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Suggestion: Yellow TDM Power-up should give +15% Accuracy for its duration


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Right now the Yellow TDM power-up is mainly interesting for its ammo-refill.


I think that it would become much more appealing, for pretty much everyone, if it gave an Accuracy buff for its duration. Why do I suggest 15%? Because the Purple power-up (engine) gives +15% Evasion (along with a lot of other great buffs). It seems reasonable that the buff from the Yellow would cancel out that particular buff (again, one of many) from the Purple.


With the meta so heavily populated by ships with Distortion Field, this change would make Yellow power-ups very desirable (especially against Scouts and Gunships), but would not really create any extra danger for Strikes or Bombers, which is good.


Still, it would give pretty much everyone extra lethality, since the Accuracy bonus would mitigate tracking penalty.

Edited by Nemarus
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Eh... Do engine overcharge really grants evasion ? I remember granting speed, not evasion.


Still, I'm not really following you there. If anything, I think we need to move away from the "I get more accuracy/evasion" kind of play we get for now.

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Eh... Do engine overcharge really grants evasion ? I remember granting speed, not evasion.


Still, I'm not really following you there. If anything, I think we need to move away from the "I get more accuracy/evasion" kind of play we get for now.


From the 2.6 patch notes:


Engine Overcharge – Doubles engine power regen rate, increases ship speed by 30%, increases ship defense by 15%, refills engine power to full on pickup.

Weapon Overcharge – Doubles blaster power regen rate, refills blaster power to full on pickup.

Shield Overcharge– Doubles shield power regen rate, eliminates shield recently consumed regen delay, refills shields to full on pickup.

Damage Overcharge– Doubles damage from all primary and secondary non–drone weapons.


And, I don't think anyone minds more Accuracy. It means your shots hit more when you're aiming properly. It's the Evasion that's not so popular :p

Edited by Nemarus
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Well, evasion is great and shouldn't be trivialized. I do think it's hard to counter, however, probably harder than it should be.



I think 15% is a bit too much, but I could absolutely be behind 5% or 10%. Accuracy is really powerful. 15% accuracy is around 20% extra damage- too much IMO.

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Engine Overcharge – Doubles engine power regen rate, increases ship speed by 30%, increases ship defense by 15%, refills engine power to full on pickup.

Weapon Overcharge – Doubles blaster power regen rate, refills blaster power to full on pickup.

Shield Overcharge– Doubles shield power regen rate, eliminates shield recently consumed regen delay, refills shields to full on pickup.

Damage Overcharge– Doubles damage from all primary and secondary non–drone weapons.


And, I don't think anyone minds more Accuracy. It means your shots hit more when you're aiming properly. It's the Evasion that's not so popular :p

I didn't know it improved evasion. No wonder the power-up is so good.


Still, the current game is too much biased towards accuracy and evasion at the moment. As long as these stats, in forms of buff will be able to affect damage (outgoing or incoming) as hard as they do now, I won't be in favor of making the power-ups that significant. I'll even be in favor or the removal of the evasion buff on Engine overload.


Until they do something so that these kind of buffs are less significant, not able to increase/lower damage in the kinds of 40%-50%, and be milder, it will be my stand point.

I think 15% is a bit too much, but I could absolutely be behind 5% or 10%. Accuracy is really powerful. 15% accuracy is around 20% extra damage- too much IMO.

I think you're soft on the damage improvement. Weapons lose accuracy very easily. It is not unsual to lack 20%-30% of accuracy before accounting enemy evasion. It makes for AT LEAST 20% damage improvement.

Edited by Altheran
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Nemmy... You forgot that YPW also refills ammo ;)


The text I posted was copied and pasted from the original 2.6 patch notes, which announced TDM. That's how BioWare described each power-up.


That's why a lot of people didn't even know Yellow refilled ammo until someone noticed and word spread.


Given that, it's possible the power-ups already do more than we think. Hard to say.

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Well, evasion is great and shouldn't be trivialized. I do think it's hard to counter, however, probably harder than it should be.



I think 15% is a bit too much, but I could absolutely be behind 5% or 10%. Accuracy is really powerful. 15% accuracy is around 20% extra damage- too much IMO.


20% extra damage is not a big boost for a powerup you have to actually go and grab. Consider that you don't go red-hunting much anymore and they give a 100% boost.

