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Credits can buy you 9 decorations.


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For the record, for now on the PTS

For those lacking cartel certificates (rare drops from Cartel Packs), you will find that you have a whopping nine decorations to spread around your home. That's right, nine, and they are the only decorations available in-game that you can purchase with in-game credits.
Edited by Deewe
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except pets and mounts are decorations too. Also you can craft the stuff needed to get decorations, as well as go to some rep vendors which I have personally seen have different decorations ( the bounty event one has a bunch of carbonite statues alone, I know those are for bounty contracts and not credits but still not too hard to obtain). Lets not forget the ones that come from the initial mission too, and there is a vendor that sells a bunch for like 1 or 2k credits.



I haven't spent any cartel certificates and I got way more than 9 decorations...

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erm.... I guess they are not counting all the stuff that you'd be buying with prefab kits? you know the ones you'd either be crafting, or buying from crafters... with credits?


from both pts experience and dulfy guides, it actualy seems like a bulk of decorations is crafter based with a few specifics reputation based, and nice chunk being content drops. there are actualy very few certificate decorations that I saw and they weren't even all that great IMO.

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I'm okay with credits only buying a handful of decorations. I just wish there were more decorations tied to achievements than just the pictures of FP/Ops bosses.


Why not a holographic galaxy map for galactic explorer?

Why not a statue of a jedi for galactic hero?

Why aren't the datacrons tied to datacron master?

Why not an interactable bestiary (with all bestiary entries) for beastmaster?

Why not a library type bookshelf for loremaster? (preferably one with codex entries unlocked)


And these are just a few ideas. There are dozens of other achievements in pve, pvp, and GSF that deserve decorations tied to them. And instead all we get are pictures of ops bosses most of us are tired of looking at.

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The OP is pure disinformation. A very large number of decorations can be obtained using Prefab kits, which you can craft or purchase from crafters using credits.


See this page on Dulfy and this article on Stronghold crafting in the forums.

From direct purchase with credits from vendors, for now you can only buy 9 items.

Edited by Deewe
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From direct purchase with credits, for now you can only buy 9 items.


technically, mounts are decorations, and so are pets, and there are vendors who sell both of those for just credits, which means you technically can buy more than 9 decorations with credits. boom.



yes I had to do it in case you are wondering :D

Edited by Sangrar
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From direct purchase with credits from vendors, for now you can only buy 9 items.

What you posted was:


For those lacking cartel certificates (rare drops from Cartel Packs), you will find that you have a whopping nine decorations to spread around your home." That's right, nine, and they are the only decorations available in-game that you can purchase with in-game credits.
(color emphasis in the original, underlining added)


That's just plain incorrect, and blatant disinformation no matter how you try to backpedal now. In fact, the very next sentence of the posting you extracted from reads:

Now, in the spirit of fairness, there are more decorations available right in the next 'room', these are obtained via crafting.

That you stopped short of including that in your extract speaks volumes. Living under a bridge, are you?

Edited by BuriDogshin
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And why would this be a problem for me? I have a master crafter who has all the crafting skills and a ton of mats so I can craft things and before you say it I tend to craft things for friends and guild members.....at NO Charge..


I have been on PTS since last weekend and most of the items in my stronghold are things I used pre fabs for .


They finally add something for crafters, which crafters have been asking for, to be able to craft things and then everyone throws a fit that a crafter has to make something. Some people have wanted to be able to craft things and now we can and then people complain.


In addition all decorations (minus your achievements, pets, mounts, and companions) are tradeable so essentially they can all be put on the GTN and brought for credits. (Yes I have checked that)

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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From direct purchase with credits from vendors, for now you can only buy 9 items.


aside from the aforementioned mounts and pets thing - how is this a problem? it would have been a problem if decorations were primarily cartel market based. but they are not. they are primarily in game means based. crafting, achievements, content drops, reputation rewards and rep vendor purchases. the quote in your original post implied that cartel certificates was the only other way to obtain decorations.


