target acquisition terminal sounds good) and purchase a scanner for a nominal fee. Activating the scanner reveals the planet location of available target. Activating again on planet reveals the sector. Once the hunter is in the same sector as quarry. Activation gives bearing (like seeker droid) and off you go.


Hunted buff has a CD of 1 hour, logging does not reduce the time.

If the quarry leaves planet, hunter is immediately alerted

Locations such as ship and stronghold are unavailable, any place where the hunter cannot follow is also out, such as ops/fp's.

reward for successful bounty is creds and maybe rep tokens

quarry can either participate or not and gets something for successfully evading capture


That's how I'd do it

Edited by Kane_Ren
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