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Ya, I was against Nimaru and Moonking yesterday (Nimaru rocking Wingman + Disto & Moonking w/ Running Interference & Distortion field). I HATE evasion. I'm aiming right on their inner most circle dead on and I will still miss even popping wingman. There's nothing I can do - I can't place a better shot, yet I can miss. RNG in this game blows when you can't have any control over hitting or missing your target when the shot is lined up perfectly, but that's how the game was designed.


I'd love an accuracy buff - I too did not know that the engine over charge also increased evasion, which makes hitting Moonking impossible with those 2 abilities active + EO. Bah! 15% accuracy would be nice - a bit more motivation to actually grab it as currently it's not really important for a GS.

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I will also point out that:


1- You can't tell the difference between you missing and a character missing. This is the number 1 issue in the game right now. You might actually be aiming wrong and not know it some of the time. You can say, no, definitely, I got it... but maybe you are wrong. And maybe you are lagged. With that UI boost, you'd KNOW FOR REAL.


2- Distortion and other VERY important buffs don't show at range. You could be shooting a guy with RI or disto, or hit by a guy with wingman, and even with them targeted, you won't see the buffs.

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I will also point out that:


1- You can't tell the difference between you missing and a character missing. This is the number 1 issue in the game right now. You might actually be aiming wrong and not know it some of the time. You can say, no, definitely, I got it... but maybe you are wrong. And maybe you are lagged. With that UI boost, you'd KNOW FOR REAL.


2- Distortion and other VERY important buffs don't show at range. You could be shooting a guy with RI or disto, or hit by a guy with wingman, and even with them targeted, you won't see the buffs.


That last point. I can't tell you how many times I've died because I didn't see the pilot had CDs popped. Especially back in the old days where Distortion Field kicked up evasion to 100%.

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Ya, I was against Nimaru and Moonking yesterday (Nimaru rocking Wingman + Disto & Moonking w/ Running Interference & Distortion field). I HATE evasion. I'm aiming right on their inner most circle dead on and I will still miss even popping wingman. There's nothing I can do - I can't place a better shot, yet I can miss. RNG in this game blows when you can't have any control over hitting or missing your target when the shot is lined up perfectly, but that's how the game was designed.


Do you know what the punch line to that is, Ren? The Devs very specifically stated that evasion/accuracy was implemented at least in part to combat... aimbots. That's right, they made it just to mess with you specifically!


That said, an accuracy buff would be nice. Yellow currently has no other advantage after you've grabbed it apart from weapon regen (Particularly if the ship you are flying either doesn't use ammunition or rarely runs out of ammunition)- and all of the other buffs have something in addition to their regeneration effects.

Edited by Luneward
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Do you know what the punch line to that is, Ren? The Devs very specifically stated that evasion/accuracy was implemented at least in part to combat... aimbots. That's right, they made it just to mess with you specifically!


That said, an accuracy buff would be nice. Yellow currently has no other advantage after you've grabbed it apart from weapon regen (Particularly if the ship you are flying either doesn't use ammunition or rarely runs out of ammunition)- and all of the other buffs have something in addition to their regeneration effects.


Oh!!! That's why I still can fight Bot... Devs messed with his program!!!!!!

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The aimbot line of theirs is probably best taken with a grain of salt.


Here's the type of aimbot this stuff actually works against:



1)- You are flying behind someone, but not right behind them.

2)- If you take your mouse to position A, you will be turning optimally to put the enemy under your sites.

3)- If you take your mouse to position B (right on their ship), you can shoot them, but you will not be turning optimally- even if you move perfectly and smoothly, the enemy will leave your sites soon enough.



An aimbot will allow you to steer your ship optimally (position A) and the moment you click your mouse, it moves the cursor to position B, then sends the click, then returns it to position A.



Without the target penalties, this would be a pretty amazing way of playing. With them, this isn't correct play.





But I still think that's not a good reason. The different weapons span a space of strategies, but I'm sure we all agree that it's viable and good to put your mouse on the enemy with burst lasers and click, but it's better to swing your ship into position before firing with armor piercing heavies. The thing is, MOST weapons fall into the "swing your ship into position" thing- even lights and rapids, but definitely quads as well. The strength of the reticule system over a flat steering one is almost entirely limited to just that one gun.




Anyway, I do like the evasion / crit combat table thing. I just wish it would tell us what is going on.

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