I may not be a huge fan of strongholds for several reasons, but how they handled decoration acquisition is not one of them


(incidentally, one of the things that bugs me is that they gives us a way to craft walker mounts... and then limit them to planet that is guild controlled only. DAMN IT. but that's offtopic )

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Sure, plenty of stuff will become available through the GTN for credits as will crafting decorations, but the ones that one can directly purchase with credits still seems kinda small number. And I think that is too low to get people hooked, they will see that there isn't much easy accessable and when they look into crafting they might even be terrified of how unintuitive that is (even worse than crafting is already). I really think BioWare should have a broader spectrum of pieces available for credits... I would even mind if some would be more expensive but then look better than the crap currently planned directly for credits.
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Sure, plenty of stuff will become available through the GTN for credits as will crafting decorations, but the ones that one can directly purchase with credits still seems kinda small number. And I think that is too low to get people hooked, they will see that there isn't much easy accessable and when they look into crafting they might even be terrified of how unintuitive that is (even worse than crafting is already). I really think BioWare should have a broader spectrum of pieces available for credits... I would even mind if some would be more expensive but then look better than the crap currently planned directly for credits.


but... why have them available for boring credits when they are available as flashpoint drops, reputation rewards, achievements rewards, etc?

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but... why have them available for boring credits when they are available as flashpoint drops, reputation rewards, achievements rewards, etc?

I'd say mostly because the devs way does not let players to earn most of the furniture the way they enjoy the game.


You can earn credit with pretty much any activity in game, even CM. To the contrary even if you don't like say the space sim you're obliged to do it to get the furniture. Which would be fine to some extend. Extend being most items are available trough credits.


For example you can get most mounts with credits but only one rancor with PvP and that's the way to go.

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but... why have them available for boring credits when they are available as flashpoint drops, reputation rewards, achievements rewards, etc?

I am not saying there shouldn't be any flashpoit drops or achievements, but those are all not obvious. When you get your stronghold at level 15 or 16 or that you look what is available, you see you get buy mostly more of the ugly stuff you already got for free with credits. That will boer people and thus they will not look too deep in other methods to get more, since the initial hook isn't there. BioWare just forgot to put a worm on the hook to catch some players, all they will see is that there plenty of things that are available through the cartel market and that leads to the conclusion, that one better stays away from that whole part of the game, since to get there anything beautiful you have to pay for. Don't get me wrong, I already said that we will find most stuff soon enough for credits on the GTN, but that initial impression to get people hooked is still importnat, and that is where BiWare fails here.

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I'd say mostly because the devs way does not let players to earn most of the furniture the way they enjoy the game.


You can earn credit with pretty much any activity in game, even CM. To the contrary even if you don't like say the space sim you're obliged to do it to get the furniture. Which would be fine to some extend. Extend being most items are available trough credits.


For example you can get most mounts with credits but only one rancor with PvP and that's the way to go.


this is completely counterintuitive to me.


credits are a side effect of the activities. they are useful, but they are only part of the reward. not only that, you are not obliged to do anything you don't want to. last but not least... I don't see vendors as most intuitive either. what's supposed to hook you is the intro furniture you get for free by completing intro quest. and then you start looking around for other ways to get it and depending on whether you tried groupfinder when you hit lvl 10 or not, you would have already seen furniture rewards. last but not least - if you do go check out the vendors, you will see a few things sold with credits, and then few things traded for prefab kits. at which point new people generally ask in general chat "where do I get prefab kits" and aside from inevitable troll, they are told exactly how to get them (buy from crafter, from GTN, or craft yourself) and they are off.


and again. your original post seemed to imply that its 9 with credits, or whatever amount with cartel certificates. no other options.


I think anything that involves all aspects of the game instead of just being go to vendor, place stuff thing is a good idea in my book. certainly more interesting and involved then "buy tokens >click some terminals>exchange rewards at the vendor next to the one that sells tokens for loots... maybe"

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For the record, for now on the PTS


And what is your point exactly?


Because the only reason the PTS isn't flooded with prefab kits is because people aren't bothering to sell them.


Once it hits the open servers, there will be prefab kits up the wazoo on the GTN for you to buy, with credits, to buy decorations.

In other words, you will be using credits (which you can earn doing anything in the game like you say) to buy tokens that you buy decorations with.


In other words, there are loads more decorations that you can buy using credits.

You just have to take that one small extra step of buying the prefab kit off the GTN (or craft it yourself).

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BioWare just forgot to put a worm on the hook to catch some players, all they will see is that there plenty of things that are available through the cartel market and that leads to the conclusion, that one better stays away from that whole part of the game, since to get there anything beautiful you have to pay.


Wouldn't a better way of baiting the hook be to give some free, moderately interesting piece of furniture at, say, level 20, to provide encouragement to keep playing and leveling rather than emphasizing that many decorations require significant grinding (of credits, mats, drops, whatever) to get? That seems more in line with the usual MMO model.

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Wouldn't a better way of baiting the hook be to give some free, moderately interesting piece of furniture at, say, level 20, to provide encouragement to keep playing and leveling rather than emphasizing that many decorations require significant grinding (of credits, mats, drops, whatever) to get? That seems more in line with the usual MMO model.

Sure, more for free would also be good, especially if it happens every few levels so that people have a reason to revisit their stronghold. But as an initial hook it is nice when people can look into a vendor and see stuff that they like and that gives them a reason to work towards that, while looking into vendors and seeing almost nothing what they do not already have or stuff that seems like too much trouble is putting people off (especially people who do not play on the PTS and will only look into it when t goes live, they get a house, and of course one of the first things one does is to look then at the vendors, so the impression the vendors give you is important).

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Well, they got the rest of the game existance time to add more decorations. They do have until 2.9 to get the technical details working. I guess prioritizing what to do: fix and double-check vs create more stuff that makes testing, cleaning, fixing even more of a hassle...


Yep. Just let them do their thing, I'm rather certain that it's going to be rather cool.


Only sad part is the super-limited legacy bank (no creds, not like a guild-bank, ...) and not having a ship-hangar on DK... :/

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Well, they got the rest of the game existance time to add more decorations. They do have until 2.9 to get the technical details working. I guess prioritizing what to do: fix and double-check vs create more stuff that makes testing, cleaning, fixing even more of a hassle...


Yep. Just let them do their thing, I'm rather certain that it's going to be rather cool.


Only sad part is the super-limited legacy bank (no creds, not like a guild-bank, ...) and not having a ship-hangar on DK... :/


Same on Coruscant.


Seems rather odd that the Capital Worlds for each faction have developed some sort of aversion to star ships parked outside one's home.


I guess they're probably afraid of a full-scale invasion, given the size of those ships. :rolleyes:

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Same on Coruscant.


Seems rather odd that the Capital Worlds for each faction have developed some sort of aversion to star ships parked outside one's home.


I guess they're probably afraid of a full-scale invasion, given the size of those ships. :rolleyes:


Actually, I think it's just because you could place imperial ships on coruscant and vice versa if you had a landingpad.

And that would make no sense at all.

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Actually, I think it's just because you could place imperial ships on coruscant and vice versa if you had a landingpad.

And that would make no sense at all.


You're not a fan of RP for sure.


I for one can imagine various scenarios where such would make PERFECT sense, starting with the possibility that one of my characters wanted to invade an enemy stronghold and the ship was part of the ruse.


Again, the possibilities are endless. Shame that Bioware is apparently oblivious to this.

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Misleading post. Do you not count the crafted components that you can buy with credits in this claim?


I wouldn't mind the OP truth be told.


Just like some people are around to demean or misrepresent everything that is said, he's apparently doing his best, pretty much on a daily basis, to downplay whatever Bioware does or may come to do in this game.

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